Jacqueline Koegel profile picture

Jacqueline Koegel


About Me

My Interests

I love anything having to do with music and books. I love singing and writing songs -- songs I term as love songs to the world. :).I love learning and growing.

I'd like to meet:



I love all genres of music. I grew up listening to Country then later added blues, folk, classical, pop, jazz, and every other genre you can think of. And let's not forget Reggae and Calypso -- I love them all! :).


I love classic movies, silent films, and documentaries.


I like watching TCM, Lifetime Television, and seem to be addicted to the Food Network channel. :).


I love mystery books, autobiographies, and romance novels. And I love reading scripture. Every time that I read it I discover something new -- something that I missed all the other times that I read it... Amazing! :).


My heroes are those who love selflessly -- those who are always trying to make a positive difference in any way that they can. They may not be rich or famous as far as society is concerned, but they are wealthy in love and caring all the same!

My Blog

Inappropriate Comments

Dearest All,   I have noticed that it is a common practise here on my-space for many to send each other blatant sexual pictures and sayings in comments. However, I am kindly asking my friends t...
Posted by Jacqueline Koegel on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 09:32:00 PST

Birthday Thoughts

Today, November 4th. is my birthday. I have never really been into birthdays, in the sense where I felt the need to have a party and cake and candles and presents and so forth. In fact, these past few...
Posted by Jacqueline Koegel on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 02:32:00 PST

Loneliness Part 2

LONELINESS Part 2   Dearest friends, finally I am ready to continue on the subject of loneliness.   I truly believe that a lot of the self-destructive behaviours that we have stems ...
Posted by Jacqueline Koegel on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 09:31:00 PST

Loneliness Part 1

Loneliness Part One Loneliness. This is a word that we hear so often yet we never feel comfortable applying it to ourselves.   There are so many lonely people in the world  those who carry...
Posted by Jacqueline Koegel on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 06:10:00 PST


THE CHEERLEADER AND I It's weird the way that we see other people as other than as human as we are. You know what I mean? I have always been a very quiet and reserved person. In other words, I ...
Posted by Jacqueline Koegel on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 11:31:00 PST


Isn't it annoying how everything always comes down to what you look like as opposed to who you are? Most want to see a "PIC" before they want to know more about you and what you think and feel. And th...
Posted by Jacqueline Koegel on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:30:00 PST