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About Me

I'd rather people inform me about how I come across. I think we all can agree that talking about yourself is hard-you'd have an easier time explaining quantum physics to a two year old! LOL! Watch this space for updates as I will elaborate when I think of things. Thanks! :) Please read my blogs! Thanks.IMPORTANT: I do not rate" top friends". This page automatically has 8-40 people in the top position. I do not know how to shut it off so all can be displayed at once! I don't think anyone is better than anyone else! Good grief! LOL!

My Interests

music,film,art,literature,psychology,philosophy,politics(GO Ralph Nader!),camping,TRAVEL!!I could write a whole section on my fav travel destinations. Sociology,other cultures,cooking,writing and playing music.(Yes I made a cd and I am writing more for the next one.) I've heard my stuff compared to everything from Rush to Peter Gabriel to Ultravox to Keane. I've even heard Dylan! Of course, I'm not in any way saying I'm as good as they are. I'm not worthy of touching the hem of their garments! My fav books include 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell, Gulliver's Travels-Jonathan Swift (the original unabridged adult version-not the kid cartoon stuff.) The Quickening-Art Bell Anything by Carl Jung. The man was a GENIUS! Kurt Vonnegut,Einstein's Universe by Nigel Calder, Peter Singer, Diet for a New America-John Robbins(yes I am a vegan!)

I'd like to meet:



Rush,Yes,Keane,U2,Van der Graaf Generator,Jethro Tull,The Police,Peter Hammill,Prince,Genesis,(70's era,not eighties)Kansas(70's era-not eighties),Boston,Thin Lizzy,Bob Dylan,Dire Straits,early Beatles,Ultravox,Midge Ure,Laurie Anderson,Kate Bush,Jon Secada,Peter Gabriel,R.E.M.,Temptations,Four Tops, Marvin Gaye,Midnight Oil,Elton John,Black Sabbath,Sam Cooke,Madonna(later,not earlier),Depeche Mode,Tracy Chapman,Jean Luc Ponty.Bach,Mozart,Haydn,Holst and other classical music,Suzanne Vega,Gladys Knight,10,000 Maniacs,The Clash,jazz fusion like Return To Forever,New Orleans Jazz, Chicago Blues- so much music! I can't remember them all! Oh yes, I like world beat acts especially Mid East/North African like Sawt el Atlas, Amir Diab,Natasha Atlas, etc. Check out for more about this. Absolutely *NO* 70's disco like Gloria Gaynor and Saturday Night Fever with the BEE GEES (BEE GEEKS) and other producer lead garbage that just has a singer wheeled in for the vocals.


Well, there is Sci-fi Horror as the big one, but I like history,docs,action,drama-as long as it's good. Comedy is a rare find for me. Most comedies are not funny to me. Comedies that ARE funny to me are the Monty Python films (esp. The Meaning of Life), Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers and History of the World Pt.1 I really love good Sci-fi and horror but I mean the good stuff-not Star Wars. That's geeky,LOL! Star Trek is great-I love it. Ghosts and aliens are cool. Vampires are a tired subject unless it's Bela Lagosi or Nosferatu. I love all of the films with stop action effects from Ray Harryhausen.I could not begin to name the thousands of films I see (and enjoy) in a year. I have Netflix,memberships to several video stores and I live within walking distance of 2 major Movie theaters! Add to that watching all of the movies on Satellite TV. So if there's a film you want me to see, chances are I've seen it or it's on the list. Feel free to tell me some titles,I'm all ears! Not much of a fantasy fan-Lord of the Rings puts me to sleep. I love a lot of Foreign films as well. Subtitles,please! Not dubbed! I want to hear the actor's voice-not some souless translator reading off of a page! LOL!


Supernatural, X-Files, Ghost Whisperer, History Channel,discovery Channel, VH1 classic,A&E,anything informative and educational.Travel channel,Science Channel and all of the HBO and showtime and cinemax channels. And Starz-I love film. Bill Maher is the man! I watch him all of the time. Absolutely *NO* reality TV,it is boring and garbage!!! Who needs to see some washed up celeb trying to get married or get back into show business. Or crap like "Flip that House" (Hey genius, it's a house-not a pancake!),I have my own life, thanks. Which is also why I don't watch soap operas. No Gen X or Gen Y bad attitude with Valley girl speech shows like they show on the "N" You know, shows where people say "Totally" and "I am SO not doing that" and "My bad"! Bad is not a noun! Speak English and get a vocabulary! LOL!


I named a few in my interest section-so see that first. I also like reference books about ancient cultures and the things they brought to the world. Greeks,(did you know the ancient Greeks used an analogue computer to navigate ships?),Native Americans-especially Maya,Inca and Aztec and all of their inventions and things like that. Also, I have a lot of books about travel due to that interest and books about history that has been covered up. If you look at my interests, chances are I have books for every one of them. I love to be enlightened and informed.

My Blog

George Carlin-A Fond Farewell

George Carlin was without a doubt the greatest comedian that ever lived. I first got into him in the early seventies and I never looked back. I first saw him live in person at a show in the seventies ...
Posted by Scott on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 09:16:00 PST

Bizarre but true!

Bizarre but true- sent to me by my myspace friend Ned! (Thanks Ned!)A puzzling discovery was found in the mountains of southern California. Fire authorities found a corpse in a burnt out section of fo...
Posted by Scott on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 08:49:00 PST

Caucasian- a racist term?

Caucasian was named by the German Anthropologist Johann Blumenbach, who erroneously thought that the original home of the hypothetical Indo-Europeans was the caucasus; this origin now proven to be sci...
Posted by Scott on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 08:12:00 PST

New recipes-both tuna and dolphin safe (vegan)

Here are 3 recipes that are fast and easy for chickpeas (garbanzo beans). People tell me these remind them of tuna fish recipes-you decide! :)The cartoon blue fish on the Star-Kist ads liked these so ...
Posted by Scott on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 05:35:00 PST

websites to check out

www.coasttocoastam.comwww.infowars.comwww.prisonplanet.comTh e second 2 are Alex Jones. The first one is a late night program that deals with the paranormal, coverups, mysterious stuff-you get the drif...
Posted by Scott on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 06:58:00 PST

Hunting? No way! Not in any season! (from the archives)

Hey!It's that time of year, folks! A small, but violent minority invades public and private lands to kill animals for fun and profit. About 15-20 million hunters-only 7% of the human population-engage...
Posted by Scott on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 09:07:00 PST

An ancient computer...REAL!

It's a Greek merchant ship... It is over 2000 years old. It is wrecked off the coast of Antikythera. In 1900, sponge fishermen discover its great secret-an ancient computer! The Antikythera mechanism ...
Posted by Scott on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 08:26:00 PST

soup/stew recipes

Lentil stew A 1 pound bag of regular lentils. (called brown or green or just lentils) 8 cups h2o 2 and 1/2 teaspoons of thyme,dried (sometimes called thyme leaves)DO NOT USE GROUND THYME 1/2 teaspo...
Posted by Scott on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 07:24:00 PST

The real crystal skulls-beyond Indiana Jones

Like most people, the film intrigued me. Go see it! I would like to add some thoughts to the already fact packed film. It was over the top as far as action and the end premise-but a lot of things brou...
Posted by Scott on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 04:39:00 PST

Veganism: The green/ environmental solution Part 4-final

Veganism Part 4Rise in blood cholesterol from consuming one egg a day: 12%This raises heart attack risk by 24%.The casein in milk (milk protein) is known as a major cause of allergies. For chicken mea...
Posted by Scott on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 07:11:00 PST