Melissa profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am here to meet new people and to help promote my friend's music. He's recently been signed to a record label. Check him out, add him as a friend, and let us know what you think of his music! His link's below! (Doctor Bizarre) About me....hmmmmmm.................................... EXTREMELY goofy - DRRR, a ball buster til the end - chill the hell out and take a joke will ya!, fun, overworked, drunk - wait what night is it?, oh yeah it doesn't matter!, serious - when need be it, motivated - like nobody you've ever met! Grab my interest and I won't give up til I'm satisfied, down right MEAN if you wake me up to early - watch out- and I mean that(hopefully you're not around to wake me- that goes right back to the liking the beers to much topic!), reliable to the end - If i say I'm going to do it, it will be done and you can count on that!, your number one friend in the world if you treat me right!, and a very good judge of character - if I'm not talking to you, it's for a reason, you're a jack ass! If your my friend it's because you're a good shit!

Compact Disk Release: Blasphemous Cacophony



My Interests

Traveling! Not that I get to do it, but the thought of it interests me! Buying shoes(5-30 pairs at a time), playing Spades, cooking, scapbooking, camping, darts, hanging out with my niece, and, oh yeah, an icy cold beer (5-30 of them at a time also)!!

I'd like to meet:

Mikael Akerfeldt, God (hopefully one day, rather than satan-considering my sins, for all you that know me!), and possibly even Britney Spears, just so I could kick her in the face and tell her to go away FOREVER!


IT DEPENDS ON MY MOOD!! If it doesn't SUCK then I'll listen to it! Right now I am a huge Opeth fan though and til the day I die will swear by some good ol Metallica and of course Doctor Bizarre.


Departed! Loved it!! One Flew Over the Coocoo's Nest, Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, all the Saw movies, American Pie, SUPERTROOPERS!, and I'm sorry, I know this makes me a sap, but love Dirty Dancing.


Anything goofy that doesn't make me think! I'm tired at the end of the day, just give me stupid comedy! Then again, I guess I do get into Forensic Files, when my brain feels like paying attention!


Anything educational - history, science, geographical - love the stuff, will read it all day long. I also like the "life after death" type of books.


My Grandmother, Shirley Marie Buxton, that recently passed away in my presence. She was one of the most wonderful people that I have ever known. Mrs. Fallon, the first one at the scene of a horrible car accident that I was in, she took care of me until the ambulances got there. My sister Megan, for all that she has overcome and what she has made of her life.