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About Me:
Deeper than hell, darker than night, thy morning star that forever burns bright. Cast from the heavens to earth where I dwell, to bring forth my message, that I think you're swell.My quote for the next four years:
The government is so far up everyone's ass these days, I can't believe we all haven't been fined for air pollution.My quote for Satanists:
An evil man need not renounce or reject the word of god, for the word of god is the purest of evil.~* Site Seeing *~
~* My Artwork *~
Latest Oct., Sept., Aug. 2006
This image represents Success, climbing the ladder to get to the top no matter the means.
The water represents how one traps himself with money and the material possessions that come with a career. The chains are the benefits used to hold you in your career, like retirement.
The windows represent what others see, the real person behind the facade. The old man in the main figure represents retirement, old age, death after a loss of time, what you really achieve for your dedication and loyalty.
The bird excrementing on the main figure's head represents how the organization will turn on you, leave you behind without a second thought and without care. The lack of eyes is the blindness of these realities.
Don't forget those working their way up to take his place. This image represents Judgement.
The beautiful, the perfect, the self important turning away the love of those considered ugly or not perfect. I don't limit the message in this image to just love, any judgement applies here, for they are to me the same form of ignorance. I added the planet in the background as I believe this additude is not limited to earth.
This image represents religion, the greatest machine ever built.
The machine is built on the blood of countless millions and is fueled by greed and deception. Well oiled and fine tuned the machine drains the humanity and logic from it's believers leaving behind a shell of what it means to be an individual, to be a free thinking being.
The beings that are just barely visible on either side of the machine represent the powerful that protect and feed off the machine, but that don't necessarily follow the machines doctrine, republicans for instance. They are female to reflect the physical weakness in their lives, no offense to women, it's only symbolic.
The angels above represent those that use the machine for personal gain, evangelists and hate groups for instance, and they appear more as demons than angels as they are truely evil beings using what could be good for evil purposes. They appear as infants to show their physical weakness as well as their mental weakness in life, which drives their child like actions and decisions.
The box below dead center on the floor is the bible, or any religious text, which is the source of renewing engery that keeps the machine powered. This image represents the unknown and fear.
For every man lost at sea comes a story of monsters, mermaids, sirens, and sea witches. This is the sea witch with the power to lure sailors to their death with spells over the wind and sky and curses on men and ships.
The sea is the witch, the storms are her power, and her curses are the mistakes made by sailors in such an unforgiving place. She is born from fear of such a hostile environment, to give it a reason for being so unforgiving.
No matter how skilled a sailor, death can come with any journey so one must respect the sea witch and fear her for she is always waiting to take those who invade her domain.
This image is simply titled Nine2Five.
This image represents employment in the United States, working your finger to the bone under a watchful eye, trapped in the machine, fed by it and in return feeding it. Unlike Success this image is about the common workers, blue and white collar, of all trades. This image represents death.
Not overly complicated in it's meaning, it's simply a view into the end of life. I leave it as a reminder that the clock is always ticking and that the gears of life are wearing away with every ticking moment. Everything in life takes time so spend it wisely.
This image represents greed and power and where it leads you.
Humpty Dumpty sat on his wall watching his riches as they grew tall. All the worlds people and all the worlds men wait with a vengeance for a chance to get in. This image represents teamwork, giving of one's self to help others.
No matter who or what you are, even those of an evil nature, the giving of one's self is the most interesting aspect of our species. Some aid others in evil and some out of good, but we all help someone in our lifetime. If we all gave more often and for good cause we as a species may have a chance, to not only survive, but to be truely happy as well.
Most of my prints are for sale, just ask if it isn't listed in the store. I charge $15.00 for unframed prints (11"x14"), shipping in the U.S. is included in this price.