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About Me

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.
what u do is irrelevant
what u achieve is minuscule
what u think is inconsequential
what u believe is paramount

At the end of our lives we will not remember how much money we made, how many ball games we watched, or how many things we possessed. What will come back to us in a brilliant and blinding light will be ... the quality of the relationships we formed with those we loved; our family, our partners, our children and our friends ... Welcome ... My name is Lilly. I am a believer of truth , whatever one may deem that to be. Each person has their own truth and it is this truth, that guides their actions
Searching for truth is more than a matter of faith. It requires a unique blend of genuine tolerance with cogent reasoning and intellectual honesty.

There are as many different pathways as there are people on this Earth . We all know intuitively that there is more to life than whatever limited reality we now experience. We long to awaken to the depths of who we are and what life could be. Whatever temporary yearnings may preoccupy us - for less pain and more joy, for a fulfilling relationship or for meaningful work there is something that calls to us from deep within. We want to know the truth about life and we want to feel love in our hearts.

Consultations With Me

I believe that all have the power within to make the choices to pursue the path in life they wish. Each of us must walk our own path (not that dictated by another) to fulfill our soul's desire. This part of my guidance is geared you find YOUR path and tools you have brought in with you for this lifetime.
My purpose is not to take your power away from you, each of us require assistance from time to time in clearing up a "cloud" around a situation, however; my goal is to assist YOU in finding the center of YOU the place within where all true answers are found whereby; we find our true empowerment.

My Philosophy
I seek to understand rather than to be understood.

Spiritual Profile

When you find the eyes behind your eyes and learn to awaken your body's higher perception, you open up a new way of seeing and being. When you learn to reach through and beyond your physical body, you discover that you are never without support and guidance and that ultimately you can experience a new and expanded way to be alive. Well-nurtured dreams become goals, and well-nurtured goals become achievements.

You are a work of art. I have faith that you will discover with me, a natural balance to yourself; a grace and harmony that will reveal your design, if you will stop looking outside and begin to look within Spiritual Messages are the whispers of the soul. They are the spiritual DNA that guide us toward our higher self and the fulfillment of our life's purpose.

As you learn to follow the natural curves of the material from which you are formed, a masterpiece will be revealed. I am here to help you unite, flow and grow in harmony with your spiritual journey, your life path.

Gifted by the grace of God, I am a natural born psychic with clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient gifts. This means that Spirit communicates to me in words, images and feelings which I translate and share with you. I am a direct psychic and mediumistic channel. I encourage you to ask questions in return and experience an open channel of conversation. My readings aren't about proving anything, or climbing the ratings ladder, or being the "top" psychic. A reading is a divine interaction between souls in a search for truth.

FACT: Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief, or ignorance ...
I ask that you please be prepared for the truth. Telling you only what I suspect you want to hear (by doomsaying, sugar coating or offering false hope) destroys my ability to work effectively. I am very gentle with my clients, however, my readings are (sometimes painfully) honest. I will also, then, help you focus on the truth of the given circumstances and be your guiding light for positive change.
We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.Only honesty can be truly helpful -- I do not give unrealistic or falsely positive readings. However, messages are conveyed with utmost compassion and respect. They are NEVER judgmental no matter what the situation. Our life's lessons are opportunities, not tests or punishments. Spirit wants only for us to be happy and will offer help even in very difficult situations.
We have our own answers to life's essential questions within us. Listening, attuning, and honoring the inner voice will guide you to learn lessons on your life path. In addition, we all possess the personal power to make those answers, visions, dreams, inner wisdom, and goals become reality. Life is an informal school in which we will either learn our lessons, or resist them until we are ready to finally embrace them. We are all here to learn, to grow, and to help each other.
My goal is to enlighten, and empower others through awareness, understanding and education. In partnership with Divine Guidance, I strive to be The Pathway that spans the gap between Belief and Knowing. My mission is to be a celebration of healing for body, mind and spirit. My purpose is putting you in touch with yours.
He will give His Angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways" -Psalm 91:11

Profesisonal Bio
Lilly Calandrello, personal growth expert, MS, MA, is a relationship, marriage, family therapist, motivational and inspirational speaker, intuitive counselor and author. Lilly helps people from all walks of life develop strategies to attract, grow, and retain meaningful and long lasting relationships.
As a freelance writer she has been published both locally and nationally as the author of hundreds of articles dealing with love, dating, and relationships. Her work has also appeared in many Publications, including her own monthly newsletter. She has appeared as an expert on national broadcast media such as CBS, Fox Television Network, and National Public Radio.
In addition, Lilly has been quoted in periodicals, including The New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Readers Digest, Good Housekeeping, Woman..s Day, Redbook, Working Woman, Family PC, Parade, Parents, Parenting, Newsweek, and Time. She has also been interviewed several times on AOL Live Chat.
Committed to her own personal growth, Lilly continues ongoing academic studies, apprenticeships, and volunteer programs to deepen and expand her personal, as well as professional knowledge, experience, and capabilities.
Lilly brings a unique blend of experience as a relationship coach, writer, speaker, teacher, and spiritual intuitive to serve, support, and empower others with honor and respect to each individual's beliefs and concerns.
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"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I shall refresh you" - Matthew 11:28

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Seahorse Keeping

My Seahorses & Tanks ...

