Mauri J profile picture

Mauri J

Yeah Right !!!

About Me

My msn: [email protected] My hi5:
I Love my family, beers, dog, music, and sports... And I could say surfing but I only went once and trod on a poisonous fish. Why do some people enjoy life and others don't? A new style of Life: Mi teoria de vida es muy simple, no le hagas a los demas lo que no quieres que te hagan; be a happy person, disfruta y aprede lo mejor de los demas, every head is a different world, no trates de vivir en varios a la vez. Filosof?a y ciencia: empirismo y teor?a del aprendizaje. Mauri = Costa Rica Style.
Mauri Space

My Interests

* ENTER * * Lost Fans Leader *

I'd like to meet:


I Can't live without Music.


Why I created this site ? Easy, Lost is one of my favorite Tv Shows , so enter here and Please let me know your thoughts.


Ziggy Marley lyrics ..


Easy : If You Dont Love Animals, You can Go ...

My Blog

Volcanoes in Costa Rica

The Volcanoes of Costa Rica There are many volcanoes in Costa Rica, the only volcano with strombolian eruptions at this time is Arenal Volcano, by far the best known and most visited volcano in Costa ...
Posted by Mauri J on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 12:15:00 PST

This is Real

Orbs Tell me that is not real !!! You can`t A Clouse Up ...
Posted by Mauri J on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 11:46:00 PST