Brian Higgins is the founder of Native Dreams Productions. Native Dreams started in 1995. Since then, Native Dreams has produced audio and video of various Pow-Wow's get togethers and other events. In 1999 Natives_Online was created to help bring Natives together in sharing beliefs and calture to the Internet.
Brian has also founded other Native groups on the Internet. Before Natives_Online was created there was a web host formally called WBS now known as MSN. Eagle Boy trading post was the name of the former WBS page. This page was one of the first Native American Chat .
Brian has helped many people start their own Website profiles, banner, graphics, java sript and other codes. Helping them Promote their own webpage. Brian has kept Natives_Online on Yahoo Geocities free of charge, So we don’t leave anyone out.
Brian found the love of his life in June of 2003. Of all places at a powwow. On June 21st 2006 he married her in Shawnee Oklahoma. Paulette is part of the Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma Together we have six children, Adrian 15, Sheldon 13, Brian 10, Wambli 9 Mataya 7 and Izabella 6.
Brian and Paulette are very close traveling all over together. Our typical weekend is taking our family to a powwow to sing and dance. Brian is the lead singer of his Lakota drum Eagleboy. He’s had this drum since he was about 13 years old. And has taught our children and many other children the Lakota language and traditions that go with this drum. Izabella our 6 year old is pretty fluent in Lakota and has just begun singing and drumming with her father. We are very proud of her. If we are not at a powwow we are at home doing crafts such as beadwork, making shawls ,dream catchers Or making arrangments for the next powwow or event