Tina @ Tüdelband Musik Kontor profile picture

Tina @ Tüdelband Musik Kontor

TMK Tüdelband Musik Kontor - the service provider for the self-service songwriter

About Me

I `m the owner of TMK Tüdelband Musik Kontor with a homebase in the North of Germany, right between Hamburg and Bremen, but 2007 will be the year of our moving to Hamburg/Germany.

Our business is artist/event/press/tour/"mailbox" management, artist coaching, promotion, fanbasing (street teams), webhosting, merchandising, organisation of interview days and release parties, translations (German/Dutch/South Africans/English ... more to come) etc. pp. There are media, booking us for "talent scouting" (venues, hosts of singer/songwriter shows, radio/tv ...). As free music journalists we also write CD and gig reviews, info articles and do interviews to tell the world about the artists/bands we work with. Otherwise they can use us as their German HQ, as contact and post office ... whatever needed.

Most important thing to do for foreign bands/artists that want to score gigs or sell CDs in Germany is to have a very cool German bio and a German PR-text to sent out their requests. Too many German venue or press people doesn`t dare to speak as much English as they would need to get back to the artist/band for questions, invitations, details, whatever. They also don`t like to call artists/bands in other countries for (too) high phonecall costs. So these requests mostly will land in the corner of things to do in year 2099 ... that`s waste of time, talent and money. TMK Tüdelband Musik Kontor could be your partner to kick away the stones in your way to success and a big blast on stage. We`re the provider for the self-service songwriter, you only have to book what you really need and not a whole PR package. Your job is to compose and perform music, we keep your background and future working as a steam train.

We work with partners and networkers in every genre, worldwide: press, tv, radio, label, venues, bookers, PR agents ...

And then there`s this sIngwriting. If you should suffer a writer`s block, dare to ask us to help out. Give us the story (or even not) and we will write the story around, fitting to the music you compose/d.

If you want to find out more, sent us a message.

My Interests

MUSIC, LOVE & LIFE as old books, travelling, languages (every 2 years a new one, please), (s-i-ng)writing, meeting people, cooking, smiling & laughing, conversation, communication, my job(s) and the things behind the things ... and ... between all this MORE MUSIC!

I'd like to meet:

I`m looking for networkers from all over the world, people that are passionated like me: musicians, artists, (song)writers, s-i-ngwriters, writers, bookers, managers, promoters, agents, A & Rs, snoopiers, travellers, discoverers, neoterists, inventors, creativs, players, lovers, ... YOU!


My heart beats for singer/songwriter-stuff: acoustic, pure, real. Preferred blues, jazz, soul, rock, sometimes funk with the right groove ...

Every song is a great song which is floating like a warm river through my vains and reaches the right room in my heart to have a big party there.

There aren`t favo-bands in my musical life. I love stuff that fits in the second I live in.

Because of my job I`m one of the lucky ones that can listen to different and new music and songwriters every day!! It`s one of the great sites of this kind of work (and there are many). But this also gives me so much new stuff so that I haven`t got the time I would love to have to listen to my "own" stuff, the CDs, the records I bought since I was 8 or 9.
One of my personally receipts is to use music to learn different languages. Nothing better available :-)

RobinCosmos (FIN) (management, promotion, press, merchandising, tourmanagement, booking)

Rolf "Wasai" Pilotti (S) (management, promotion, press, booking)

Uwe Kolberg (D) (booking contact, my spacing)

Friends & Partner:

Aaron Burton (AUS)

Addy (D)

Amanda Strydom (SA)

Andrea Bruins (D)

André de Lang (SA/S)

Anri Coza (SA/D)

Avalonia Music (D)

Brett Perkins (US/DK)

Claudia Nentwich (D)

Danny Burton (AUS)

Gonef (RUS/D)

Helsinki Bomba Drive (FIN)

Hens Hensen (D)

John Bottomley (CAN)

Michael Friedmann (CAN)

Porter (UK)

Tom Cunningham | Galaxy City Music (US/D)



All Monty Python`s stuff!!


None, I don´t watch tv. I prefer real love and life, a good book or a good friend with a good talk, a good sip and a good snack, open fire and a blanket to relax ... My idea: Watching tv routinely is a sort unnoticed brainwash and not good to let things simmer or let yourself grow. It`s just waste of lifetime. Any questions?


