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Roxy Vegas

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Big city girl who grew up in a small town turns into small town girl in the big city? I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll? Mix one part Sophia Loren, one part Daisy Duke and a dash of Gonzo the Great... shaken not stirred, garnished with a rhinestone encrusted maraschino cherry.
Esoterique. Not easily classified. Multi-dimensional. Mathematical but artisitc. Extroverted but shy. Logical but nonsensical. Silly but serious. Definitely fabulous.

My Interests

Pin-ups, muscle cars, fashion, cartoons, kitsch, bellydance, live music, Christian Louboutin, leopard print, James Bond, Jagermeister, really bad jokes, cherry-flavoured cigars, dancing hamsters, shisha, my accordion, anything shiny.

I'd like to meet:

Cowboys, greasers, bikers, fellow femme-fatales, drag-racers, computer nerds, dirty rockers, carnival sideshows, pirates, drunken irishmen, Johnny Knoxville...
P.S. fake friends, phoney baloneys, pretentious prisses and self-involved-coke-snorting-unempathetic jerks need not apply.

Ms. Vegas' Disclaimer
If you haven't actually met me in person, please send me a message before sending a friend request or you will likely be denied... My daddy told me never talk to strangers ;)
But, if you'd like to admire from afar, please send a request to
The Pinup Dolls because we ADORE attenention...
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Photo of the Week

And for those of you who aren't as savvy about automotive celebrities, it's me and the phenomenally talented CHIP FOOSE. I'm still crushin'...


Rockabilly, Surf, Garage, Punk, Metal, Classic Rock, Euro Trash, Electro-Clash, Foreign Hip Hop, Foreign Film Sountracks from the 50's and 60's, Lounge, and any mix thereof. Wanda Jackson, Miss Kittin, Johnny Cash, Roots Manuva, AC/DC, Keoki, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Nashville Pussy, Ladytron, Reverend Horton Heat, The Midways, Quintron and Miss Pussycat, Robert Gordon, Les Georges Leningrad, Heavy Trash, Rosemary Clooney,KISS, Dropkick Murphys, Roger Alan Wade, Tipsy, Black Sabbath, Neffa, Motorhead, Stereo Total, Tiger Army, Senor Coconut, The Dwarves, Stray Cats, Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra, Southern Culture on the Skids, The Sword, Swinging soundracks from 50's 60's Italian Film Noir, Nekromantix, Ray Anthony, Jahcoozi, etc. etc.


Lady L, From Russia with Love, U-Turn, Sin-City, Wild Zero, Forbidden Zone, Cry Baby, The 5th Element, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Gentlemen Marry Brunettes, Johnny Mnemonic, Napoleon Dynamite, Ghost in the Shell, Boccaccio '70, Divorce Italian Style, 8 1/2, Casino Royale (both of them), Elvira - Mistress of the Dark, Smokin' Aces, Shock Treatment, The Tomb of Ligeia, Dangerous Liaisons, Kill Bill, The Best Little Whore House in Texas, and so on... and so on...


Pushing Daisies, Dog the Bounty-Hunter, The Muppet Show, The Dukes of Hazzard, Scooby-Doo, Wonder Woman, The Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Desperate Housewives, Pee Wee's Playhouse, All My Children, Oz, Jem, Miami Ink, Myth Busters, Clone High, The Sopranos, The Honeymooners


The Lives of the Saints - Nino Ricci, Neuromancer/ Count Zero/ Mona Lisa Overdrive - William Gibson, Confessions of a Flesheater - David Madsen, The Berkeley School Guide to Beauty Charm and Poise, VOGUE Italia (do periodicals count?)


Johnny Cash, Marilyn Monroe, Ozzy, Jim Henson, Coco Chanel, Gina Lollobrigida, Wonder Woman, Sophia Loren, Dolly Parton, Valentino Garavani, Bree van de Kamp.

My Blog

Pirate Pinup Party for our darling Veronyka VerBOOM!!! Arrrr....

Today's blog will be brought to you in both English and Pirate. Aye, today's blog will be brought t' you in both English and Pirate. Ye'll ne'er get me buried booty!After weeks of scheming with Beth-A...
Posted by Roxy Vegas on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 10:47:00 PST

Happy Birthday Wreckin' Pete!

 Friday night at the Cadillac Lounge to celebrate Pete's birthday with The Swingin' Blackjacks, firecrackers, Jagermeister and good friends.Worst picture ever but still so adorable!The girls all ...
Posted by Roxy Vegas on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 07:19:00 PST

Hallowe'en Havoc with Undead Cowgirls and Queen Victoria?

  Misty (aka Zombie Cowgirl) tears up the Queenshead once again with her Hallowe'en Bash!/ Matt's (aka the hairiest Queen Victoria EVER) B-day Par-tay After freaking out the art-scene at Matt's ...
Posted by Roxy Vegas on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 05:47:00 PST

The First Anniversary of my 25th Birthday: The Blog

If you didn't get my (or Beth-Anne's) gazillion bulletin posts, this past Friday, the 13th of October was the 1st Anniversary of my 25th Birthday. And being the luckiest girl in the world-- having the...
Posted by Roxy Vegas on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 08:54:00 PST

This Weekend In Sobriety...

Although I should have been a good girl and stayed home preparing for my grand relocation (a whole mile away) I was coersed to venture out this weekend and have some crazy (albeit sober) good times.FR...
Posted by Roxy Vegas on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 01:41:00 PST

Rock n' Roll Johnny's Birthday Rockabilly Weekender

We all know John and Jenny's Rock and Roll parties are always the MOST but this weekend was OVER THE TOP for Johnny's 40th Birthday Bash at The Cadillac Lounge Long story short, there was: awesome ba...
Posted by Roxy Vegas on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 09:33:00 PST

Death-Anne's Birthday XX-travaganza!

After posting about a billion bulletin entries, searching for recruits to help with the grandiose affair that was Ms. Beth-Anne's birthday; To those of you were there, perhaps this will jog your memor...
Posted by Roxy Vegas on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 08:55:00 PST

(Complete)The Forgotten Blogs UNCOVERED!

**For those of you that already read this one yesterday, I wasn't finished yet so scroll down to the bottom for more FUN!** Okay, so as many of you have remarked, I've been a little lax with the blogg...
Posted by Roxy Vegas on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 01:24:00 PST

Scandal Scouts, Tarts and Foxes... Oh My!

There ain't no party like a Roxy Vegas party 'cause a Roxy Vegas party don't stop!Which was definitely proven by this weekend...Friday: The Ultimate Girls Night; Tarts + Scandal Scouts + FoxesThe even...
Posted by Roxy Vegas on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 08:43:00 PST

Roxy Vegas vs. NXNE or How Shoe Lust and Alcoholism Don't Mix...

If anyone has read the Scandal Scouts Blog it's chock-full of the background to the following blog.After my jaunt all the way to the north country, it was a quick stop at home to drop off my 4 new pai...
Posted by Roxy Vegas on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 08:15:00 PST