Fabrisha Dankins of Drunky Brewster Fame profile picture

Fabrisha Dankins of Drunky Brewster Fame

If I could call it a drink, call it a smile on da rocks.

About Me

Cocky like a rooster.

My band eats other bands for breakfast. And then we shit them out and mold them into portraits of ourselves.

I choreographed Lloyd Kaufman's latest film, the horror/musical comedy, Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead!, currently in limited release throughout the nation and at film festivals all over the world. Holla atcha local cool movie theatre immediately and repeatedly if you want to see it in your town. And check it out at www.poultrygeistmovie.com

Also, I'm awesome. I'm out to get loose and act a fool at all times. I like other people who understand/are down for this.

I like people who wear their asshole on their outside. :)

My Interests

CURRENTLY: Drunky Brewster's new tee-shirts. Get yours at goghdesigns.com

Eagerly awaiting the premiere of VH1's Miss Rap Supreme so I can laugh my ass off. I'm a rapper... ha!

My teeth are mind blowin givin everybody chillz Call me George foreman cuz im sellin everybody grillz.

ALWAYS: Artistic expression, music, dance, fashion, art, film, theatre, travel, literature, writing, drinking (on serious pause), dance partying, hardcore bro-downs, blood, starting dance parties, mutual mind fucking, good conversation, playing dress up, Drunky Brewster: See them for the live show!, Our Equipment Manager, Equips, LES bars. Creating a scene, making an entrance, acting a fool.

I'd like to meet:

And still...


Waiting on E=MC2, cause ya'll know I love my Mims!

CURRENTLY OVERPLAYING: R Kels, Drunky Brewster, Feist, Amy Winehouse


Poultrygeist: Attack of the Chicken Zombies! (playing festivals and theatres nationwide NOW!), Le Bagman, Life is Beautiful, Hot Fuzz, No Country for Old Men, Borat, Science of Sleep, Eternal Sunshine, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Amelie, Fight Club, Bongwater, Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory (the og mofo, not that bullshit remake where you have to mute all the songs... Shame on you Danny Elfman!) Rocky Horror, Napoleon Dynamite, Render


Current: I hate DirecTV. I'd like to direct my foot to their inner ass. Miss Rap Supreme, except for that busted ass busta, MC Serch, who needs to search the dictionary so he can learn how to spell. He should also "serch" for a hit song, his sense of humor, better style, some acting ability, and a good joke, cause his triflin ass got none of the above. And what?


Anything Tom Robbins, especially Skinny Legs and All, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, and Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas, The Bell Jar, House of Leaves, Catcher in the Rye, House of Spirits, absurdist theatre, especially anything by Beckett, On the Road, Collected Letters (Kerouac and Beat writers in general, really)


Things that have vaginas. R Kels (for his comedic genius NOT for his habit of urinating on youths). The Talented Calisha Jenkins of Drunky Brewster Fame. The Talented Fabrisha Dankins of Drunky Brewster Fame. Two out of three of these things have vaginas. The one that doesn't pees on them. I don't think that's a coincidence.

My Blog

DRUNKY BREWSTER on The Hip Hop Spotlight in 20 MINUTES!

CHECK IT: The Brewster is about to do a live on-air interview with the legendary Lady Twist (of VH1's Miss Rap Supreme Fame), on her radio show, The Hip Hop Spotlight in 30 MINUTES, YA'LL! Tune in at ...
Posted by Fabrisha Dankins of Drunky Brewster Fame on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 06:32:00 PST

The Brewster on VH1s Miss Rap Supreme!

Oh snap, peep my rap You'll laugh so hardThat ass will crapCatch the premiere of Miss Rap Supreme tonight, Monday, April 14th, at 10pm on VH1. I'm just making a cameo, so don't get too excited... MC S...
Posted by Fabrisha Dankins of Drunky Brewster Fame on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:14:00 PST

Drunky Brewster Video Contest!

Hey Kids! The Brewster wants YOU to make our new video... for our 15 minute long cover version of R.Kelly’s "Real Talk." If you’re a Booster, you’ve probs heard it at a show. If not...
Posted by Fabrisha Dankins of Drunky Brewster Fame on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 01:18:00 PST

Lloyds Poultrygeist Pee, er Plea

From Lloyd Kaufman: TROMA Needs YOUR HELP!Greetings from Tromaville!For 32 years, the Troma Team and I've been making our own brand of independentfilms far removed (and happily in that truth may I add...
Posted by Fabrisha Dankins of Drunky Brewster Fame on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 07:51:00 PST

International Players’ Holiday

Hey fags and fag-ettes!Guess what TODAY is?If you said, "An International Players' Holiday of the Highest Order, aka Maria Gismondi's Birthday," then you win![Also acceptable, "An International Player...
Posted by Fabrisha Dankins of Drunky Brewster Fame on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 11:02:00 PST

TONIGHT: Drunky Pixel @ Cakeshop!

Dear Esteemed Appreciators of Self-Expression, Beer, and Ultra-Seriousness,I know they are all face melting but this...this takes the fucking cake... At Cake Shop (152 Ludlow between Stanton and Rivin...
Posted by Fabrisha Dankins of Drunky Brewster Fame on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:31:00 PST

Narwhal boners and Drunky Brewster 7.19.07!

Have you ever bonged a beer from a narwhal boner?? Well here's your chance! This Thursday at Alphabet Lounge, the world-famous Drunky Brewster of Drunky Brewster Fame will be attempting the unheard of...
Posted by Fabrisha Dankins of Drunky Brewster Fame on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 08:52:00 PST

SHOW TOMORROW @ Cake Shop 6.25.07 Whatabout?!

SHOW TOMORROW @ Cake Shop 6.25.07Let me set the scene here: We just took such crucial bong hits that breezy just dragon burped 5 minutes after the hit and leesh jenks just throw up in her hand. and we...
Posted by Fabrisha Dankins of Drunky Brewster Fame on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 02:00:00 PST


They say the neon lights are bright... But not brighter than your favorite stars, Calisha Jenkins and Fabrisha Dankins of Drunky Brewster fame. That's right, our act is so high class that we're bringi...
Posted by Fabrisha Dankins of Drunky Brewster Fame on Wed, 23 May 2007 12:35:00 PST

Who's that knocking at your door?

ANIMAL BONERS? ANIMAL BONERS! (And Calisha Jenkins and Fabresia Dankins, of course...)Oh yes ladies and gents, it's that time again... You know you want it, and we're gonna put it in you. The Brews...
Posted by Fabrisha Dankins of Drunky Brewster Fame on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 05:39:00 PST