anna karolina veronika profile picture

anna karolina veronika

oh my, i think im in love !!!!!! :)

About Me

ok, finally i have planned to update that field coz my life plans have changed, well sort of...i still want to go to the states - new york, but i still dont know in love with tunisia - north africa..that country is amazing...supposedly nothing special: beautiful weather, palm trees, arabic music, but it has that something... i think, im sick of poland, that boredom, work-home thing i need a change i really need it...i just need time to figure out what i wanna do in my lifewell, we'll see :)..

My Interests

* traveling
* photography
* good movies


Create a playlist with this song on imeem
* house
* deep house
* drum'n'bass
* electro
* chillout
* funk
* pop
* r&b
* arabic
* soul


a lot of good movies...


* sex and the city
* prison break
* what i like about you
* desperate housewives
* nip tuck
* 6 feet under
* the sopranos

+ discovery channel
+ animal planet
+ music channels