Myspaces Original
Shannon Rutherford
We Will Be Together Again
Tell Me That It Wasn't Just A Dream...
Why didn't I just listen to him...
My name is...or was...Shannon Rutherford. I made the mistake of getting on a plane from Australia to LA and it crashed somewhere in between. All we knew is we were way off course when we crashed so anybody who might have gone looking for us was looking in the wrong place. Only about 48 of us survived the crash. A couple of guys got killed and one girl drowned. A bunch of crazy shit happends on this island...wherever it is. There's some crazy monster out in the jungle and these "others" who keep trying to kill us. This psycho outdoorsy guy named John Locke and my step-brother Boone were out in the jungle and they found a hatch. Boone was a real dumb ass and followed John around like a little lost puppy...and Boone wound up getting seriously hurt. He didnt make it. And the worst part is that I wasn't even there with him. When we crashed on this island all we had was each other...and when he died...he didn't even have me. I'll never forgive myself for that. Nothing ever seemed the same after he was gone. I don't think I would have lasted a day if it hadn't been for Sayid. He was there for me whenever I needed him.Some of the guys built a raft to try and get off the island. It ended up being this guy Michael and his kid Walt, that hick from the south that I always catch checking out my ass Sawyer, and some asian guy that doesn't even speak any english named Jin. It was the strangest thing...I kept seeing that kid first Sayid didnt even believe me, but the last time I saw him, Sayid saw him too. Too bad for me somebody gave this bitch named Anna-Lucia a gun and she thought it might be fun to shoot me. Needless to say I died.But now I'm here...wherever here is...its not heaven and I don't think its hell. I'm with Boone again and we can see and hear the rest of the survivors of Flight 815...we can see everything that goes on on the island...but none of them can see us.
Take the quiz: "Which LOST character are you?"
You are Shannon You can be a bit selfish at times, but you have a great singing voice.Take the quiz: "Which Lost girl are you?"
You are Shannon!
You are Shannon. What can I say...Shannon you're just PERFECT...aren't you lucky to be who you are!
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