Doctor Oakroot profile picture

Doctor Oakroot

Rough-edged songs on quirky homemade guitars!

About Me

Doctor Oakroot was born in a taxi with no brakes, and, he says, "I been rolling ever since. I rolled right down to Hell, pulled up the devil by his tail and brought back some dark, dark songs."
Unsatisfied with the ordinary, Oakroot's been making his own music on his own homemade instruments ever since he was a kid. Mostly string instruments, and, recently, mostly cigar box guitars. When you get it down to a box a stick and a string, you have music with a rough edge that works at a primal level - nowhere to hide - and anything but ordinary.
Rough-edged songs from a dark place in the soul - songs to haunt your dreams. Esperanto
"Malglatajn kantojn per kapricaj hejmkonstruitaj gitaroj"

Doctor Oakroot (doctoro kverkradiko) naskighis en taksio nebremse, kaj li diras, "mi rulighis de tiam. Mi rulighis rekte al la inferno, levigis la diablo per la vosto, kaj reportis iom da mallumegaj kantoj."

Nekontenta pri ordinarajhoj, Oakroot verkis musikon kun gitaroj memkonstruitaj de cigarskatoloj. Kiam oni ludas kun skatolo, bastono, kaj kordo, oni ne povas kashighi kaj la musiko estas neordinara.

Okaze, Oakroot kantas kaj registras Esperante.

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My Interests


Member Since: 8/15/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Doctor Oakroot - vocals and cigar box guitars

follow doctoroakroot at
Sounds Like:

Muddy Waters, Bo Diddley, and Ry Cooder sit down with the Devil for a poker death match.

Record Label: Sunny Side Down Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Lyre lyre pants on fire...

Rebekah recently opened a new pressed flower art shop in a Sanford flea market - and while there helping her set up, I found a six-in-line guitar tuner set (probably half of a 12-string set) in one of...
Posted by Doctor Oakroot on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 09:48:00 PST

The Artichoke in Wichita

There's something special about getting up on a four foot high stage in front of a thousand people and just putting on a great show - it just gives me a real rush.Well, The Artichoke, where I played F...
Posted by Doctor Oakroot on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 05:33:00 PST

We Will Not Be Silent (new cigar box guitar)

"We Will Not Be Silent"... not a political rant this time, but a cigar box guitar build: The finished guitar is a 6 string, about the size of a baritone uke. The neck comes off with a single wing nut....
Posted by Doctor Oakroot on Fri, 30 May 2008 07:35:00 PST

Cinco de Mayo at the Juggling Gypsy>photo: David SmithPlayed a place called the Juggling Gypsy Hookah Bar to celebrate cinco de mayo... well, there wasn't anything particularly Mexican about it, but still a celebration.In keeping...
Posted by Doctor Oakroot on Wed, 14 May 2008 04:08:00 PST

Best Thing in the World

What's the best thing in the world? Maybe it's just when you make a kid's day. Check out this email I got from Sam in Wichita:Doc,Thanks to our conversation about weedwacker basses, I got inspired to ...
Posted by Doctor Oakroot on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 05:46:00 PST

Red Lion Street Fair

Doc's Note: Just got back from playing a streetfair in Red Lion, PA on a cigarbox guitar stage organized by Shane Speal. Here's Shane's review of my set: Red Lion - 6th Act - Doctor Oakroot by Shane ...
Posted by Doctor Oakroot on Thu, 25 Aug 2005 05:43:00 PST

Despite Rain, Show a Success

Hinton, WV. Fifteen minutes before the start of the Hinton Music in the Park series show Saturday, July 16, 2005, it was pouring rain. Then as a nearby church bell tolled noon, the rain stopped. Blues...
Posted by Doctor Oakroot on Wed, 17 Aug 2005 08:48:00 PST