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Brad Alan


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Order the "Love, Brad" collection of love songs CD on BRAD ALAN here using PayPal on the left! 22 love songs! Order it for yourself... or as a gift for a friend on a special occasion. And have Brad personalize the "Love, Brad" CD package to who it goes to... ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------THE BRADISH INVASION... ALSO HIT... BY PATSY CLINE!!!... AS WELL AS ELVIS AND THE BEATLES... AND OTHERS!!!...------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- AFTER THE CD RELEASES OF "LOVE, BRAD"..."LOVE, ELVIS"... BEATLES "LOVE(,)"..."THE DEFINITIVE COLLECTION | PATSY CLINE"..."ELVIS ROCK"..."YOURS TRULY JONES"...AND OTHERS on COMPARABLE SOUND SETTINGS... WHAT'S NEXT?!!!!!!!------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------Order your personalizable-from-Brad-to-you "Love, Brad" collection of love songs CD HERE and NOW using PayPal on the left!!! And RUSH to the RECORD BINS and ONLINE ORDER HOUSES, as THE BRADISH INVASION continues, to get ALL THESE EXCITING CD RELEASES on OTHER ARTISTS on COMPARABLE SOUND SETTINGS with "Love, Brad" for DOWN AND DIRTY... CLEAN AND SWEET... HEAD-TO-HEAD and SIDE-BY-SIDE play as, in-com-pre-HENSIBLY, MILLIONS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF MUSIC INDUSTRY COMPANIES have apparently taken the simple, sweet, true sound of "Love, Brad" and THE BRADISH INVASION... SERIOUSLY with some of the GREATEST ARTISTS OF ALL TIME!!! IF it can EVER BE DECIDED, which of THESE GREAT ALBUMS is THE ALL-TIME-BEST?... PLAY 'EM AND SAY... or PLAY 'EM AGAIN!!! LET THE LISTENING PARTIES ABOUND!!!... THE STAKES ARE GOING UP, folks, as apparently "THE ICONS ARE COMING OUT TO PLAY" in THE BRADISH INVASION!!! As AMAZING CD RELEASE after AMAZING CD release has come out, NO ARTIST has an ELECTRONIC ADVANTAGE in their sound settings... or DO THEY?!!! IT'S BRAD!... ELVIS!... THE BEATLES!... PATSY CLINE!... TOM JONES!... DEAN MARTIN!... FRANK SINATRA? (check the record bins to see, folks) and MORE!... on COMPARABLE SOUND SETTINGS... ALL!!!...UPON!!!...A TIME!!!!!!!!! THE SAGA OF THE CENTURY...... THE MELODRAMA OF THE MILLENIUM....... ARGUABLY THE GREATEST STORY OF ALL TIME IN MUSIC......... THE BRADISH INVASION..... CONTINUES!!!!!!.......-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- OTHER CDs TO GET AND PLAY WITH 22-song "LOVE, BRAD":---"LOVE, ELVIS"-----------------------------------------------BEATLES "LOVE(,)"-------------------------------------------"THE DEFINITIVE COLLECTION - | PATSY CLINE" 22-song CD---"ELVIS ROCK"------------------------------------------------"YOURS TRULY TOM JONES"----------------------------------"CHRISTMAS WITH DINO"------------------------------------"IT'S ONLY TIME"-Sound "the Drake Bell" far and wide, folks...---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------Get "Love, Brad" HERE using PayPal!!! Get these other great albums WHEREVER... THEY... ARE SOLD!!! Add to the list, YOURSELF, if YOU DISCOVER other albums that "line up" with "Love, Brad" as THE BRADISH INVASION CONTINUES!!!------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------Post bulletins with your favorite head-to-head song pairings from "Love, Brad" and "Love, Elvis"...or from the 22-song "Love, Brad" CD and "THE DEFINITIVE COLLECTION | Patsy Cline" 22-song CD... or post pairings from "Love, Brad" with "Elvis rock" or other CDs that match up...------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------GET YOUR MP3 PLAYERS READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR THE LIKES OF WHICH THE WORLD HAS NEVER KNOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONCE YOU START MIXING AND MATCHING ARTISTS, RECORDINGS AND SONGS FROM THESE AWESOME ALBUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ON THESE AWESOME SOUND SETTINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN THIS 2-WAY CRASHING WAVE OF THE BRADISH INVASION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WON'T WANNA STO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------It's "Love, Brad"!... "Love, Elvis"... Beatles "LOVE(,)"... "THE DEFINITIVE COLLECTION | Patsy Cline"!... "Elvis rock"!... "Yours Truly Tom Jones"!... "CHRISTMAS WITH DINO"!... and MORE on the breaking scene as THE BRADISH INVASION continues...---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------H as there EVER BEEN a GREATER ROUND of albums released on any artists in music history than during THIS ROUND of THE BRADISH INVASION?!!!! Has there EVER BEEN a greater CD release than "Love, Brad"?!!!--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------Prior to the release of the "Love, Elvis" and Beatles "LOVE" CDs, BRAD ALAN and the "Love, Brad" collection of love songs project received airplay in the South from radio stations including 104.1 WTQR, 105.7 WFMX, 95.7 WKML, WACO 100, 92.9 WEGX The Eagle, BIG YAK, 104.3 WAJQ, 98.1 WBRF, 103.3 WAKG, AM 580 WKSK, My Country 106 WMMY, 1300 WSYD, 630 WIRC, 1070 WGOS, 100.7 WZJS, 1280 WSAT, 1260 WKXR, 100.9 WLYU, 95.5 Katie Country and 98.3 WIST to name some of them. Stations have promoted "THE BRADISH INVASION" over the air... Some stations have aired love songs from the "Love, Brad" and "Love, Elvis" CDs together for well over a year. And there has already been some BRAD/ELVIS/BEATLES airplay with "Love, Brad", "Love, Elvis" and Beatles "LOVE(,)"!!!