Hello, God Bless to all that enter this page I'm truly bless!!! and one thing for sure I love my Heavenly Father to death. I give him all the Glory and all the praise. and I Thank him for what he's done and what's he's doing for me a my family.Ilove what God is doing with me. my children inspire me the most. ive had some life changes but, i can always remember where God have brought me. I love to witness and to minister to Gods people and to speak of the gospel every where i go. praise dance, making gift baskets, and conducting a gospel drama class is what i do in the ministry.my future interest is realestate, i have great family and freinds. and a wonderful pastor and a great church home. winning souls is first on my list so, keep your head up..... when you put God first your change will come. Timolin
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