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You could have SO much more if you would chill.

About Me

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I used to be the anything goes guy - you know whatever was clever; 'cept I wasn't that clever and I found out the hard way that if you don't stand for something you WILL fall for anything. Fell I did hard and slow.
My recovery has been slow too, it took sometime for this rock to hit bottom, yet still I rise.
The meaning of success is the continued expansion of happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals by honoring others.
Success is a life filled with appreciation and gratitude. You could say the real meaning of success is the ability to fulfill your desires effortlessly and with ease.
Yet success - all by itself, including the creation of wealth, has been considered by some to be a process that requires hard work, and it is often considered by some to be at the expense of others.
What's needed is a more spiritual approach to success and to affluence; which is the abundant flow of all good things to you...
Has anyone ever asked you, 'How hard do I have to work?' when it came to being successful in marketing their business?
I hear it a lot. I talk to a lot of people. It kind of seems like a strange question, doesn't it? I once tried to figure it out. You know, do the math behind it. It wasn't easy.
First, I figured out how hard someone would have to work if they had a job their whole life.
I had them start at age 25, because many people screw around at college or backpack across Europe, or bounce around from lousy job to lousy job and party for a few years. So I planned for 7 years after high school to enjoy the last remnants of youth before they were crushed by the work-a-day world.
Age 25 -Welcome to your desk:
You'll sit here from 9 am to 5 pm every day from Monday to Friday. You'll take a 10 minute break everyday at 10:15, and again at 3:00. Your lunch break is scheduled from 12:15 to 12:50 everyday.
Every second Friday you'll get an envelope with $1750, Only 40 years to go....A working drone giving 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year with two weeks off per year for good behavior, for 40 years of his or her life will ultimately give their employer 80,000 HOURS!
80,000 hours of your life. Even at $15 bucks an hour you'll make $1.2 million. At $50 grand a year, that's $2 million in lifetime earnings....
Then why are 95% of seniors unable to write a check for $500 bucks in their 'golden years'?
There are only 3 answers to the question 'How hard do I have to work to be successful in My Business?'.
1.) I'll try.
2.) I'll do my best.
3.) I'll do whatever it takes.
Answers 1 and 2 mean failure, 100% failure in not just Business, but in life. Try all you want. Life and Business are both too hard to just try.
What about trying your best?
Your best ain't good enough! You aren't born with what it takes to build a huge consumer network filled with people who believe in something.
Your best ain't good enough.
You must get better.
You must be willing to do what ever it takes.
You must work harder on yourself, than any other aspect of this business.
What is the alternative?
Give 80,000 of the best hours of your life to an employer. That program has a 95% failure rate.
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MySpace Friendship Quotes
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Your Love Element Is Metal
In love, you inspire and respect your partner.
For you, love is all about fusing together for one incredible life experience.
You attract others with wit and a bit of flash.
Your flirting style is defined by making others want and value you.
Greatness and optimism are the cornerstones of your love life.
You may let go too easily, but you never get weighed down by your past.
You connect best with: Earth
Avoid: Fire
You and another Metal element: will control and smother each other What Element Is Your Love?
Will Smith on the Power of Positive Thinking

The actor Will Smith talks about what can happen with positive thinking! ith-on-power-of-positive.html

My Interests

"Doubt and fear are the great enemies of knowledge, and she who encourages them, who does not slay them, thwarts herself at every step." – As A Man Thinketh

Social Media Training Network for Home Business Member Badge

View my page on Social Media Training Network for Home Business

I'd like to meet:

Stan Lee (co-creater of Spiderman), Randy Gage, Ellie Drake and just about any speaker/author who makes use of the "Law of Attraction," Dean Smith, Micheal Jordan, Robert L. Johnson, Russell Simmons, Donald Trump


.... .. .. .. ..
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hip-hop, R&B, Classic Rock, smooth jazz, and light classical(when I'm studing)




