ECLIPSE1508 profile picture


MUSIQUE simply energizes my body.

About Me

HAPPY - 2007 everybody !

Let us embrace, focus and capture the
significant moments within the daily
DAYS of our own LIVES,
pushing aside the utter nonsense and
living life the best way possible...
May positive energy flow rampantly for 2007.

Eclipse1508 (original profile) was severely
compromised and (fu**ed up).
If you hit a glitch here, email and visit alternate site "ECLIPSE1508A" and leave me a word.
Tous mes amis - voici ce qui ce passe...
Quelqu'un a bien essayé de changer mon profile d'origine - "ECLIPSE1508" sans mon autorisation.MUSIQUE simply energizes my BODY.
Without MUSIQUE, life would be a big mistake.
I am:
neither young or old!
I am a remarkable and exceptional individual,
(even if it's only me and my loved ones who thinks it -
I don't seek approval of others)
on a lifelong journey, exploring our vast universe for that special uniqueness, each of us have within; and, whom, all are capable of producing, developing, and nurturing, each and every day.
What a spectacular voyage,
we call LIFE.

The engine is on,
1 - 2 - 3-
YEAH, I don't feel like getting all private and deep, on a very
"public myspace".
If you know me, you WILL definitely know me.
If you don't,
getting to know me.
I rely a lot on people with an strong sense of inner self, conviction, integrity and whose lives are filled with joy and humor.
WHAT CAN BE SAID is that :

I am motivated by many aspects of musique: all shapes, genres and forms: but primarily
- TRANCE - but,
how do we define trance ?
There are so many variants.
electronica, club, ska, goa, gothic, industrial, psytrance, progressive, techno, club, ambient, psychedelic ...
Well, you get the picture...

Especially attracted towards :

goa psytrance, trance/electronica, israeli trance, techno, house, progressive, dark gothic, industrial/classical;
in general, and all forms associated with trance... especially
originating from foreign countries and worldwide cultures...
Also enjoy and important:
The strong, powerful, sharp, crisp, refreshing, M/F performers with dynamic, sleek, and smooth vocals. A certain uniqueness...
Lyricists, musicians, and instruments are equally vital, and an extremely vital important, component of each musique formula and masterpiece... That's just the tip of the iceberg...and let's not forget that.
Thanks to everyone for your musical talent, a poetic nature, ingenuity, creativity, thought-provoking lyrics, certain look, attitude, and your own individualized statements, I could probably see, how,

*** We're all geniuses - in our own way. ***

Otherwise, I'm here:
with my friends,
busy with work.
So much diversity, it's hard not to appreciate everyone and certainly respect each and everyone's unique talents ...
PEACE be to you ALL. May your own ...
JE vous SOUHAITE tous LE BONHEUR dans votre VIE et plein SUCCES.

My Interests

Journeying through space and time. It's your time and MYSPACE ...

GENERAL INTERESTS include but not limited to: World/foreign cultures,
people and places,
native dialects,
& languages

exotic foods,
wines & spirits,
business & travel,
economics, finance,

I'd like to meet:

Many people, far and near, throughout the world, and parts unknown.
You wanna talk musique; carry on in idle chit-chat & conversation, have some laughs, grab a "digital beer" and/or a "coupe de champagne" together, that's fine by me!

I'll be the first to toast a cheer
to all my new found friends and people...

Other than that, my life is pretty much complete ...

Otherwise, may we all continue to thrive in our own
with, our own peace, love, health, wealth and happiness.
And, if we can't right now,
let us attempt to live in harmony; and,
not be burdened with the utter bullshit

that life always seems to throw in our corner.

"Never argue with an idiot,
They bring you down to their level, and
then beat you with experience."

"If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's meant to be".


Actually, there are MANY genres in music that spark my fancy;
but, I do have ONE unique preference.

