ComicStrip ( profile picture

ComicStrip (

Bring it!

About Me

"Sticky Fingers" for sale
Jason Pultz teams up with artist Camilla d'Errico
to bring you the collaboration art print "Sticky Fingers."
$14.95 click image above for more info

Original Artwork for sale - Only $60 each
I've had a lot of people ask about purchasing some of my work.
I wanted to offer an affordable option for people that wanted a painting.

The Black & Blood series
Click on the paintings for more information on this series.
Only 4 left!
New batch coming July.
I also do custom pieces for $75. I can paint another of a past
painting, any type of monster you describe or sketch for me
or a painting of your pet.
Thanks for supporting your comic artist!

I write and draw a online comic called COMICSTRIP

200+ comics online and new comics every week at SCARYBEAR.ORG
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My new book is available!

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Click on items below for purchase information.
New prices!/New shipping rates!

I am quiet yet firmly planted. I'm looking to cultivate new friendships, that
over time, will blossom. I enjoy the outdoors. Fresh air and sunshine give me life.
I'm not very athletic as I've been known to sit motionless for months.
Cover me in manure and moisten me daily. I am Ficus. A common household fern.

My Interests

Playing my drums - Playing my guitar - Trying to play my keyboard - any kind of rocking out - drawing comics - drawing monsters (see below) - music-art-robots-kitties-Chinchillas - making out - making t-shirts - making fun of people and more!

I'd like to meet:

Cool ass people in Vancouver! Artists, musicians! - I need a female lead singer for my band Swearwolf..
and comic inspiration...and your blood... seriously.. call me. Check out my movie section for fun COMIC STRIP animations!.

I have -3 friends.


Salad Fingers!


Robin Judge!

Fred Grisolm!

Sick on Sin!




Yeah Yeah Yeahs, ladytron , le tigre, Spiderbait, The Pixies, the Breeders, Salvador dream , Pond, The Dandy Worhals, Thingy, Desiparecidos, At the drive-in, The Smiths, Black Sabbath, Depeche Mode, Talking Heads, Tristan Psionic, Scratching post, Man?...Or astroman? Devo, Kraftwerk, Veruca Salt, The Amps, The Spinanes, Starflyer 59, Fisherspooner, Tool, Perfect circle, The Salteens, operation makeout, Console, Solvent, Soviet, The Soviettes, Electric 6, Elastica and many other bands - ask me later...

Webcam : ONLINE


Blade Runner - Akira- Eraserhead - Lost highway - Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind - the first Matrix - lost in translation - Garden state - Gummo - Napoleon Dynamite - most Hal Hartly films - a french movie called tango that i can't seem to find.. i have good taste - trust me..


Futurama - Simpsons - West wing ( cause it's the opposite of my life! i love it. ) that is all..


Stephen king stuff ( yes..) Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy - just read Breakfast of Champions - i can't finish it- it's soo bad - Kurt V is like a poor man's douglas Adams... also ass loads of comics- optic nerve- 8ball - acme novelty - magic boy - black hole


Paul Robertson is amazing!

My Blog

Vancouver's People's Prom

Holy crap cakes that was a good time! I'll post some pics soon - ( I was the drunk dude in the tux print shirt ) Hooray for fun in Vancouver! Doesn't happen often enough here in no fun city. Gnig...
Posted by ComicStrip ( on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 03:02:00 PST

Hey book retailers! Order my book through Diamond!

My book Comic Strip Volume 1: Scarybear & Friends is now available through Diamond!Through New Reliable Press - diamond order code - AUG06 3481This book is a collection of every comic from the fir...
Posted by ComicStrip ( on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 11:40:00 PST

My cat died today.

My cat died yesterday. My mom messaged me to say he's been missing for a few days. She knew he was probably dead. My brother went to her place to try to find him. He was in the bushes barely breathing...
Posted by ComicStrip ( on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 10:25:00 PST

ComicStrip RSS feed & Livejournal syndication

It's up!ComicStrip RSS feed - Livejournal syndication -
Posted by ComicStrip ( on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 12:02:00 PST