Imagine a creature with the head of a horse, the tail of a monkey, and a pouch like a kangaroo. The stunning beauty and the staggering diversity of animals to be found in and around the world's oceans often defies the imagination. It's interesting to note the different reactions of people when I mention that I keep and raise seahorses ... learn more!
Noetic Science — a science of consciousness and the world of inner experience

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My Interests

Grace is the energy required to produce miracles. And it is gratitude which begets grace. Be ever thankful for every blessing, no matter how small... - for Fun, Freedom, and Future ...

Here you will gain insight into your deeper self, see beyond your ordinary consciousness and find the path you need to take to fulfill your dreams. This site provides a unique personal empowerment, spiritual approach to intuitive readings, as well as a vast array of other resources for the spiritual seeker. Access your Spiritual Guidance and turn negative karma into spiritual gold!

How To Survive An Affair - Tormented by your unanswered questions? Affairs hurt. Learn how to restore the honesty, safety and trust back into your relationship (even if your partner isn't yet willing). Work through the healing and restoration of your relationship after an affair.

How To Communicate With Emotionally Distant Men - What to do when men become emotionally distant.

Why Men Withdraw and What to Do About It - Learn why men withdraw in a relationship, how men withdraw themselves, and what to do about it when they close up.

Native Remedies Natural alternatives to traditional medicines.

Lupus Support I have Lupus but it doesn't have me!

Lilly on Squidoo
( join Squidoo, it's free! ) People are making lenses on everything from "How to Roast Your Own Coffee Beans" to "Why You Should Hire Me" to "Top 10 Books That Changed My Life." And LOTS more. I'm a Squidoo lensmaster, and I'm inviting you to join me. Find and share recommendations online by building a lens. What's your topic? Click this link to get started .

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I'd like to meet:

Charles Darwin, Nelson Mandela, Richard M. Nixon, Mahatma Gandhi, Michael Moore, Dan Brown, Eleanor Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, Edgar Cayce, Dr. Carlos Castaneda


Pink Floyd, Alanis Morissette, Queen, April Wine, Scorpions, James Taylor, The Eagles, Rolling Stones, Doobie Brothers, Eric Clapton, Tesla, Bon Jovi, Pearl Jam, Counting Crows, Tom Petty, Fleetwood Mac, Matchbox 20, Chicago, Styx, Robert Palmer, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Aerosmith


What The Bleep Do We Know, Bowling for Columbine, Shawshank Redemption (more soon!)

Four inspiring new films every month, award-winning films you won't see anywhere else get your free trial of Spiritual Cinema Circle here.


The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Seinfeld, Hell's Kitchen, Nancy Grace, The Colbert Report, Family Guy, Absolutely Fabulous, The Dog Whisperer (Cesar Millan), Glenn Beck, America's Next Top Model, Ghost Whisperer


The Davinci Code

My Blog

Thoughts As a Tool of Creation

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such thin...
Posted by Lilly on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 08:24:00 PST

Turning truth on its head

Condoleezza Rice's declaration of Iran's complicity in terrorism looks like another step on the White House's march to war.The US has opened up a new front in its now sharply acceler...
Posted by Lilly on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 04:08:00 PST

How Shall We Live?

"Everything that lives, lives not alone, nor for itself." ~ William Blake I experienced my first epiphany when I was eleven years old. It was a spontaneous realization that a conscious presence exist...
Posted by Lilly on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 08:02:00 PST


Courage, contrary to popular belief, is not the absence of fear. Courage is the wisdom to act in spite of fear. Let's not be afraid. It's time to dream BIG. We never know what we can accompl...
Posted by Lilly on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 08:06:00 PST

A Message From God

Transcribed ... We must release the idea that we contain that which has no beginning and has no ending, and that which has never been birthed and that which never dies. How arrogant that we think we ...
Posted by Lilly on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 08:01:00 PST

The Dis-ease Of Self Improvement

The old sage Vernon Howard once coined the phrase "psychic sleep" which he used when he described people who went through life "going through the motions" without even being aware they we're going thr...
Posted by Lilly on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 05:21:00 PST

Angelic Troublemakers

As we get ready to end 2007 together, I can think of no better theme than "embodied spiritual action" to help us focus on, and commit to, demonstrating the highest expression of our common humanity --...
Posted by Lilly on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 04:49:00 PST