WHAT CAN BE SAID is that :

I used to be overly pre-concerned with a specific genre of music;
and yeah, I, probably always will be - to a certain degree, BUT, in the "FINAL ANALYSIS" of it all, it really amounts to one or more of the following:

1. Is it danceable? Music=hidden sensuality. Does it move me?

2. Is it encouraging and bringing out the best mood and attitude in me?

3. Is it thought-inducing brought on by brilliantly, written lyrics/sharp vocals?

4. Is it something I might sing to or does it conjure up fond memories?

5. Is there a heightened appreciation in all phases of their production?

6. Is there a keen perception with sounds, acoustics, percussion, musical instruments & musicians?

Answer 1 or more YES,

I might, just be likin' it, OR better, yet, LOVIN' it !!!

Find out what type of music thrills me, chills me, ignites me, delights me, embraces, enraptures, captivates, entrances, and lights a flame in me, the most...

and where I love to travel the most...

- and -

esoterically erotic,
perhaps exotic, and
sensualizes the core
of one's soul and




I despise TV with such passion - total waste of my time.

I have enough to deal with in "real time".

Otherwise, might watch documentaries,

financial news, international and world news coverage.

With many comedy shows on the air, everyone enjoys a good laugh, but, when it is at the expense of someone else; especially on delicate topics, it's not worth it.


La première fois ou je t'ai vu,
J'avais l'impression de t'avoir toujours connu.
Je pense que lors de cette "première fois",
J'étais déjà, inconsciemment, amoureux de toi.
Depuis ce fameux jour là,
Cette passion s'est installée en moi,
Et mon coeur t'a laissé toute la place,
Pour que ton amour y fasse "son palace".
Je ne cesse de t'aimer depuis tout ce temps,
Et de penser à toi chaque jours à tout moments,
Ton amour m'est indispensable,
Et ta présence irremplaçable.
Comme je te le dis souvent,
Et je ne m'en lasse pas honnêtement,
Tu est une personne au monde qui m'est le cher,
Et c'est pour ça que je t'aimerai ma vie entière.
------------ *** ------------
Je t'aime
Non seulement pour ce qu'êtes vous,
Mais pour ce que suis je
Quand je suis avec toi.
Je t'aime,
Non seulement pour ce qui
Vous avez fait de vous-même,
Mais pour ce qui
Vous faites de moi.
Je t'aime
Pour la partie de moi
Que vous mettez en évidence ;
Je t'aime
Pour mettre votre main
Dans mon coeur gros-vers le haut
Et passant au-dessus de
Toutes choses idiotes et faibles
Que vous ne pouvez pas aider
Faiblement voyant là,
Et pour dessiner dehors
Dans la lumière
Toutes belles affaires
Que personne d'autre avaient regardé
Tout à fait assez loin pour trouver
Je t'aime parce que vous
M'aident à faire
Du bois de charpente de ma vie
Pas une taverne
Mais un temple.
Hors des travaux
De mon journalier
Pas un reproche
Mais une chanson.
Je t'aime
Puisque vous avez fait
Plus que toute foi
Pourrait avoir fait
Pour me faire le bon.
Et plus que tout destin
Pourrait avoir fait
Pour me rendre heureux.
Vous l'avez fait
Sans contact,
Sans mot,
Sans signe.
Vous l'avez fait
En étant vous-même.
Je t'aime non seulement pour ce que tu es mais pour ce que je suis quand nous sommes ensemble.- Roy Croft -


We all look to many a person,
as our would be heroes;
WE - ourselves
are our own -
best hero...

Mother Theresa
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis,
it is between you and “your maker”;
It never was between you and them anyway.
Always do right
for you & yourself!
You will gratify some,
piss off others,
astonish the rest,
and feel down right good
for YOU in the end .
Too bad, otherwise.
The ticking of the clock echoes in my head.
Beating out a cadence for words unsaid.
Providing the tempo
for lines well-read.
Alerting me to all of the signs misread.
Mimicking the sound of the tears I’ve shed.
Mocking all the emotions I’ve ever bled.
Counting all the dreams I’ve left for dead.
Ridiculing me for what I’ve become instead.
Reminding me of the end this path has lead.
Divulging this emotional wasteland outspread.
Advising the past can not be retread.
Emphasizing all the problems I have fled.
Despite the way these feelings spread
It’s the fear of silence that I most dread.