This is a little website built to celebrate the greatness of Patrick Emery Lumumba, one of the greatest revolutionaries from past century. The first goal of this space is to stop people from forgetting historical lesson of this man, because forgetting an abuse is the first step to accept a condition of slavery. Freedom and self-determination as a right to grab from the oppressors, and not as a fake present given from above, from dirty hands of parasite hypocrites. Lumumba is dead, but 10, 100, 1000 Lumumuba will born if we spread around his ideas and message. Can't stop people from liberate themself, so let's get free. Every contibute, text, audio, video about Lumumba will be appreciated and used to materialize this space and help it to grow up. Thanks.
Imagine a nation in the center of Africa big enough to swallow up 80 countries the size of Belgium. Imagine a nation in which the soil is outrageously rich to the point where even the most righteous person would be tempted to put all of his inner-most values aside, and be lured into conspicuous covetousness. Imagine a man, with an admirable dream for his people, to give them the human dignity stolen for centuries. Add to that a tragic twist, with an evil plot.
That’s the story of Lumumba, a young man who quickly rose to power as Congo’s first prime minister, to help lead his country to independence from Belgium in the late 1950s.He was a visionary and a revolutionary. He wanted his country, the Congo, to be independent not only in name but in deed. But imperialist forces wanted to continue to dominate and exploit the riches of Congo by installing puppet Congolese leaders who were subservient to their wishes and whims.