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Activated Oxygen

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Hello! I am a producer, writer, performer, composer of Gospel hip hop music. I am a solo artist and my artist name is "ACTIVATED OXYGEN." I make music for Yahweh, about Yahweh, and about his truth which he has revealed with the holy spirit, and music that can edify the soul. I use to make secular hip hop music under the group name, "H.C.L" with a partner of mine until Yahweh (pronounced Yah-way) called me out of darkness and showed me that the gift he blessed me with I was using wrong and foolishly. Halleluyah for that! My partner got called by Yahweh and then year or two later I did! I have been playing the keyboard since I was 5 years old! I could hear things on the radio and within normally ten minutes or so, I could play it. Music wasn't my first main passion; it was computers. I thought I would be a computer engineer, but music started to become my passion right around senior year in high school and while in college you could see the shifting of choices from computers to music!
Yahweh called me out of darkness with his name, around January of 2004. Up to that point, I only knew of his name being GOD, LORD, JEHOVAH, and his son's name being JESUS at that time. Once he called me with the name of "Yahweh", I was not convicted at first, but his spirit led me to research it. Then his spirit had me rent the movie, "Almistad" and when I saw that within ten minutes of the movie, the slaves were singing "Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh", my mouth was so wide open! I had to rewind a few times just to make sure because I couldn't believe they were saying that! That day was the day that I became truly convicted that Yahweh is calling me! "His name is showing up in movies for pete sake" is what I was saying to myself. Then as months went by he showed me about his name, why it was taken out of the bible, who hid it, (which in spirit, it was satan who hid it! In manifested form it was the masoretic Jews, as this trickled down to the rest of the translators later on) he showed me his son's real name, which is Yahshua or for phoenics it is Yahoshua (pronounced Yah-hah-shoo-way), his feast days or Holy Days (which the calandar is corrupted and we're actually 50 years ahead), and many, many, many other truths and revelations! The things that he showed me would destroy all these man made religions period! So around October 25 2004, that was the last day of me fornicating period! Since then, I have be celebate for over 2 years now! Halleluyah for that! And I plan to not have sexual relations until I am married once he chooses my bride! I am through choosing myself, but when he chooses, its all good! Many are called but few are chosen, and to take it step further, many are called by his name, Yahweh, and few are chosen by Yahweh. Once I got convicted of his name, and he showed me his holy days, and led me to a certain church which would be for a season, I asked him in a humble prayer, "Since I see you are calling me for a purpose, I just want to know the real truth about things according to what you choose to reveal to me, because I don't want to be misled." I pray that around I believe January or February 2005, and within a month or so later, he showed alot of truth to me! It was so much, that there are no churches I have been in, that teaches this, let alone say Yahweh and his son Yahoshua's name! I have only been to one church, which Yahweh led me to just to see a place that he placed his name literally and that place is Refuge Temple, in Winchester Kentucky! Halleluyah Yahweh! That place, you hear his name, and his son's name said so much, you rarely ever hear the false idol names and titles said, (Jehovah, GOD, LORD, JESUS). Yah placed his name on that place, his spirit is so strong in there! The Pastor isn't teaching all the truth that Yahweh has shown her and told her to do, but she has taught the bare rudiments needed. It is because of rebellion, which is of witchcraft she doesn't do all she suppose to do. Knowing his name, and his son's name, is just the beginning of much more truth, and as long as you trust in Yahweh with all your heart, and lean not unto thy own understanding, seek ye first the kingdom of Yahweh all these other things will be added on to you, test or examine all things and hold on to which is good, Rightly dividing the word of truth, which means to correctly separate what is truth and what is not, because the bible is not Yahweh's perfect word, though many of mankind believes it to be. Belief does not mean its the truth. Everyone has a belief but that doesn't mean its his truth. If mankind would seek truth instead of going by what they believe, then things would be so much better. Seek his truth first. Once he convicts you of that truth, because truth doesn't change, THEN you start to believe the truth he definitely revealed to you! If the bible was the perfect word