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Official Lost Fans on Myspace


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Lost Fans
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A survey of twenty countries by Informa Telecoms and Media in 2006 concluded that Lost was the second most viewed TV show in the world...

The pilot episode garnered 18.6 million viewers and giving ABC its strongest ratings since 2000. For its first season, Lost averaged 16 million viewers. Its second season fared equally well: again, Lost has average of 15.5 million viewers.The second season premiere was even stronger than the first, pulling in over 23 million viewers and setting a series record.However the third season premiere saw a drop in its ratings; averaging 18.8 million viewers..................................................... ...........................................DVD-Ver?ffentlich ung Die Episoden der ersten Staffel erschienen im Dezember 2005 auf sieben in einer Box befindlichen DVDs im L?ndercode 2. Seit dem 7. Dezember 2006 ist die erste H?lfte der zweiten Staffel in einer Box mit vier DVDs im Handel erh?ltlich. Die zweite H?lfte mit ebenfalls vier DVDs folgt am 1. M?rz 2007, welche „ohne Jugendfreigabe“ verkauft werden muss ............................................................ ........................................Lost (en Espa?a Perdidos, en algunos pa?ses de Latino Am?rica Desaparecidos, en tanto en otros se presenta con su nombre original Lost. Diversos canales han transmitido la versi?n doblada Aunque aqu? cabr?a destacar que es tal la expectaci?n creada debido a las grandes dosis de suspenso y a sus tramas sin cerrar, que un gran n?mero de espectadores de todo el mundo no pueden esperar y recurren a la descarga de cap?tulos a trav?s de internet.................................................... .............................................Lost (dizi)Lost Amerikan yapimi bir dram dizisidir. T?rkiye'de sadece Dizimax kanalinda g?sterilmekte olan dizi, 1 Altin K?re ve 6 Emmy olmak ?zere 28 ?d?l almistir. ?zellikle karisik senaryosu ve anlatim sekli hayli ilgi toplamistir................................................. ............................................Location Lost ? stato girato interamente nell'isola hawaiana di Oahu. Le scene dell'episodio pilota sono state girate a Mokuleia Beach, nell'estremit? nord-occidentale dell'isola. Varie zone urbane della capitale Honolulu sono state usate per simulare i luoghi necessari per i vari flashback (come Los Angeles, New York, Iowa, Sud Corea, Iraq, Nigeria, Inghilterra, Scozia e Australia).................................................. .............................................Terceira temporada (2006/2007)Em Julho de 2006, os produtores da s?rie anunciaram a inclus?o do actor brasileiro Rodrigo Santoro elenco. Santoro, cuja personagem chama-se Paulo, deve fazer par rom?ntico com a atriz Kiele Sanchez. Os dois interpretar?o sobreviventes do v?o 815 da Oceanic Airlines.................................................... ..............................................Lost, les disparus dans la version fran?aise ou Perdus dans la version qu?b?coise (Lost dans sa version originale) est un feuilleton t?l?vis? am?ricain cr?? par J.J. Abrams et Damon Lindelof et diffus? depuis le 22 septembre 2004 sur le r?seau ABC. La saison 3 sera diffus?e en Suisse et Belgique pour juin 2007 environ et France vers juillet 2007.*******........


Which is your favorite MALE character ?
Mr. Eko
Benjamin Linus
Which is your favorite FEMALE character ?
Ana Lucia


Official Lost Fans


Thanks Tom for make posible Lost Fans... Also Tom is a very good Fan of Lost....Who doesnt ?

My Blog

Theres No Place Like Home (1)

Episode Number: 83   Season Num: 4  .The confrontation between the survivors and the freighter people begins. Lost Fans Score : 9.0 Community Reviews and YOUR SCORE ?...
Posted by Official Lost Fans on Myspace on Fri, 16 May 2008 10:33:00 PST

Cabin Fever

Episode Number: 82   Season Num: 4  .Locke finds out where Jacob's cabin is. Life on the freighter becomes dangerous. Lost Fans Score : 8.9 Community Reviews and YOUR SCORE ?...
Posted by Official Lost Fans on Myspace on Fri, 09 May 2008 02:54:00 PST

Something Nice Back Home

Episode Number: 81   Season Num: 4  Kate and Juliet must learn to work together when Jack's health is seriously compromised. Something goes wrong as Sawyer, Claire, Aaron and Miles...
Posted by Official Lost Fans on Myspace on Fri, 02 May 2008 09:05:00 PST

The Shape of Things to Come

Episode Number: 80   Season Num: 4  Lost Fans Score : 9.2 Community Reviews and YOUR SCORE ?...
Posted by Official Lost Fans on Myspace on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 12:41:00 PST

Lost News Update

*Doc Arzt posted the audio from a press conference call with Lindelof and Cuse yesterday, and there is some really good information about what we can expect in the future: -The title of the finale is ...
Posted by Official Lost Fans on Myspace on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 07:44:00 PST

Lost News Update - More Lost this Season?!?

Thankfully Season 4 resumes in one week - here is some info to keep you thinking until then: *As many of you have noted in previous post commentary, there is current speculation that we may get a...
Posted by Official Lost Fans on Myspace on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 04:56:00 PST

Lost Hiatus - Update

The hiatus blues have seriously kicked in after 8 fantastic episodes of Lost so far this season - now the wait starts again& Here are some interesting things happening in the Lost-world to keep your m...
Posted by Official Lost Fans on Myspace on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 09:54:00 PST

Lost To Wrap Up In April

Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, co-executive producers of ABC’s Lost, told SCI FI Wire that the current season’s final batch of new episodes will unspool a story arc based on a plan devis...
Posted by Official Lost Fans on Myspace on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 03:01:00 PST

Confirmation on the Oceanic 6

There seems to have been much confusion on who the Oceanic 6 really are. Does Aaron count? Could it be Ben, Juliet, or Desmond? Is it Jin who was just pretending to be dead? NO. If you are unaware, th...
Posted by Official Lost Fans on Myspace on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 10:46:00 PST

Meet Kevin Johnson

Episode Number: 79   Season Num: 4  Lost Fans Score : 9.3 Community Reviews and YOUR SCORE ?...
Posted by Official Lost Fans on Myspace on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 04:01:00 PST