Brains, magick, magick and brains, how brains affect magick, how magick affects brains, magick brains, brain magick, brains that do magick, magick that does brains (I guess that would be a magick mindfuck), brains that think about magick... pizza and beer.
Dead people; specific: Aleister Crowley, Austin Osman Spare, William James. Living people; general: hedonists, free thinkers, anyone really, but mostly those focused on the excitement and joy of life and living, and let's exclude prudes and people who are easily frightened.
yes, love it, all kinds; play it too (mostly guitar and other stringly things)
The Wicker Man: classic pagan romp (I mean the original, not the embarrassing recent remake). The Devil and Miss Jones: another classic. This fine film is from a brief era when pornography and dramatic art collided; this one's a great commentary on American culture through the lens of modern Christian dogma, while at the same time underscoring the utility of buttplugs; a must see for all, but especially recommended to the 18-30 set, who've probably never experienced film of any kind on an 8mm reel projector. The Story of O: a classic of another sort; it's time for someone to remake that one. Two more favorites are City of Lost Children and Prospero's Books, for surprisingly similar reasons.
not so much, The Simpson's on occassion
Yeah, I read a lot, but very few books these days.