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Racism and Animal Exploitation
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Rising Tide North America
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Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty / uk
Vegan Action
Earth First!
No Compromise Magazine
The Sexual Politics of Meat
-Carol J. Adams
Staying Alive- Women, Ecology, and Development
-Vandana Shiva
Science and Sexual Oppression: Patriarchy's Confrontation with Woman and Nature
-Brian Easlea
The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution
-Carolyn Merchant
-Maria Mies & Vandana Shiva
The Ecology Of Freedom: The Emergence And Dissolution Of Hierarchy
-Murray Bookchin
Rage and Reason
-Michael Tobias
Burning Rage of a Dying Planet: Speaking for The Earth Liberation Front
-Craig Rosebraugh
Animal Liberation
-Peter Singer
Eternal Treblinka
-Charles Patterson
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