Sexy 716 Marketing & Promotions has many services but just one mission. Our mission is to market and promote your business, music, and project(s) with potential fans, current fans and potential customers, all while creating a system that allows you to profit from the buzz that those fans and customers generate.
Our goal is to make ‘potential’ fans into committed fans, and potential customers into committed customers. The more fans you have, and the more your music is out there, the more successful you will be. The more your project and business is marketed and promoted, the more sensationalized your buzz will be whether you’re a music artist or you are creating a buzz for your company or product.
Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality services and affordable prices (if applicable, we also cross promote where it benefits us as a company). Your successes are our successes. At Sexy 716 Marketing & Promotions LLC; we understand that not every artist and every business is the same, nor are the needs of every artist and business. We work one-on-one with our clients and we provide the tools and services that will enable a productive and successful outcome.
...And Now For the Best News!
It’s affordable! We understand your struggle and really, that is what our platform is all about...helping you move to the next level! Understanding that, we have pricing plans for every stage of your project and career. We have plans starting as low as.....
Leave a message for more details. Visit us on our website www.sexy716promotions.com
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Spot Review Interview w/ Superstar Jay, Storm P, C-Biz (F.A.M. Records)
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