mokshya - LOVE IT, LEAVE IT OR GIVE IT BACK!!! profile picture



About Me

"When fascism comes to the United States, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. - Sinclair Lewis"
While at its core a metal band,mokshya's sound encompasses many aspects of music, thought, politics and spirituality. The wide array of influences this band draws from can be found at all points upon the musical spectrum, and are as eclectic as its members. Six unlikely souls, from Six very different backgrounds, now live together under the same roof and have called mokshya family for nearly four years. Their common thread is one of love for music, hope for humanity, and desire for change. The collective energy put out by this tribe of individuals is intense and uncompromising, providing both the familiar and unfamiliar listener a taste of something new and original at every performance. A mokshya show is more than just the playing of instruments and the singing of songs - it’s a celebration of life, love and liberty. A mokshya show includes highly political audio and video clips, costumes and props for the band and stage, performance artists, live visual artists painting and creating while the band plays, etc, etc. The collective imagination of mokshya is an unending fountain of ideas, and the willingness of all six members to push their artistic boundaries and step out of their personal comfort zones indicates the evolution of mokshya will be constant and fearless. However, mokshya is more than just an audio/visual experience, mokshya is a band with an agenda and a battle cry: VIVA LA LOVELUTION!!! On one hand we are calling for the destruction of our current political/economic (fascist) system and the elimination of all organized religion, and on the other we promote unity and enlightenment while seeking to further our own spiritual elevation by helping others do the same. We seek peace, but are willing to fight for it. mokshya is a movement and its power must be felt first hand!
After showcasing for Al Jourgensen and 13th Planet Records in El Paso, DVS Fred had this to say:
"Mokshya is a name people will know within the next two years. They are gonna knock everyone on their asses with their powerful music. This band is taking protest music to a whole new level. Fueled by corrupt political leadership in the U.S. Mokshya is not afraid to stand up for what is right and express it through their music. You will kick yourself in the ass if you don't listen to Mokshya and even more if you miss them live! Viva la Lovelution!!!"
Freddy Macias
Head of A&R (former)
13th Planet Records
"In the mists of puissant and breakneck drumming madness, is a progressive metal band that seeks peace and is willing to fight for it. Brute, metal chords strong enough to shake walls are created with the means to break down the barriers of religion. Screw the fascist system. Instead, "Viva La Lovelution!" But despite their hardcore, resiliant nature, truth and love is what beats at the heart of this band, this family, this tribe of musically influenced individuals. mokshya is a hindi term that means "the dance of enlightenment", or refers to the exact moment of personal enlightenment. After experiencing the full blasts of mokshya's progressive metal tilt the floor of a live show, the term starts making perfect sense."
Stephanie Flood - Flagstaff Live
"Thanks guys for the opportunity and allowing me the privilege to record your set. That was incredible. I'm fairly hard to impress these days but I must admit about 20 minutes in I went to the merch table and purchased the disc and t-shirt, and the disc hasn't left my car in about 20 rotations. You are all truly great people. VIVA LA LOVELUTION!!!"
Jim Cockrill - Tacoma, Washington
"Tonight, seeing this group was more like being lead on a journey, a journey I didn't realize I would be taking when I came in tonight. The music swells, the time and tempo changes and the vocals go from soft, almost spoken, to enraged in the blink of an eye. The entire band is made of very talented musicians. The songs that they performed tonight could start soft, drawing you in and then explode, the pit answering back behind me to the transition or they would jump right in, grabbing you by the throat, almost as if daring you to shout back. Many of the conversations outside revolved around what we had just witnessed inside, many seeming just as impressed as I was at seeing Mokshya's performance, hearing there great music and seeing one of the best and most unique stage set up's I've seen from a local act in a very long.
Carl Jenkins
SLAM Magazine/Third Eye Promotions after a mokshya show.
?We The People! NOW AVAILABLE!!! Buy it here!
Three New Shirts Available!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 3/11/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:
RAYmundo-(drums, percussion)
Clintaur-(bass, effects)
Chris - (guitars, effects)
Josh-(guitars, effects)

Intro to Lemonaid captured by cell phone at The Brickhouse........
cell phone video of mokshya live: More Videos MOKSHYA 2

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Our friend Danny lets you know how he feels about chem-trails.

this is an ACTUAL billboard!!! LOOK UP people! see the lies in your skies, and see this for what it is - brainwashing!

LOOK UP!!!!!!!!!