------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- !!!"THE BRADISH INVASION" HIT BY ELVIS AND THE BEATLES!!!-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------"THE BRITISH INVASION" COUNTER-COLLIDES WITH "THE BRADISH INVASION" AS THE BEATLES "LOVE" ALBUM, WITH VEILED COMMA, JOINS BIG SOUND OF "LOVE, BRAD" AND "LOVE, ELVIS" CHANGING RIVALRY TO BRAD-ELVIS-BEATLES CD TRIVALRY! ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ -----------------------------!!! THE BRAD ALAN CHALLENGE… HAS... BEEN... MET!!!------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------A sly BEATLES release has once more caste itself in the middle of excitement and controversy, this time with artwork that looks like a veiled "," after the word "LOVE" and double-dual mastering on The BEATLES "LOVE" album that makes "the British Invasion," with "The Beatles as you've never heard them before" lock horns with the competitive and compatible homogenous dueling sound settings of "Love, Brad" and "Love, Elvis," already getting played head-to-head and side-by-side at radio stations in the South. The Beatles release has instantly turned the BRAD-ELVIS rivalry with "Love, Brad," "Love, Elvis" and "Elvis rock" into a BRAD-ELVIS-BEATLES trivalry. Athough The BEATLES still sound like The BEATLES, on "LOVE", Paul's great vocals sound big, wide and husky with vibratos that flow out in beautiful, dark, thin slivers that unexpectedly and pleasantly fit in perfectly with Brad and Elvis on "Love, Brad" and "Love, Elvis" for some amazingly fun BRAD-ELVIS-BEATLES song 3-plays. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------visit the "Love, Brad" site bulletin board page at-------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------BRAD ALAN BIO -------------------------Brad Alan is a singer and songwriter who lives in the US.He has received radio airplay for years, made appearances at fairs and festivals and sung with symphony orchestras in the Southern United States.Brad has songs under publication contract. He has cuts on artists including Kristi Amos, Bo Harrison and Sue Hiatt. And he sang 2 original songs, "No Greater Cowboy" and "Alien Outlaws," for the movie "ALIEN OUTLAW" starring Lash LaRue, which is now out on DVD.In 1994 BAJ ENTERPRISES put out an 11-song collection of love songs in a personalizable-from-Brad cassette album package called "Love, Brad." In 2001, the expandable "Love, Brad" line-up of love songs grew from 11 to 22 love songs and the extended "Love, Brad" collection of love songs was released on CD in a personalizable-from-Brad-to-you package.Over the course of the "Love, Brad" project, Brad has received radio airplay in the Southern US and radio stations and newpapers have publicized "the Bradish Invasion" in music. In the year 2000, radio stations also began to participate in rounds of an AIRPLAY RADIO WAR, including some wild airplay moves on playing Brad, such as 4 plays in a row. In 2005, RCA released "Love, Elvis" on Elvis Presley, with a bloody-looking "Love," hook atop its CD on one version of the release, which is perfectly mastered for competitive and compatible play with "Love, Brad," and some radio stations have already played months and months of "Love, Brad" and "Love, Elvis" love songs head-to-head and side-by-side.In 2006, Capitol Records released The Beatles "LOVE" album, with artwork that appears to have a veiled "," after the "E," throwing down the "Love," hook gauntlet to "Love, Brad" and "Love, Elvis." The mastering on the Beatles "LOVE" album is perfect for going head-to-head and side-by-side with "Love, Brad" and "Love, Elvis" in a BRAD-ELVIS-BEATLES CD trivalry! And with "The Beatles as you've never heard them before," a fresh wave of "the British Invasion" has counter-collided with the front line of "the Bradish Invasion" where "Love, Brad" and "Love, Elvis" are already going head-to-head.For more information on Brad and the "Love, Brad" collection of love songs CD as well as "the Bradish Invasion" in music, you can go to the "Love, Brad" web site at "Love, Brad" can be ordered for $15 with no S & H at or by emailing to [email protected]. ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- KNOWN AS A ROCKERI CAN'T GET OVER GETT'N' OVER YOUI WANNA ROCK FOR CHRISTMASNOWSTILL ROCKIN'

My Interests


Member Since: 10/30/2006
Band Website:
Sounds Like: To puchase the personalizable-from-Brad-to-you "Love, Brad" CD of love songs on the link below and buy through PayPal:To purchase the now available symphony version of BRAD ALAN singing "I WANNA ROCK FOR CHRISTMAS" with conducter JOHN GORDON ROSS and THE WESTERN PIEDMONT SYMPHONY, click on the link below and buy through PayPal:
Record Label: rights res. BAJ ENTERPRISES
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Hi. This is Brad Alan. Welcome to the Brad Alan artist My Space. I hope you enjoy the sound samples from the "Love, Brad" collection of love songs CD.  And I encourage you to check out the l...
Posted by Brad Alan on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST