You never really know anybody. profile picture

You never really know anybody.

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'ma comedian/actor/writer. I'm from LA but I go to Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. I'm a Senior. After graduation I hope to move back to LA so I can live out my lifelong dream to be a grown man living at my parents house.

My Interests

Hoes, Money, Hoes covered in Money, Quantum Physics, The nature of existence, The perception of reality and the reality of perception, titties, Revolution, true freedom, utopian socialism, string theory, rims, putting diamonds in stuff to make it more "baller", and various other ignorant things.

I'd like to meet:

The person who came up with the concept of money. The first guy who was like "Hey look you got a cow that will feed me and my family, I got some paper which you can't do shit with let's trade" and then I wanna meet the idiot who was like "yea that sounds like a fair trade i'll do it"

My Blog

The Magic ATM

So about 2 weeks ago I was out and I had to make a trip to the ATM. Everything was going as planned when something amazing happened. The ATM cancelled my request yet still gave me the money. At f...
Posted by You never really know anybody. on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 02:06:00 PST