WTC 7 pictured below - never hit by a plane yet falling faster than gravity. this alone should be enough to wake you up.

above: then of course there is the jet fuel that burns hot enough to "melt" the steel of the buildings, yet leave it cool enough for human beings to lean up against, at the point of impact, just moments after.
below: these are called SQUIBS (the little explosions just below the collapse) - a well known term in the DEMOLITION industry.

Does this look right to you? The WTC core-columns 'cut' like carrot sticks? It clearly shows the core columns were 'cut' by explosives. Thermite / Thermate. The evidence of explosives is absolute. How do steel columns 'weakened by heat' end up cut with precision accuracy at the same level on every column? Jet Fuel temp 1,140° Minimum Melting point of Poor Grade Steel 2,500° how much more proof do you need?
Influences: to list all of the many influences we have had along the path would be ridiculous, if not impossible and the list would fill this page. so, instead we simply have chosen one influence of each band member. but first we'd like to say we are influenced by anything real, by that which helps us love, and by that which we can feel. we have all been touched and moved by music in many different, unique ways. it is this collective energy born from the individual growth, love, and expression of its members that has become the very essence of mokshya. System of a Down, Tool, Rage Against the Machine, Incubus, Sevendust
Sounds Like:

Record Label: Stepping Stone records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

TICKETS!!!!! mokshya and FAIR TO MIDLAND

we are excited to anounce that we will be opening for Fair To Midland on July 2nd at The Brickhouse Theater.  Fair To Midland, signed to Serj Tankian's Serjical Strike Records, is one of the best...
Posted by mokshya - LOVE IT, LEAVE IT OR GIVE IT BACK!!! on Sat, 31 May 2008 09:15:00 PST

Government citizen detention list. Are you on it?

this is not a test, i repeat this is not a test!  this shit is real!  when we do finally go to "code red" (and we are close) millions of americans will be rounded up and put into detention c...
Posted by mokshya - LOVE IT, LEAVE IT OR GIVE IT BACK!!! on Wed, 28 May 2008 12:34:00 PST

TOURING BANDS!!! please read this warning before coming to Flagstaff, AZ.

first of all i would like to personally apologize to those of you who came out to see what should have been a great show last tuesday. i know some of you drove up from phoenix, and i met a couple from...
Posted by mokshya - LOVE IT, LEAVE IT OR GIVE IT BACK!!! on Sun, 25 May 2008 09:43:00 PST


Posted by mokshya - LOVE IT, LEAVE IT OR GIVE IT BACK!!! on Fri, 23 May 2008 10:36:00 PST

mokshya featured in Flagstaff Live

mokshya featured in Flagstaff Live!  click the link below to read story. 423&syr=2008...
Posted by mokshya - LOVE IT, LEAVE IT OR GIVE IT BACK!!! on Fri, 23 May 2008 09:08:00 PST

Tear The Wall Down!!!

at what point does this stop?  how much more will it take for americans to reach down and realize they still have their balls?  (sorry ladies,  no sexism intended - just making a point,...
Posted by mokshya - LOVE IT, LEAVE IT OR GIVE IT BACK!!! on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 11:33:00 PST

How the Iraq war’s $2 trillion cost to U.S. could have been spent

How the Iraq war's $2 trillion cost to U.S. could have been spent Jan 21, 2008 04:30 AMCRAIG AND MARC KIELBURGERIn war, things are rarely what they seem.Back in 2003, in the days leading up to the U.S...
Posted by mokshya - LOVE IT, LEAVE IT OR GIVE IT BACK!!! on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 01:10:00 PST

NO MORE!!! The Lakota Nation declares itself Soereign

Freedom! The Lakota Nation declares itself Soereign. Threaten Land Liens, Contested Real Estate Over Five State Area in U.S.West Dakota Territory Reverts back to Lakota Control According to U.S., Int...
Posted by mokshya - LOVE IT, LEAVE IT OR GIVE IT BACK!!! on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 03:46:00 PST

Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job

it is one thing when someone like me, just another nobody musician, talks about conspiracies and shadow governments, and points out obvious lies deceit. however, the following article is written about...
Posted by mokshya - LOVE IT, LEAVE IT OR GIVE IT BACK!!! on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 07:09:00 PST

another great 911 truth site! and a GOLDen thought.

"When fascism comes to the United States, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair --- this is a sight unorganized by architects and engineers, although i...
Posted by mokshya - LOVE IT, LEAVE IT OR GIVE IT BACK!!! on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 08:53:00 PST