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Dox Menna

Eclectic guitarist and composer

About Me

Born on 17/09/1981 in a musicians' family, Donatello Menna starts playing guitar at age of 13. Mainly self-taught, he enters the power-prog metal act Heavenblast in 1996 and in the meanwhile he temporally works with several metal bands (Unicorn, Halley, My Dark Sin, Draugr...).
From 2002 on, he works as sessionman for several pop-rock bands (Marcello Zappacosta, Antonio Inoki Band, Nova Luna, Dino Bucciante...).
In 2003 he joins the famous academy PercentoMusica in Rome, which shakes his creativity and leads him to give life to Twang, a project proposing a wide mix of various music styles (prog, rock, folk, funk, latin, ambient...); meanwhile he records "Dreamcatcher", an instrumental solo album telling the same-title novel of Stephen King.
In the same period he starts working as a teacher, both privately and in local schools.
As it can be read (and heard), his aim in music is knocking down the walls between different genres, and properly mix them.



I don't believe mankind means a big thing in this world. We are slaves to our culture, to our education, to our needs (or supposed needs), to our feelings. We fight for things that we hardly understand, we pay for things we don't want, we believe in things we really don't know, we make war to each other for these things. But with music, this all turns right. Music can join together cultures, education and feelings, teach us how to control it all, to make heart and brain work together, can make us understand we don't need that much after all. It can make us love the silence.
And that's what I try to do.
That's what music means to me: mankind unity, harmony, freedom.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/25/2007
Band Members:

Dox - The Dreamcatcher - 2006

Donatello Menna: guitars & bass
Diego Chiacchierini: drums

Twang - Surplus themo 2006 - 2006

Donatello Menna: guitars, bass and vocals
Angela Di Vincenzo: vocals
Marco La Corte: vocals
Diego Chiacchierini: drums, percussions and vocals
Francesco Di Giandomenico: keyboards and pianos
Francesco D'Imperio: flute
Nicholas Di Valerio: songwriting
Emanuele Bizzarro: vocals
Luca Cipressi: keyboards
Alessandro Saponaro: guitar

Twang - Works in Progressive - 2005

Donatello Menna: guitars and bass
Angela Di Vincenzo: vocals
Marco La Corte: vocals
Diego Chiacchierini: drums
Francesco Di Giandomentico: keyboards and piano
Francesco D'Imperio: flute
Jonny Morelli & Alessia Piliego: vocals
Nicholas Di Valerio: orchestral arrangements
Alessandro Saponaro: guitar


Ok, take a drink and sit down, this is going to be a pretty long list (random order).

    General Progressive: Everon, Ayreon, Pain of Salvation, Ambeon, Flower Kings, Spock's Beard, Premiata Forneria Marconi, Goblin, Rush, Jethro Tull, Genesis, Vagabond, Beyond Twilight, Pink Floyd, The Gathering.
    General Pop: Michael Jackson, Elton John, Sting, Simply Red, Stevie Wonder, Elisa, Janet Jackson, Kari Rueslatten, Pauline London, Virgo, Matt Bianco, Annie Lexon, Lorenzo Cherubini.
    Experimental & Avantgarde: Umberto Fiorentino, Quintorigo, Ephel Duath, Eddie Daniels, Trio Bobo, Elio e le Storie Tese, 80's videogames soundtracks (Golden Axe, Cadash, Street Fighter II, Dokey Kong Country, Sonic, many many more).
    General Guitarists: Steve Morse, Mike Stern, Pat Metheney, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Kiko Loureiro, Greg Howe, Stefano Micarelli, Ken Navarro, Earl Klugh.
    General Jazz: Tony Pancella, Michel Audisso, Andrea Avena, Virginia Mayhew, Incognito.
    Ambient: Enya, Massimo Carrano, Ralf Illenberg, Friedmann, movies soundtracks (The Lord of the Rings, Hook, The Dawn of the Dead, the Day of the Dead, The Man in the Iron Mask, Saw, The Legend of 1900, Twin Peaks).

Sounds Like:

Type of Label: None

My Blog

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Posted by Dox Menna on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 02:17:00 PST

il diavolo veste prada...e ascolta tunz (parte i)

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Posted by Dox Menna on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 01:45:00 PST