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About Me

This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5I am smart,sexy,open minded,attractive,caring and compassionate.. And just because I am Blonde,I can put my shoes on the right feet.. LOL :PAnd I love animals,and Love to watch SOAP OPERAS.. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Working out, BB,Music,Reading, Movies,Playing Pool,Bowling, Just browsing on South Street.. Flea Markets, Parks,Animals,reptiles.. Tattoos on men,Muscular physiques, Love Long Hair.. Sex, Erotica,masturbation,,Oral sex.. ; )
Ris forRadiant
Uis forUpbeat
Tis forTimeless
His forHappy
Iis forImpassioned
Eis forEdgy What Does Your Name Mean?

I'd like to meet:

Good honest people that dont give a shit about the norm.. Hey.. Looks can be deceiving.. Sexy is nice.. : ) I am not in a hurry to be attached,but i do believe in love and romance.. Its a partnership,which alot of people dont understand,So until then,I like being single.....OH... And of course,PHYLLIS NEWMAN of THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS... I LOVE SOAP OPERAS!!


The Calling,Evanesance,SHAKIRA,Audioslave,TOOL,Nickelback,3 Doors Down,Led Zepplin, Jewel,Cher,AL Green,lots of 80's music.. .BIG hair bands,Metallica,Bryan Ferry,Candlebox,Stabbing Westward,JANIS JOPLIN,Melissa Etheridge,Lisa Stansfield,Alice Cooper, Alice in Chains,Papa Roach,Inxess,Jethro Tull, Godsmack,The Cure,Garbage,DIDO,Cars,Cheap Trick... DAVID BOWIE,Roxy Music, Culture Club,Guns and Roses,Bush,Janis Joplin,Octane,POE,Lincoln Park,AL Green,Perfect Circle, Tantric, Marilyn Manson,Michelle Branch,Barry White,The Killers,Tears for Fears,White Snake,Depeche Mode,Ozzie Osbourne,Nine Inch Nails... U2,Perfect Circle..


Seven,Troy,Shrek1 & 2,Zoolander,Predator,FindingNemo,Godfather,Unforgiven,Bram Strokes Dracula,love vampire movies,bruce lee flicks,Red Dragon,Jet Lee Movies,8 mile, What about Mary,Scorpion King,Alien vs Predator,Ghost,Silence of the Lamb,Nemo,Underworld,Interview with a Vampire,Van Helsing,Hellboy..


CSI's,Seinfeld,Simpsons,Sopranos,Six Feet Under,Sex in the City,Animal Plant,Forensic Science Discovery channel,That 70's Show,Kings of Queens,ER,comedy central,Skinamax,lol Americas funniest videos... Curb your Enthusasium.. Desperate Housewifes.. I LOVE soap operas.. Favs are Young and the Restless,Bold and Beautiful and As the Worlds Turns...


Hmmm Dr.Phils books,Stephen Kings books,Dean Koontz,Boris Vallajo Arts, Janet Evanovich Series.. Arnolds Bible on Body building and fitness,Body for Life,BoB Paris's Bodybuilding Book.. Joyce Vedral fitness,I like to read anything that betters the Body or the Mind,their is never too much knowledge about ONES self..


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