Bill Bryson - A Short History of Nearly Everything

Carl Niehaus - Vechten voor hoop

Alessandro Barrico - Oceano mare

D. H. Lawrence - Women in love

Arto Paasilinna - Hurmaava joukkoitsemurha

Koos Kombuis - Seks & drugs & boeremusiek

Koos Kombuis - The secret diary of God

Ramses Shaffy - We zullen doorgaan

Kai Havaii - Hart wie Marmelade

Jan Willem v/d Wetering - ...

Stephen King - ...

Richard Bachmann - ...

Biographies of/about interesting personalities


Excuse me?

My Blog

Rolf WASAI Pilotti: Endlich zurück in Deutschland!

Nachdem Rolf "Wasai" Pilotti im September auf dem 3. Songwriter-Festival in Berlin (Popkomm-Ed.) und auf dem 5. Stuhl bei Tom Cunningham`s Songwriters In The Round mächtig beeindruckt hat, hat C....
Posted by Tina @ Tüdelband Musik Kontor on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 01:22:00 PST

RobinCosmos - airplay on Finnish Rock Radio

The Finnish Rock Radio will play the music of RobinCosmos on Finnish Muses this Saturday (1 pm-4 pm CST).Go and have a listen at www.finnishmuses.com or www.finnishrockradio.comListen there or be squa...
Posted by Tina @ Tüdelband Musik Kontor on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 07:06:00 PST

Porter Best Myspace Band? Please vote!

What about voting for Porter today to make them Best Myspace Band? Check them out on www.myspace.com/porterlive and www.porter-live.com> '>www.porter-live.com and then go and vote, please. Give ...
Posted by Tina @ Tüdelband Musik Kontor on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 08:19:00 PST

RobinCosmos: visit on Hamburg next week

A delegation of the Finnish rock combo RobinCosmos will visit Hamburg. The Hamburg based internet video station YOOMEE.tv will interview the boys after they did a special (non public!!) live jam in th...
Posted by Tina @ Tüdelband Musik Kontor on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 07:14:00 PST

Uwe Kolberg - ER IST - endlich ein My Space!!

Mein lieber Freund und begnadeter Rockmusiker Uwe Kolberg aus dem idylllischen Templin hat sich endlich breitschlagen lassen, seine Existenz auch auf My Space kund zu tun. Ich bin wirklich froh...
Posted by Tina @ Tüdelband Musik Kontor on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 05:01:00 PST

Company profile updated!!

Hi folks,a new year has begun, so we also have new topics to work on at Tüdelband Musik Kontor.We updated our company profile today:Most important thing to do for foreign bands/artists that want to sc...
Posted by Tina @ Tüdelband Musik Kontor on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 04:25:00 PST

RobinCosmos: new article in Curiosity Kills Magazine (US)

Just flew in: A new well written article about RobinCosmos, publicated in Curiosity Kills Magazine (US) in their December issue. Have a look: Click here to read the article We want to say thank ...
Posted by Tina @ Tüdelband Musik Kontor on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 01:08:00 PST

Porter - a musically stumbling block. Watch out!!

Hi folks, it`s me again ;-) But today just with a little little hint for you ... Today I was stumbling by accident over Porter, a fascinating talent, singer, guitar picker from UK. A voice that promis...
Posted by Tina @ Tüdelband Musik Kontor on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 07:44:00 PST

Paddy Milner & The Big Sounds >> Fuckingly Hot Best Myspace Band!!

The providers of Best Myspace Band just told us that PADDY MILNER & THE BIG SOUNDS are on the top of best Myspace bands ... grade: FUCKINGLY HOT! So folks ... please take a few seconds ... go here...
Posted by Tina @ Tüdelband Musik Kontor on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 08:58:00 PST

Musically list of wishes for 2007

Hi folks, and here we go again with a new blog After my crystal ball told me, that we will hear, see, feel, breath in and enjoy many damn cool musically moments with bands like RobinCosmos from...
Posted by Tina @ Tüdelband Musik Kontor on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 08:01:00 PST