Bingle profile picture


just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly

About Me

*i'm pretty sure of what i want for myself in life *i dislike it when people lie to me...i'd rather hear a lame excuse than just silence *i LOVE my cats and dogs and believe in animal heaven *give me chocolate, ice cream and fries and i'm happy *i don't like pork *i get bored easily, so i'll change the way i look (my hair mostly) *i don't like to be angry at least not for long *when i listen to a song i like, i'll start singing and dancing *when i dance i close my eyes *i love last minute plans *sometimes i cry for no reason at makes me feel better *i get attached too quickly and it almost never works out to my favor *i talk to myself...a lot *i hate cheaters. why bother being with someone if you won't even be with them? *i hate people who think they're much better than you *i hate how i shut myself from others sometimes *i can be really hard-headed *i love being told i'm pretty...i always blush though *i try to always speak my bothers some people. not everyone can handle the truth *why can't guys (and people in general) speak their minds and tell you upfront what they want... it would save me from listening to a bunch of BS *i hate when people say they'll call and then don't *i dislike my left foot *i have too many bags..but there's always room for one more *i enjoy watching others put thier make-up on *i love getting dirty :P *i'm what!! *i have few friends but i love them dearly *i've been hurt, but that doesn't mean the next guy will do the same *it takes me a while to open up to people *i have a hard time expressing my feelings sometimes *i love to hug and to be hugged *i don't mind showing up by myself someplace *i love the way a pair of pants can make your ass look perfect *sometimes i smile to strangers at red lights *i fall asleep in the shower *i will eat a whole bag of popcorn by myself *i have my own set of love handles...believe it or not *i don't have the perfect body or face, but it's all me and i love it! * "I MAY NOT BE PERFECT, BUT PARTS OF ME ARE EXCELLENT""No man is the whole of himself....his friends are the rest of him"you think you know?'s a little glimpse...

My Interests

dancing* the gym* sunbathing* trying on shoes (can never find one that fits)* shopping* challenges* cuddles* kisses* hugs* furry things* silly pictures* good friends* good laughs* scars* the perfect drink* inside jokes* comfortable silence* hot showers* walking barefoot* fast cars, vintage cars (mustangs!!) and convertibles *

I'd like to meet:

send me a message...i'll almost always answer back. :)


Philadelphia* The Butterfly effect* What dreams may come* Tears of sun * Memento* Beauty and the Beast* Fight Club* My Girl* Ghost* Seven* A perfect world* Sleepless in Seattle* The Abyss* The Omen* Friday the 13th (all of them!)* Stigmata* To Wong Foo..* Bicentennial Man* Dying Young* Point Break* Stepmom* Meet Joe Black* Far and Away* Patch Adams* Silence of the lambs* Shawshank Redemption* Blow* Dead man walking* Sleepers* Mystic River* Million Dollar Baby* Candyman* SAW* Big Fish* ...seriously...waaaaay too many to list


CSI!!* Prison Break!!* ER* Gilmore Girls* The Simpsons* Nip/Tuck* MythBusters* Miami Ink*


Any by Stephen King but specially "IT", Richard Preston (The hot Zone, The Cobra event, The Demon in the freezer), Gone with the wind, Caballo de Troya (pero no los pude terminar), El Principito...


People who learn to accept themselves and others... And people who live without the bullshit.

My Blog

i had to put my dog to sleep

so about a month ago i had to put one of my dogs to sleep : Motita. she was about 10yrs old, i got her when she was a baby. she was a mutt, the sweetest one ever. she slowly lost her sight and went bl...
Posted by Bingle on Sat, 17 May 2008 03:45:00 PST

out of africa

so a few days ago i found a bunch of old family albums. besides the endless embarassing and cute baby pictures, or the weird goofy hairdos and clothes...i found pictures of back when i lived in africa...
Posted by Bingle on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 08:04:00 PST

la crisis del cuarto de vida

pues si...luego de varios dias de crisis existenciales e incontrolables cambios de humorme di cuante que los 25 me pegaron duro y la crisis parece estar comenzando. que horror!!! cuando se me va a pas...
Posted by Bingle on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 05:28:00 PST

my awesome bday party!!!

well...on sunday was my bday but i partied BIG on saturday. i had a blast and was really happy so many ppl showed up...made me feel warm and tingly inside. Thanks to ALL that showed me some love. In c...
Posted by Bingle on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 08:45:00 PST

simple thoughts

you woke me up in the middle of the night. didn't even say 2 words, but the silence got me thinking of what it is i promises, just you holding me like you do now.thinking of you my mind begins...
Posted by Bingle on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 11:37:00 PST

letting go

i could lose myself in your arms, i could float away in your smell. i want those arms around me protecting me from the silence and the lack of feelings. i feel so fragile anf about to break but you ho...
Posted by Bingle on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 10:52:00 PST

i LOVE halloween :)

i love dressing up and putting on make up! last night was a blast. our costumes turned out great and we had tons of fun. i love nights like these :)  ...
Posted by Bingle on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 06:48:00 PST

my first show :)

yesterday.. i had my first fashion show. and i have to say it was one of the coolest things ever!!i'm not a model but a few weeks ago i was asked to do a casting for a show that would be held at our s...
Posted by Bingle on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 07:20:00 PST

y uno aprende... (and we learn...)

ultimamente me han sucedido tantas cosas...buenas y malas. soy de las que cree que hay que sacar provecho a todas las situaciones y que de cada error algo se aprende. me resulta increible como a veces...
Posted by Bingle on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 11:33:00 PST

my baby is back!!!

i got my car back today !!!!!  i missed my baby. his name is andy and he looked so cute all fixed more dents or scratches. he looked at me and said "mami i missed you" and shook his lit...
Posted by Bingle on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 08:45:00 PST