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Whityn Owen is from Bloomington, Illinois, widely accepted as the Funk-Fusion capital of the world. Whityn was sometimes the first-chair drummer for the Bloomington High School Marching Raiders. [His rivalry with fellow student JJ Benson (not that good, seriously) is legendary] In the late 1980s, Whityn attended Grove School of Music to put the finishing touches on his craft - he received honorable mention in both Hair Studio and Stage Makeup Seminar, and got a 'C' from David Garibaldi, his then idol soon discarded. After graduation, Whityn slugged it out in the LA music scene for almost 30 days before giving up and moving to San Francisco. "LA has a certain hair and makeup that they're looking for, and if you don't have it, all they care about is your playing," he ranted to his friends and mostly his Mom. Whityn gorged in San Francisco for the next eight years where his Central Illinois heritage and LA polish propelled him into the spotlight with world beat outfits Shambhala and Amandla Poets, R&B sensation Midnight Taxi, and the casually elegant Counterpoint. In 1998, an eerie calm settled on San Francisco when Whityn's drums fell silent with his decision to backpack Europe and relocate to Portland, OR. Once in Portland, Whityn found kindred spirits for his gentle heart and tranquil lifestyle playing and touring with Rubberneck, Porterhouse, Silky, and most recently Audio Kinetic. Whityn's playing has been described as "Interesting," "Unique," "Optimistic," and simply "Wow!" Whityn makes his home in SE Portland.