of Yahweh, then why isn't the name, "Yahweh", and his son's name, "Yahshua or Yahoshua" not all in there? YAH is shown in psalms 68:4 in a KJV or NKJV, but his name should be in there at least 6500 times! It is not. You see titles, false idols, transformed latinized greek names. Examples of latinized greek spellings are: Hosea(should be HOSEYAH), Issiah(should be YAHSHIYAH), Moses(should be MOSHEA), JOEL(should be YAHEL), Zachariah(should be ZACHARIYAH) and many others. You noticed the family name, "Yah" or "EL" on them? Think of some of the world countries that has "Yah" or "El" in them: YahsraEL (Israel), Yahpan(Japan) AustrEliYAh(Australia), Yahrushalom(Jerusalem) and many more. Elohim use to be specifically for Yahweh as a title meaning ALMIGHTY ONE, and was translated to mean GOD, but the pagan's took that title and used it to mean for their pagan gods. So Yahweh Elohim just means Yahweh is God or Yahweh is the almighty one. Just the word Elohim, would not signify who you talking about just like God wouldn't signify who you are talking about. Satan is the GOD or ELohim or El of this world, II Corithians 4:4. Caesar was a God, Zeus, Saturn, Jupiter, and many men were called Gods! It doesn't matter if its capital or not! So Yahweh siginifies his existence, his being, his nature, everything! Here are some more titles and idols that are wrong:
GOD=Title, also called GAD, GOTT, which is the pagan god of fortune, my LORD=Title=CALF/BULL Worship=BAAL or BAALIM, JEHOVAH=latinized transformation of Yahweh, 500 year old name invented by a drunken monk in 1518 to 1520AD, JESUS=EaZEUS, Iesous, EA a pagan sex fertility God of phallic worship, ZEUS is a real person made into a pagan God, JESUS is a greek latinized transformation of the real messiah Yahoshua. To take it a step further, calling on the name "Jesus" is really calling on "SATAN"! This may offend many but the truth is truth regardless how offended you may feel. Recognize the truth, seek Yahweh for his truth and understanding by the holy spirit. Remove JESUS or EAZEUS from your lips, and call on the name of Yahshua, or Yahweh the creator! You can't claim ignorance these days, because his truth is available as the books are now opened! So proving this point, rather you like it or not, its the truth, and truth never changes so it doesn't matter how you feel or how i feel or not, its truth! So these titles and idols are all in the bible to suppose to represent the ABBA and his son, and none of these are the ABBA's name, or his son, and to make it even more clearer, Yahweh revealed that GOD, LORD, JESUS, AND JEHOVAH, along with BUDDHA, and many others are an anathema to him! Anathema=Curse! GOD backwards is DOG! GODDAMN is said all the time by mankind! In GOD WE TRUST is all on the currency, which is all a curse to Yahweh! I am not hear to stroke your emotions, but to state truth, his truth, because regardless it doesn't change, and his word cuts like a two edge sword. People are destroyed for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). You reject his knowledge, he will reject you. The first King James Bible in 1611 had the books called the "apocrapha" which later on ROME took out! Its so much stuff thats been taken out, added in, hidden, etc. The bible itself has been translated more than 1200 times and the new testament has been translated more than 150000 times! So its bound to have many errors, lies, and deception in it, along with Yah's truth that is his truth in it! Thank you Yahweh for this abundant of truth! So once again, as you can see, the bible is flawed, even through Jeremiah (YeremiYah) chapter 8:8 he speaks and saids the scribes are in vain! Not only was that the truth, but it was prophetic because they are still in vain in alot of places! Many things were added, deleted, took out, etc to the bible. So it goes all the way back to Yahweh if you want to learn what is truth and what is not. Many of the songs I will be creating will have an abundant amount of truth from Yahweh in them according to his wisdom. This is my purpose, to grow more in truth and in his spirit, to have the fruit of the spirit, to do whatever his will is for me to do, to remove abhominations from my spirit through him and his son, to praise him daily, to live life more abundantly with his guidance, to help in teaching and reaching souls whereever he leads me to go to be the instrument to speak his words to people, and to let his light shine within me. The more my physical temple is clean, the better his spirit will dwell fully in me! May Yahweh bless each and every one of you who chooses to visit my myspace page! May Yahweh bless the remnant, or little flock that is really out there for they will inherit the kingdom! I just want to be apart of the remnant as well. Yahweh Shalom!
PS: Salvation comes by calling on the name of Yahweh or his son Yahoshua!
A Hug for my brothas and sistas in Yah!
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Member Since: 24/02/2007
Band Members:

