WAKE up thine slumbering Mentality, COME closer to Reality, RECOGNIZE thy Dignity, thy Integrity, th

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"Wake up thine slumbering mentality Come closer to reality Recognise thy dignity, thy integrity, thy equality" (Holy King Peter Tosh)"The Truth, The Way, And The Light!!! I BELIEVE JAH!!!...ITS TIME TO WAKE UP SHOUT WITH A LOUD CRY 'FUCK THIS SHIT'. GET OUT OF THE MATRIX A.K.A BABYLON....AND TELL EVERYONE YOU LOVE TO DO THE SAME. IF YA PEOPLES DONT HAVE COMPUTERS TELL EM BY WORD OF MOUTH OR PRINT THEM A COPY. PS. TO YOU NOSY SPINELESS WORTHLESS DEVILS...I KNOW YOUR OUT THERE...WATCHING ME, OBSERVING ME, TRYING TO MASTER MY EVERY MOVE...LOOKING FOR WAYS TO BURDEN ME WITH GUILT AND SHAME...TRYNNA TO MAKE ME WORTHLESS...WELL HEAR THIS...I DON'T GIVE A F..$K...F..$K YOU AND YOUR SORRY PLAN...EVERY TIME ONE OF US DEFENDERS OF THE TRUTH TRY AND RISE UP YOU TRY AND KILL US...WELL NOT THIS TIME...YOUR TIME IS STEADILY GETTIN SHORTER!!! BABYLON MUST BURN!!! PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH GOD HOLY EMMANUEL I KING SELLASSEI JAH RASTAFARI" (TOSH1)"We must look, first, to Almighty God, Who has raised man above the animals and endowed him with intelligence and reason. We must put our faith in Him, that He will not desert us or permit us to destroy humanity which He created in His image. And we must look into ourselves, into the depth of our souls. We must become something we have never been and for which our education and experience and environment have ill-prepared us. We must become bigger than we have been: more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook. We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community." (HIS DIVINE MAJESTY KING HAILE SELASSIE I THE FIRST)"We are sent here to do the FATHER'S will, and those who listen are BLESSED, those who dont are CURSED and its that simple. We gotta seperate FACT from FICTION. the BIBLE has been tampered, and much has been deleted and hidden. NEVER put anything past satan and his minions, he is given dominion over this world, so we must inquire of the FATHER as much as possible and keep praying. Chant dem down with holy psalms. DON'T really trust other books other than GENESIS, the GOSPELS and REVELATIONS. Psalms come Straight from JAH." (TOSH1)"THE SO CALLED ANTICHRIST WILL RISE FROM ISLAM!!! In times of old solomon's temple was built out of respect for JAH. When JAH's people was carried away to babylon it was destroyed. But under the command of the persian king it was later rebuilt. It has been built and destroyed by hebrew enemies time and time again. But only one religion. one people (The people of Islam. Arabian scum etc..) has built a mosque on that land in direct disrespect and defiance to JAH. These people are Those who hide behind the abomination of Islam. They built there mosque right where JAH's holy temple was in direct disrespect. They are the largest so called religion out there. And they feed on hate while they spread vicious lies; Sayin YAHUSHUA is not JAH made flesh. Even now they gather to destroy the west. But dont get me wrong, these fake european scum so called christians are just as evil. Trying to make it seem like JAH