I guess I got ahead of myself! As said above, I am "interested in connecting with people with ranging intellect and intuition, who have ideas and enjoy both visioning and acting on their interests in building a better, more responsible AND more fun kind of world, and local community (local being also virtual, these days)." ----------I am also interested in talking with people with ideas and experiences in community building, service/stewardship, and enabling people in general to be more aware, self-sufficient, and involved in creating their own lives. As a bit of a techie-nerd, I sometimes focus on the plans and processes, and less on the people and personal qualities of these things, and could use a bit of leavening of my own approaches! ----------And I enjoy spiritual community and activity. I've been a neo-pagan or fellow traveller for most of my entire adult life, but found few truly happy groups that last very long, nor a lot of people who get past the warm and fuzzy stages (or the power-craving stages, in some cases) to a mature personal and culturally situated kind of approach to their spirituality. And I often wonder why... -------------I also would love to meet a dreamy, strong woman who might match me, at least tangentially, and want to build a relationship, and potentially a shared life, with me. I've just started to see evidence that this type of woman may exist here and there around Myspace.