Books, Darts, tanning and smoking herb.Dancing and mixing music. ..
Fun people with a sense of humor, that have time to do fun things. People that like the same awesome things as I do.
Love Drum and Bass, Hard Core, and Trance. I also like rock and, old and new, and I like some industrial music. ..
Blazing saddles, Tombstone, Steve Martin movies, Pet cemetary, misery, Harry Potter movies ..a href=" ?action=view¤t=movies.jpg" target="_blank">
The simpsons, Family guy, I love lucy, The honeymooners----To the moon Alice. Any show that talks about uranus.
All Stephen King books, Wicked, all Harry Potter books.
Superman and DJ's that express their artistic abilities though music that inspires the world to dance....Hippie's....All the drummers at the drum circle in Venice Beach