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Official ETHIOPIA© Space

Ethiopia© for all Ethiopians

About Me

Unique among African countries, the ancient Ethiopian monarchy maintained its freedom from colonial rule with the exception of the 1936-41 Italian occupation during World War II. In 1974, a military junta, the Derg, deposed Emperor Haile SELASSIE (who had ruled since 1930) and established a socialist state. Torn by bloody coups, uprisings, wide-scale drought, and massive refugee problems, the regime was finally toppled in 1991 by a coalition of rebel forces, the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). A constitution was adopted in 1994, and Ethiopia's first multiparty elections were held in 1995. A border war with Eritrea late in the 1990's ended with a peace treaty in December 2000. Final demarcation of the boundary is currently on hold due to Ethiopian objections to an international commission's finding requiring it to surrender territory considered sensitive to Ethiopia. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Ethiopia was the first country to be established on earth, with Ethiopians the originators of worship of gods as well as establishers of laws. Later ages gained from Ethiopia the fundamental principles of equality, temperance, industry, intelligence and justice.
Much documented ancient history pertains to the highly cultivated Egyptian Pharaonic Dynasties. Understandably this would be the point of easiest obtainable information due to the availability of well preserved information about Ancient Egypt. What is not so widely accepted is the knowledge that Egypt is renowned for was brought forth by the Egyptian priesthood who were Ethiopian. Egypt was a colony of the parent body Ethiopia.
There have been many attempts by white scholars and scientists to "white wash" Egypt of first, the historical evidence of it being part of the larger Cushite Empire and next to take away its original Black beginnings. Careful and painstaking investigations by authors such as this one have uncovered much evidence to the contrary.
Egypt became an easy target of "white wash" corruption of history, as it was an international capital of sorts, with many foreigners frequenting this great stronghold of ancient wisdom to study and acquire the ancient teachings cultivated and carried to Egypt by the priests and caretakers of Ethiopia.
Simultaneous with Egyptian civilization evolving, the migrations to Asia and Western Europe by the early Ethiopians, came into their own as highly cultivated settlements of the Cushite Empire.
Egypt and Babylon led the way in cultivating art, science, literature, also alphabetical writings, astronomy, history, chronology, architecture, with textile industries seeming to have had their origins in these countries. Domestication of animals and the foundations of agriculture also can be attributed to these advanced societies. What is considered current strides in technology has been directly contributed to from these ancient civilizations.
Linguistic discoveries were proof that Ethiopians in the earliest times extended themselves along the southern shores of the continents from Abyssinia to India. The Sanskrit writings, considered sacred writings in India, describe the extended domains of the Ancient Cushite Empire. They mention one of the emigrations going out from the Upper Nile as having peopled India. The Puranas (Sanskrit ancient writings with a focus on the history of the Universe) divided the world into 7 divisions (dwipas). Sancha dwipa was Africa. Cusha dwipa was the land of Cush, India and the Mediterranean.
the ancient Cushites entered India they did not encounter Indo-Europeans but instead could have encountered aboriginal Malays who would have been absorbed into the clan as was the Ethiopian custom throughout their domains.
The early history of the Dravidians of Asia at the time of this book has not been entirely deciphered but it is stated, in ethnic type, the Dravidians are Ethiopian and are the people who civilized India.
The originations of the communal districts of India, this simple system of cooperation of the Cushite people built the temples, palaces and giant engineering projects that are wonders today. The basis of the achievements of Babylonia, Egypt and Ethiopia are the result of this communal system.
Indirect trade from India to the Mediterranean has existed since very ancient times. Although Greece has no recorded history, the Aegean civilization preceded historic Greek civilization. Mythology of the Greeks are the literature of the Cushites who populated western Europe.
For more information Buy The Book:Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire by Drusilla Dunjee Houston

My Interests

You Know You're Habesha when:-u put toothpaste on yo dad tooth brush-ur mom or dad owns or did own a toyota carolla-ur parents pronounce "that" "zat"-back home means eritrea/ethiopia-ur parents never let you spend the night at your friends house-ur at a funeral and somebody cries the dead persons name fast until there out of breath and then do it again- may i add that they pat their chest in mourning-ur mom goes shopping w/ rollers in her head-ur house smells like shigurti-ur mom used to cut ur hair(trim it)-ur in a party and u hear "elelelelelelelelelelelelelleleee!!!" -ur at someones house and they tell u to eat more when u already had 2 plates of injera-u go to somebodys apt to borrow a disti (a pot where u make tsebhi)-u have at least 1 relative living in America illegally -u fight over who pays the bill.-u pronounce the word "world" as "worlid". -u think the harlem shake was stolen from your culture.-ur parents drink Ouzo, Areqi or Tej,or sewa-ur parents tell you how everything is better back home than it is here(i.e. water, food, manners)-u listen to the same tigrinya tape or CD everyday for 6 mths. straight in ur home or car.-when you drink boon, you gossip.-u think you should experience love after the wedding.-ur family in Eritrea or Ethiopia thinks rich and asks for gifts.-u only go to church on Eritrean/Ethiopian x-mas eve.(Jan 6th)-u've never heard your parents say ..I love you.. to each other.-ur scared 2 go back "home" not really-when u tell ur mom thats enuff she always adds one more spoonful of tsebhi-u can smell wats cookin b4 u enter ur house-ur parents constantly tell u not to trust the americans-ur mom and dad tell u that back home everythin is perfect-ur mom and dad are set on u marrying a habesha -whenever u start complainin they start off by saying "back home i..." -u cant keep track of how many cousins u have -u have to beg ur mom to cut ur hair-ppl always ask u if ur mixed cuz u got dat good hair lol yeah....-no1 can pronounce ur name right in schoolyeah the first day of school... its always pretty interesting to see the teachers try to pronounce it correctly-ur grandma spends her freetime at church yeah....def..-u learn all the cuss words in Amarena b4 any of the other words-ur scared to show ur dad ur report card if u have a C-every habesha u kno gets straight a-b honor roll -ur mom wont let u get cornrows cuz u'll look like a girl-ppl back home dont kno wat gay is -u have a favorite uncle that ur mom calls a fool-when some1 hits u ur mom let u spit in her hand and smacks the person with it.."toof belli"-while ur readin this ur smiling,laughing,and nodding!the entire timesend this to all habesha ppl on ur list

My Blog

Ethiopia’s ancient church faces competition from evangelicals

As Ethiopia enters its third millennium, so does its Orthodox church, a venerable state-backed institution whose dominance is increasingly threatened by a myriad of evangelical faiths. Patriarch Paulo...
Posted by Official ETHIOPIA© Space on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 10:35:00 PST