Brothers Sam Michaels and Daniel make up the production duo known as Klubjumpers. Daniel started off as a DJ for Power 102 KPRR back in 1991 and teamed up with none other than his brother Sam Michaels in 1993. Since then they made several connections with artists and representatives from record labels. Although they had a love for radio, their heart belonged behind the music scene. Brothers Sam Michaels and Daniel not only wanted to play the music, but they wanted to create it as well. Several Klubjumpers tracks hit 1 Billboard Dance Charts through the years. Klubjumpers have worked with artists such as P. Diddy, Danity Kane, Mariah Carey, Denny Randell, Pussy Cat Dolls, Black Eyed Peas, Britney Spears, Lil Wayne, Christina Milian, Frankie J, Eminem,3LW, Az-yet, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Enrique Igleisas, Mis-teeq Etc....
- PussycatDolls - Buttons - Klubjumpers Remix
- Black Eyed Peas - My Humps - Klubjumpers Remix
- Adam Barta - I wanna Hold You - Klubjumpers
- The Klubjumpers w/ Amuka I want more 1 Billboard Dance Charts
- Deep Sky feat. Jes - Ghost - Klubjumpers Remix