Christian Icons I'm a young visionary/writer who fell in love with love. I'm a purpose driven individual who believes that we all are capable of fulfilling our purpose. My goal is to motivate everyone who I come in contact with to grow. Through growth we begin to understand and walk in our callings. My messages are far more important than I'll ever be. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, who hasn't. I can't change my past, have learned a great deal from it. I sold drugs throughout my teenage years, dropped out of high school, and just wasted valuable time. I was academically gifted, just lost without direction. I went on to join the military, jumped out of a few planes, read a few books, and failed quite a few times. About 4 years ago I went through a transformation. I found God at the darkest point in my life, and haven't stopped pushing life to it's limit since. I haven't reached the point of what many people may consider to be successful yet, but what is success? To me, success is a journey, not a destination. Everyones journey is different, everyones dream is different. Purpose is what I'm about. I'm about helping anyone who is trying to fulfill their purpose. My books "The Only One That Can Stop Me is Me" and "Making it to The Next Level:Thinking Above Your Means" have touched many hearts and minds. I've sold over two-thousand copies out of my trunk in the last 4 months. I enjoy motivating people and encourage everyone to shoot for their dreams. Read the comments on this page and be encouraged!!! I hope that these comments are a blessing to you, and please feel free to leave some enlightening words for the visitors who will come after yourself. Much Love, Much Peace, May God Bless You.
The Only One That Can Stop Me is Me
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