I am a recluse, widely misunderstood (through every fault of everyone else!), and now a mere shell of what...or more to the point, who I used to be. I pretty much win at fireplay and nerd but fail at life and all other things. I also probably hate your face, because thats what I do best. I hate faces. I also rarely speak anymore. Ah yes, and before I forget: my name is Erica.
You’d think after years of generally being a troll to the entire net, I’d be a bit better at writing these things! Fact of the matter is that I don’t really want to talk about myself as I know it will turn into a downward spiral of hate…not for myself as such, just about the world, this place…you too, probably. Who knows anymore?! It’s like a big shiny fluffy surprise each time I write.
I am your run of the mill Video game testing-fire breathing-movie and anime obsessed piercing junky and all round mutant. Apparently I am surprisingly shy...I can't really deny this, It's pretty damn accurate but I don't see how it's "surprising"! New people make me uncomfortable. People I know, know me as a sarcastic, hyper cynical /b/tard. I am also the oldest young person I know. I bitch about the youth far too often and much to my own horror, which is not a good sign. Though this could be because of my constant self alienation from society in general…hmmmm, self realisation? No! frenetic rambling about shit I already know?, isn’t it always! This brings me to the next bit.
I can’t identify with people. I won’t identify with you! I have never been interested in people as a general rule of how I live my life. I like a few people…in fact I can count the people I like in this world on my hands with digits to spare. I am a nihilist-misanthropist-recluse who spends most of their time in a state of depression or inward aimed rage which eventually leads to me wanting to destroy someone, something…anything and probably, yet again, your face! I fail as a human being, this much is true. But at least I’m not a fucking ‘babyfur’! This is essentially my only comfort in life. I do not remember the last time i felt something that did not make me feel even more alienated that i am already. I am known for few things other than ranting and being full of venom. Chances are if you set me a ‘friend request’ then you just wanted to pad out your list and probably chose me after seeing my pictures and think I am “omg wtf? A GOFFIK m8!†which of course makes you seem like a rebel or some other such variation of prick! Add all you want, I still won’t speak to people on here.
SO TO SUM UP: Cyanide and happiness is that of win! Ctrlaltdel-online is also fukken sweet but starting to fail most epically…and pholph is excellent if you want to depress yourself and not be able to unsee some fucked up furfag shit...:(. Penny arcade is pretty much shit and BURNT FACE MAN is not gay…Seriously he's not! He has a calendar of naked women at home. Metalocalypse is the best thing to be found on the net and I am currently bumming the robot chicken. If you got all of that, you probably don't suck as much as I will give you credit for.