You Are a Prophet Soul
You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone.
Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people.
Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run.
No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.

You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle.
Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings.
A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning.
You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer.

Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?

Your Life Path Number is 8
Your purpose in life is to help others succeed

You are both a natural leader and a natural success. You are also a great judge of character.
You have a head for business and finance. You know how to make money.
A great visionary, you can see gold where other people see nothing.

In love, you are very generous - with gifts, time, and guidance.

You love to inspire people, but it can be frustrating when they don't understand your vision.
Great success comes easily for you. But so does great failure, as you are very reckless.
You are confident, and sometimes this confidence borders on arrogance. What Is Your Life Path Number?

Your Expression Number is 9
An idealist and humanitarian, you strive to make the world a better place.
You do your best when you follow your feelings and sense of compassion.
Deep down, you dream of being loved by many.

You are capable of much human understanding and have a lot to give to others.
While you are very ambitious, you never lose site of perspective.
You have an abundance of creative talents... you just need to tap into them.

Although you are a giving person, you can become selfish if you are ignored.
If you are not able to help people, you tend to shelf your talents.
Without others, you become aloof and start to lack sensitivity. What's Your Expression Number?

Influences: YAHWEH and YAHOSHUA areMY 2 Heroes! No one else even compares to them!

My influences in the world as far as music wise from a lyrical and producing level are the following:

Rakim, Krs One, Nas, Public Enemy, Run DMC, Shai Linne, Cross Movement, Lyrically. Producing wise it would be Dj Premier(my favorite) Timbaland(for experimenting with different sounds that close minded people wouldn't and I am nicknamed "Jubaland" "Supreme" by my sisters because i experiment with different stuff like Timbo with a mixture of premo- type feel), Dr. Dre, Erick Sermon, Just Blaze, Dr. Period, Hi tech(from my home state of Ohio) and Prince.

A Adventurous
C Casual
T Tempting
I Insane
V Visionary
A Altruistic
T Terrific
E Edgy
D Dignified
O Old
X XtRemE
Y Yummy
G Glorious
E Energetic
N Natural
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

My Favorite spiritual truth websites:

Yahwehs New Kingdom

Sounds Like: Little bit of that East Coast, Rakimish, Dj Premierish, feel but on a Gospel Hip hop Level. It is inspired music from the "El Elyon" which blessed me with the understanding for the purpose of this music, which is for the edifying of souls by Yah, through this platform. My music is to enlightened the ABBA, Yahweh and his Son Yahoshua, and to speak "LIFE", real "TRUTH" his "TRUTH" by the "HOLY SPIRIT" to the people and increase "WISDOM". Its "CLASSIC" and "TIMELESS" sort of like this video Featuring KANYE WEST, NAS, KRS ONE, AND RAKIM!Classic (Better Than I've Ever Been) - DJ Premier Remix

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This Music is like a rainbow, full of vibrant colors, shades, and backdrops, in the Gospel hip hop sense that I provide through the channel of Yahweh and his holy spirit. It is me and has been apart of me since time itself. I wasn't using it right at first because i didn't know the straight path, now i am using it for his glory which is the straight path. He has, because of humbleness of myself, release loads of wisdom and truth to me, that will be professed and released through this platform of music to edify the particular soul or souls he sets out to touch. I don't do this for my glory, but all glory goes to Yahweh, for instilling this wonderful gift in me since time itself, and bringing it back to the righteous state that it should be used for! I am humbled that he has called me and eventually choosing me as this vessel for this wonderful gift. Halleluyah! Shalom!


If you don't know by now, the The Great Whore and its siblings (Babylon, Roman Catholicism and its children churches especially Sun-God Day worshipping places) is of SATAN, in all Ways! The Marks of 666 all over them especially in the hierachy, the vatician, Pope, etc!

Check this out!

Check This Out fellow truth believers This also is in agreeance to what Yahweh had showed me, that the JESUS CHRIST is Satan, his story took from 16 CRUCIFIED GODS, but mainly the EGYPTIAN GOD HORUS, that the bible is corrupt, is a tool for fear to the people, filled with lies, dogmas, plagarisms, though it does have real truth from Yahweh and his words in it. STUDY MY PEOPLE! Christianity as we know it was created publicly by APOSTATE Paul (he is not an apostle as he self appointed himself that!)and Emperor Constantine back in 325AD! Look it up!

Key Points to Ponder in the Book of Revelations:


For All Jews and followers of Judaism, The Star of David is PAGAN! WAKE UP MY PEOPLE!

Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Church! Idolatry worship!
Posted by on Sun, 07 Jun 2009 22:43:00 GMT

Who Really Created Christianity? The Facts May shock u!

Greetings to all. It has been said that the Messiah, who the world ignorantly and in deception calls Jesus Christ, created Christianity. Did he really create this religion? Well after gathering histor...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Apr 2009 14:45:00 GMT

The Vatican Outlaws The Name of Yahweh! Pope Declares War on Yahweh's Name!

 Greeting Truth Seekers! It looks as if history is about to repeat itself again dealing with the outlawing, usage, of the creator's name, who is none other than Yahweh.  While America is engaged in a ...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Mar 2009 14:30:00 GMT

Posted by on Fri, 16 Jan 2009 00:17:00 GMT

A Patented Cure for HIV/AIDS

Greeting truth seekers.  I have known for years that the HIV/AIDS epidemic was created by the government to exterminate the black and african people mainly in 3rd world countries but there's more to i...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jan 2009 00:12:00 GMT

Check this out! U.S Dollar bills (5, 20,50,100) contains hidden pictures! Check this out my people
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 17:23:00 GMT

Valentines Day, Where did it Originate From?

     Greetings to everyone!  Shalom to all!  Many people around February 14th celebrate Valentine's Day.  The businesses advertising candy, flowers, cards, etc. ...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 13:08:00 GMT

Jehovah or Yahweh? Which is Correct?

     I have many of associates and a couple of friends who says the name of the creator is Jehovah.  I have a particular friend, who heard of the name Yahweh, yet still c...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 01:45:00 GMT


To all truth seekers, ambassadors, prince and princesses, little flock and remnant, and to all!  I say shalom!  I felt compelled to put a Spirit message given by the creator himself, Yahweh,...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 08:30:00 GMT

Seek Wisdom, Get Understanding

I felt compelled to put up this blog with the information by the late Dr. Frederick Tilney so here it goes: Seek Wisdom, Get Understanding "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom:  a...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 16:45:00 GMT