Animal House, Saturday Night Fever; Smokey & the Bandit; the longest yard (original); blazin' saddles, Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke; Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan & now Daniel Craig as James Bond; The Pursuit of Happyness; Men in Black; Bad Boys 1&2; The Devil wears Prada; The right Stuff; Rocky 1&2; The wedding singer; It's a wonderful life; The Secret; What the bleep do we know; Bruce Almighty; Training Day; Blade; Close encounters of the third kind; Indiana Jones 1-3; e.t.; Gus the fieldgoal kicking mule; flubber(original); The Lion King; Finding Nemo;Serendipity; Maid in Manhattan; Serenity; Star Wars (1-3); Star Trek (TNG); Boiler Room; Man on Fire; The Godfather 1-3; Mad Max; The Matrix; And Justice for allYour results:
You are The Flash
The Flash 70%
Catwoman 70%
Spider-Man 65%
Superman 60%
Batman 55%
Green Lantern 50%
Hulk 45%
Iron Man 35%
Robin 32%
Supergirl 30%
Wonder Woman 20% Fast, athletic and flirtatious.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...


Life,Heroes, Las Vegas, Prison Break, Lost, CSI Miami, Boston Legal, GlobeTrekker, The Apprentice, Pro Football NY Giants, Pro Basketball NY Knicks, Pro Baseball NY Yankees, NCAA Football Big 10 Northwestern University (my brother played there 4 year starter) Rutgers University, Big East and Basketball Seton Hall University

Start With The End In Mind: Do You Know Your Network Marketing Product ?#links#links&


Why you're dumb, sick,& broke (and how to get Smart , Healthy, & Rich) by Randy Gage (;The Magic of thinking Big by David Shwartz; Think and Grow Rich By Napolean Hill; How to win friends and influence People by Dale Carngie; The Greatest salemanin the world by Og Mandino;Rich dad poor dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki; The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale; The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell; Why we want you to be rich by Donald J. Trump & Robert T. Kiyosaki; Why should white Guys have all the Fun by Reginald Lewis (the first African-American Billionaire)


My Parents, My wife Dawn, and my late Son Geoffrey

My Blog

Start With The End In Mind: YOUR TRIALS AND SORROWS DEVELOP YOU Trouble is the common denominator of living. It's the great equalizer of life. sorr...
Posted by Derrick on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 01:00:00 PST

MLM Training: Alternative Income Options

Successful internet marketer and MLM coach Doug Firebaugh discusses just how to spot the best MLM training.Doug highlights vital identifying features of the best MLM training available today in the ne...
Posted by Derrick on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 12:03:00 PST

A TAX ESSENTIAL for Home-Business Professionals More than 30% of all eligible, legal tax-deductible expenses are lost if the expenditure isn't recorded at the time the expense is incurred, Becau...
Posted by Derrick on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 07:40:00 PST

Special Offers Expire Midnight Labor Day A while back I found a web site that offered the absolute-BEST information about tax breaks for home-based businesses and the easiest ways to qual...
Posted by Derrick on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 12:05:00 PST

Start With The End In Mind: Too Busy being busy Damn its Friday again, the start to another week end and as usual,...
Posted by Derrick on Fri, 22 Aug 2008 12:57:00 PST

Start With The End In Mind: I've got a Great Tax Tip for you Issue 8-17-08 ...
Posted by Derrick on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 04:03:00 PST

(Prepaid Legal Team Websites)Marketing Tips 4 ...
Posted by Derrick on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 10:19:00 PST

Start With The End In Mind: MLM Training-10 Rules of Scorching Classified Ads#links#l Money down the drain. Waste of time. No luck. Total bomb. Does that describe your responses you have had with mlm recruiting classifie...
Posted by Derrick on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 01:45:00 PST

Check out this event: Conf.Call For Real Estate Agent & Mortgage Brokers

Hosted By: Derrick CarpenterWhen: Monday Jul 28, 2008 at 9:00 PMWhere: Every placeEverystreetEvery Municipality, Alabama|1 07047United StatesDescription:Derrick Carpenter Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Derrick on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 12:24:00 PST

Terri Shiavo Part 2? Most people remember the Terri Shiavo situation down in Florida where there was a fight to see who would make medical decisions for an incapacitat...
Posted by Derrick on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 10:18:00 PST