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and then there were four. jack fang, js roy, steph spears, and machine. new bio, live shows, and full band pictures to be added in the coming days.
keep your ear to the ground.
photography by ZAIDEN 2007
1. stances
2. come corrupt
3. the thief
4. she said
5. close your eyes
6. needles and dreams
+lowlight (online bonus track)
+gunshot wedding symptoms (online bonus track)
option 1:
purchase the online only version and have
the 6 track EP as well as 2 online bonus tracks
delivered to your e-mail address
option 2:
purchase the online version (with 2 bonus tracks)
as well as a physical copy of the EP and the
the 6 track EP will be shipped to your address
while the online version is delivered to your
e-mail address immediately
please let us know if you would like your EP signed