MissFortunate profile picture


Soon to be Lady Tattooist (and piercer!) Extraordinare

About Me

What is your sexual appeal?
What Type Of Retro Gal Are You?
You are the exotic pin-up. Nothing about you is ordinary. You are mysterious and lean toward foreign places and exciting men.
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You're Bettie Page!
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla LOVE ME OR LEAVE ME. A true good girl at heart. I just started tattooing and i've been piercing for a while now. I love Rockabilly. It's my soul. I also love psychobilly, punk and old country western. Please DON'T message me asking me to do "photo shoots" or "movies" or anything of that sort. I am not interested in doing anything like that. It's so hard being dead and pretty.
What Famous Pinup Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. that is soooo me.
You are a Fulci Zombie. The incessant beating of
the native drums has awakened you to feed on
the living. You're not real clear on why. You
feed on living human tissue and can be killed
by any sharp blow to the head.
What kind of Zombie are you?
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My Interests

bettie page, tattoos, piercings, horrorpops, the cramps, belly dance, tribal dance, fire performance, rockabilly, punk, politics, drop kick murpheys, flogging molly, solace, india, traveling, new orleans, photography, singing, sculpture, river city rebels, groovie ghoulies, pin-up, psychobilly, burlesque, corsets, elvis, vintage cars, vintage motorcycles, b horror flicks, halloween, eyes, beauty,Johnn Cash, ----------------------I adopted a cute lil' ninja fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

Which character from The Nightmare Before Christmas are you?
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I'd like to meet:

Bettie Page, A few of my favorite bands. Johnny Cash (if he were alive) Good, and just interesting people in general.
You're Trash!

Which Return of the Living Dead Character Are You???
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You are George A. Romero's classic 'Day of the

Which zombie movie are you? (with pics)
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rockabilly, punk, old school punk, psychobilly, middle eastern/belly dance...Charlie Horse, Throw Rag, Nekromantix, Flogging Molly, Mad Sin, Horrorpops, deadutantes, deadbolt, The chop Tops,Tiger Army, The cramps, Demented Are Go, Koffin Kats, Left over crack, the addicts, the ramones, river city rebels, groovie ghoulies, cheap sex, the casualties, main st. saints, Sex Pistols, Buzzcocks, youth brigade, misfits, Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn, a lot of metalect... --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS -->
What type of PUNKER are you???
Hardcore Punker!!!
Such as Career Soldiers(pictured),Cheap Sex, Casualties,etc:You dis-like what our country is doing. You write about stuff that really matters, and you know what punk really is. Keep it up. You kick ass!

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Which Dawn of The Dead Zombie Are You?
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I love Pee Wee.

Kids, don't do crack, Pee Wee says. You better listen. If Pee Wee says it: it must be true. Anything that is Horror or has to do with zombies. I love chessie B Movie flicks from the 50's. Film noir.You are a zombie. I hope you're happy with this,
because you're gonna be a zombie for a long,
long, long time. Like, forever. Lucky you.
Have some brain stew. (Yeah, I had to stick a
Green Day reference somewhere...)

Are You a Zombie?
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You are Tarman. Quite possibly the coolest of them
all. All you ask is for a few brains every now
and them. Your skin is melting and you dance
when you walk. what can i say? i love ya man...

Which character from zombie movie are you? (with pictures)
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I find myself just watching cartoons lately. Ah-the inner workings of a cartoon fanatic. I love the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy, Futurama, Family Guy, Fosters home for imaginary friends. I also love some of the series that HBO and networks alike have been pumping out. Carnivale was great. Dexter is a new favorite.
Well, whether you like it or not you are destined
to come back from the dead. You're just too
special (like a little yellow school bus).
Someone is going to be willing to pay top bucks
to get what they want from you by bringing you
back after you're worm meat. Hurrah for you!
You're the walking dead!

Would Anita Blake animate you into a zombie? (w/ pix)
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anything political, tattoos, or about voodoo


Bettie Page, of course. Bernie Dexter!!! She's so beautiful. Pop Surrealist and low brow artists. Isabel Samaras Liz McGrath Charles Kraft Sailor Jerry, Don Ed Hardy

My Blog

In case you missed it.....

I'm doing some tattoos and a lot of piercings at Timeless Tattoos in Westport.  I'm looking for people to tattoo at the moment. If you have any questions or comments, please message me or call me...
Posted by MissFortunate on Tue, 06 May 2008 12:39:00 PST

frustrated. work.sleep (the lack of)

I’ve been thinking of quiting my office job and going back to waiting tables.  I need a more flexible schedule.  I hated waitressing-but I think I hate only sleeping 2-3 hours a night ...
Posted by MissFortunate on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 02:44:00 PST

Rockabilly Prom

So....i'm not going without a date...start drawing straws fellas.
Posted by MissFortunate on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 09:40:00 PST

Tattooing is my man.

So, this is going to sound pretty silly....but after having my heart ripped out and handed to me-i'd like to be left alone.  Tattooing is my man, and that's the only kind of man I need right now....
Posted by MissFortunate on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 05:29:00 PST

V day.....pitty party for one.

For the record, Valentine's Day is a bullshit holiday.  I'm saying this partly because i'm bitter and lonely....but also because I believe that you don't know what tommorow brings.  You shou...
Posted by MissFortunate on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 03:51:00 PST

Flogging Molly

was a great show as always.  I had a blast and feel really inspired. 
Posted by MissFortunate on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 03:05:00 PST

The theme for my week.

My schedule is about to get crazy.  I'm going to have to start popping pills or something.....crushing no-doze and snorting it. I already work from 7:30 to 10 at night, now i'm going to clean aft...
Posted by MissFortunate on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 04:49:00 PST

Tag, I was tagged....

So, here's the rules; Once you've been 'tagged', you have to write a blog of 10 weird/random facts/habits/goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and WHY yo...
Posted by MissFortunate on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 04:04:00 PST


It all makes sense now. In 1998, a study suggested that approximately 7 to 10 percent of the adult population was left-handed. Studies indicate that left-handedness is more common in males than female...
Posted by MissFortunate on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 07:31:00 PST

the end.

I walked out of my last job and into a better one.  I have two good jobs now. I don't regret doing it, because i'm better than that place. It was the last draining thing in my life and I kicked i...
Posted by MissFortunate on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 04:20:00 PST