Mushroom Machine es una nueva iniciativa de su residente Miguel Ygarza, conocido Dj de la escena Mod/60's Española, organizador de otros clubs mensuales en Madrid como Mod Generation Club, Kicks and Chicks, Hot Bar-B-Q!, Teenage Kicks...
Con residencia en el ELASTICO FLEXICLUB (Sala Wind, Plaza del Carmen, Madrid) y en horario de 00:30 a 6:00, ofrecerá sesiones de la mano de los mejores y mas importantes Dj's de la escena 60's mundial pinchando en vinilo original, fundamentalmente Freakbeat, Garage, Funk-rock, Psych, Popsike y demás sonidos de finales de los 60 y principios de los 70.
Turn on, Tune in, Drop out! The Mushroom Machine is here!
-SABADO 11 de Octubre - FRANK POPP (Düsseldorf, Germany), FRAN HMLC (Gijon)
Mushroom Machine tiene su residencia el ELASTICO FLEXICLUB, sala Wind (sala 2), Plaza del Carmen, Madrid. Metro Gran via / Sol. Apertura de puertas a las 00:30.
Entrada gratis con flyer de 00:30 a 2:00. Tambien podeis imprimir el flyer de esta pagina. Os rogamos acudais lo antes posible, ya que las colas pueden llegar a ser muy largas incluso antes de las 2:00
A partir de las 2:00: € 10 con copa entregando flyer
Sin flyer: € 12 con copa
Si quieres asistir y no tienes flyer, mandanos un mail a [email protected], indicando tu nombre, y te pondremos en la lista Mushroom para esa noche, valida para entrar gratis hasta las 2:00 (cupo limitado).
Mushroom Machine is a new initiative of it's resident Miguel Ygarza, a well known Dj in the Mod/60's Spanish Scene, and organizer of other monthly clubs such as Mod Generation Club, Kicks and Chicks, Hot Bar-B-Q!, Teenage Kicks....
With residence at the ELASTICO FLEXICLUB (Sala Wind, Plaza del Carmen, Madrid) and from 00:30 to 6:00, will bring you the best and most importat Dj's from the worldwide scene, always in original vinyl, and mainly Freakbeat, Garage, Funk-Rock, Psych, Popsike and other sound from the late 60's and the early 70's.
Turn on, Tune in, Drop out! The Mushroom Machine is here!
*** NEXT DATES ***
-Saturday 11th October 2008 - FRANK POPP (Düsseldorf, Germany), FRAN HMLC (Gijon)
Mushroom Machine has its residence at ELASTICO FLEXICLUB, WIND Club (room 2), Plaza del Carmen, Madrid, Tube Stattions Gran via / Sol
Free entry with flyer from 00:30 until 2:00. You can also print the flyer from this page. We encourage you all to attend as soon as possible, so you don't have to wait long to get in
From 2:00, 10€ with a long drink, with flyer
Without flyer, 12€ with a long drink
If you wanna come and you don't have the flyer, send us an email to [email protected], giving us your name, and we will put you in our Mushroom guest list, so you can get in for free that night until 2:00 (limited list)
SABADO 27 OCTUBRE 2007 / SAT. 27th OCTOBER 2007
STEPHAN GOLOWKA (Up Club, Frankfurt)
SABADo 15 DICIEMBRE 2007 / SAT. 15th DECEMBER 2007.
CHRIS McMILLAN (Evil Hoodoo, Leeds)
UYGAR (Germany/Brigthon)
SABADo 23 FEBRERO 2008 / SAT. 23rd FEBRUARY 2008.
ROB BAILEY (New Untouchables, London)
LOLO (C.S.I. Coruña)
SABADO 19 ABRIL 2008 / SAT. 19th APRIL 2008.
FREAKCARLO (Discotheque Psychedelique, Genova)
BEN JONES (Hip Cat Club/Hamburg)
SABADO 21 JUNIO 2008 / SAT. 21th JUNE 2008.
PHILIPPE GOLBERT (Antwerp, Belgica)
MR. JACOBS (Madrid)
SABADO 11 OCTUBRE 2008 / SAT. 11th OCTOBER 2008.
FRANK POPP (Düsseldorf, Alemania)
FRAN HMLC (La Calzada, Gijon)
Each and every 60's music lover like us!
Psychedelia, Freakbeat, Garage, Funk, British beat... mid to late 60's and early 70s music.