I am looking for some cool people that I can hang out with or chat with. Feel free to IM me at: OneBadDJ.Oh, and on a random note, should you send nothing but dumbass "Friend Train" and "OMG ADD HIM HE WHORES" bulletins, thou shalt be deleted. ktnxbye.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Aquasky, Deekline & Wizard, Atomic Hooligan, Lisa Lashes, BK, James Lawson, OD404, Adam Freeland. That's some of the music I spin as a DJ. When I'm just listening, I can get into Babyface, 2Pac, The Eagles, cheesy 80's pop tunes, Tricky, Front 242, old school hip-hop, basically anything but country.
I also co-run ADRENALINE AM , a booking agency for DJ's and EDM artists.
Lastly, I broadcast bi-weekly on Breaks FM, on Wednesdays, from 4p - 6p.
Law & Order, The Daily Show, The Sopranos, Entourage.. Those are the only two I watch on a regular basis, but there are others I enjoy, such at PTI, Family Guy, and Seinfeld reruns.
"The Politics of Truth" by Joe Wilson; "Lies, and the Lieing Liars Who Tell Them" by Al Franken; "Will They Ever Trust Us Again" by Michael Moore; "When Will Jesus Bring The Porkchops" by George Carlin