The Midways have been enjoying their semi-retirement, although there have been a few snags: Dave and Johnny were both charged with paternity, with Dave convicted at the end of September with a life sentence (it's a girl). As for Johnny, a verdict is expected in February but it doesn't look good: his lawyer suggests he plead guilty for reasons of insemnity.
Pete finally quit his day job to pursue his dream, composing background music for dental visits (you might have heard one of his songs during your last root canal). As for Brendan, no one has seen him in months except his family, friends, coworkers, and casual acquaintances.
Be it all as it may, the boys are starting to talk about a surreptitious comeback project of mammolithic proportions, a sound-and-fury return to glory that will make something really, really amazing look like something else that is a lot less so (I just can't think of a good example right now).
Stay tooned!
Dearest boss fans: we're doing one more show in Toronto at our dear old Bovine Sex Club to close out the summer and after that things will grind to a screeching standstill for your devoted Midways. Due to other commitments, we won't be able to bang it out on stage with much regularity, but time will tell. We might surprise all your asses with sneaky one-timers and reach-arounds.
Hope to see you soon!
-The Midways
We're getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from clicking DENY whenever lame/crappy bands make Friend Requests. We rarely make requests, and if we do, it's cause we dig you or we think you'll dig us. So we're blocking bands from randomly pestering us, BUT we still want to hear from you if you're hep. If you wanna be added, send a message.
And don't be offended if we don't reply--it's just that we don't like you!
Conceived in 1999. Formed 2001, but not a god-damn moving sidewalk or moon base in sight. Screw the future! What did it ever do for us? Sure Mr. Wood, it might be where we'll spend the rest of our lives, but it's also when we're ALL GONNA DIE!
Okay, stay focused...where was I? Released our first CD, Pay More And Get A Good Seat, in 2003. Recorded in 3 days, released in 3 trimesters. We're kinda slow that way. Next was a split 7" EP with our Ottawa buddies the Glads. It was nice to have a vinyl record because that stuff's not so practical in the manufacture of, say, women's panties (they look good but they're also least that's what Pete says).
Now finally, we've birthed a full-size LP record titled Manners, Manners, also available on CD, thanks to our mighty midwives Screaming Apple Records over in Germany. If you wanna purchase any discs or merch, drop us a line right here!