Nightmare Pictures was established May 2007 and the name fallowed in August 2007. The first major film produced by Nightmare Pictures was Zombie Holocaust: The Rising Dead, which was the start to it all. Adam (A.W.) Ginther, Rhio Ginther, and Geoff Canfield were meeting with their good friend Andrew J. Tonn at Seattle's for coffee and a drink when Andrew, being Andrew said, 'What would happen if zombies attacked right now?' Adam, Rhio, and Geoff later went home to discuss the script and brainstormed. They told Andrew about it before he left for El-salvador for a documentary on child labor laws. He said if they could get a script he would help film. Well, when he cam back they had half a cast and a script. Needless to say, Andrew agreed and let Nightmare Pictures have use of his camera and helped film, as well as took some photographs of the crew. Thus, Nightmare Pictures was born.After over a year now since that first meeting, Zombie Holocaust: The Rising Dead is premiering at the Big Picture in downtown Wooster, Saturday May 31, 2008. We are also in the works of our second film, which will be a slasher. And this summer we will be working on the second installment to Zombie Holocaust. We have also been working closely with the family of RottPro and have extended our family with theirs.We plan on having a blast this summer and the years to come. We won't go away. We have had a rough first year and have managed to put the bad things behind us and move on.Thanks to everyone for all the support you have given us. One day we will repay the favor. Thank you.