ABOUT ME? This says it all:
Here is a shot of what seems to look like my top DYFS team, presumably covering Hudson County ( I think that's me holding a DYFS Case worker ):Here is one my latest numbers:
IN MY ROBE (written by me)Da do do
I like doing things in my robe da do di doo
I love to convict innocent, good and caring parents and watch them loose their children, through adoption, to deviant, perverted, parents with criminal backgrounds do do do
I find a little excuse like an obviously educated, clean cut parent who gave his pre teen a "time out", do do do
I judged that the "time out" is abusive, then judge him guilty on abuse and neglect
Da ddd di di doe And just because he punished one kid, I order to take all the children away from the parents because, after all, the parents MUST be bad and dangerous, to give a kid a "time out". Do do do do.
Then call my fk buddy prosecutor and during pillow talk tell him to press criminal charges against the innocent parent, surrounding the filthy innocent parent with all sorts of charges. di di di doThen call a real asskissing therapist who is good at creating "specialized treatments", to declare the parents need "special" therapy.di do do di do Oooo Yeah, guess what? I outsource the treatment to the same therapist. di di di dah ah ah ah, Yeah
I like when detectives come into my chamber with manufactured evidence.
Do do In my warm robe I get so steamy watching families suffer my injustice boo hoo look at them “Kwuying†dee dee di di.
The best part that puts the tent in my robe, is when DYFS gets to rip the children from the parents and place them on all sorts of sexy adventures, across state lines,
costing state tax payers millions of dollars per year in what may the nations worse run social service agency DYFS, da da doo do do, ding a doo a ding ding ding
My penchant is to keep the kids from bonding with their real parents until I find some perverts or psychos to place them with. dong a dong a doo do do
Every one threatens to sue me do do do
Big freakin' deal, I’m a judge I do what ever I want dee dee doo do do.
Nothing is relevant in any case, unless it follows my pre determined decision. Daka daka doo do di do
I'm the law master, so youz bettah pay me good.
Do do do I like doing things in my robe. Do da dooooo.
The End PS be sure to spell my name right or I’ll take offense.
NOT ALL JUDGES ARE BAD. NOT EVERY YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICE AGENCY IS POORLY RUN. The guy in photo ID is not to be mistaken as this band.
ANYONE can join this band against bad and irrational judges who have ruined innocent lives with their skewed and or corrupt judgments.
Our experience with New Jersey Family Court has made us aware of what seems to be the tremendous amount of incompetence that appears to exist in the Department of Youth and Family Services(DYFS), the family court, and with the prosecutor's office . We believe that their apparent narrow minds are working to fill the already overcrowded jails, ruin innocent families, at an unbelievable cast to ALL tax payers (Federal and state). There is a huge injustice going on something needs to be done.We intend to post more specifics asap. We're writing songs and poetry to purge our own frustrations and pains we are suffering because of our own experience with these agencies. In addition to express our free speech rights, to in turn, help us cope with the insanity and injustice we are suffering.This site is a new work in progress. Send your comments or emails with expressing your discontent and experience with DYFS. Together we can find justice.