made flesh was a leper. It is all a play. Keep your eyes and minds open. For I say to you AMERICA WILL FALL!! And next the beast, Islam, the anticrist will reign. Pick your sides brotha's and sista's. For the end is near. One currency is already gaining power in europe the euro dollar. And america is in deep debt. When the economy falls here they will be happy to join the one currency club. These are all signs of the end times. May all hear these words and heed to them. And may JAH keep us all strong in these last days." (Mattanyah Elijah Jedayah)PSALM 27BY KING DAVIDJAH IS MY LIGHT AND MY SALVATION- WHOM SHALL I FEAR? JAH IS THE STRONGHOLD OF MY LIFE- OF WHOM SHALL I BE AFRAID?WHEN EVIL MEN ADVANCE AGAINST ME TO DEVOUR MY FLESH, WHEN MY ENEMIES AND MY FOES ATTACK ME, THEY WILL STUMBLE AND FALL.THOUGH AN ARMY BESEIGE ME, MY HEART WILL NOT FEAR; THOUGH WAR BREAK OUT AGAINST ME, EVEN THEN WILL I BE CONFIDENT.ONE THING I ASK OF JAH, THIS IS WHAT I SEEK: THAT I MAY DWELL IN THE HOUSE OF JAH ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE, TO GAZE UPON THE BEAUTY OF JAH AND TO SEEK HIM IN HIS TEMPLE.FOR IN THE DAY OF TROUBLE HE WILL KEEP ME SAFE IN HIS DWELLING; HE WILL HIDE ME IN THE SHELTER OF HIS TABERNACLE AND SET ME UPON A ROCK.THEN MY HEAD WILL BE EXALTED ABOVE THE ENEMIES WHO SURROUND ME; AT HIS TABERNACLE WILL I SACRIFICE WITH SHOUTS OF JOY; I WILL SING AND MAKE MUSIC TO JAH.HEAR MY VOICE WHEN I CALL, O LORD; BE MERCIFUL TO ME AND ANSWER ME.TO YOU, O MY HEART, HE HAS SAID, "SEEK MY FACE!" YOUR FACE, LORD, WILL I SEEK.DO NOT HIDE YOUR FACE FROM ME, DO NOT TURN YOUR SERVANT AWAY IN ANGER; YOU HAVE BEEN MY HELPER. DO NOT REJECT ME OR FORSAKE ME, O MY GOD MY SAVIOR.THOUGH MY FATHER AND MOTHER FORSAKE ME, JAH WILL RECEIVE ME.TEACH ME YOUR WAY, O LORD; LEAD ME IN A STRAIGHT PATH BECAUSE OF MY OPPRESSORS.DO NOT TURN ME OVER TO THE DESIRE OF MY FOES, FOR FALSE WITNESSES RISE UP AGAINST ME, BREATHING OUT VIOLENCE.I AM STILL CONFIDENT IN THIS: I WILL SEE THE GOODNESS OF JAH IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING.WAIT FOR JAH; BE STRONG AND TAKE HEART AND WAIT FOR JAH"WE KNOW THAT WE LIVE IN HIM AND HE IN US, BECAUSE HE HAS GIVEN US OF HIS HOLY SPIRIT. AND WE HAVE SEEN AND TESTIFY THAT THE FATHER HAS SENT HIS SON TO BE THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD. IF ANYONE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HOLY EMMANUEL I KING SELASSIE JAH RASTAFARI IS THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD, JAH LIVES IN HIM AND HE IN GOD. AND SO WE KNOW AND RELY ON THE LOVE JAH HAS FOR US. JAH IS LOVE. WHOEVER LIVES IN LOVE LIVES IN JAH, AND GOD IN HIM. IN THIS WAY LOVE IS MADE COMPLETE AMONG US SO THAT WE WILL HAVE CONFIDENCE ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT, BECAUSE IN THIS WORLD WE ARE LIKE HIM. THERE IS NO FEAR IN LOVE. BUT PERFECT LOVE DRIVES OUT FEAR, BECAUSE FEAR HAS TO DO WITH PUNISHMENT. THE ONE WHO FEARS IS NOT MADE PERFECT IN LOVE. WE LOVE BECAUSE HE FIRST LOVED US. IF ANYONE SAYS, 'I LOVE GOD,' YET HATES HIS BROTHER, HE IS A LIAR. FOR ANY MAN WHO DOES NOT LOVE HIS BROTHER, WHOM HE HAS SEEN, CANNOT LOVE FATHER JAH, WHOM HE HAS NOT SEEN. AND HE HAS GIVEN US THIS COMMAND: WHOEVER LOVES GOD MUST ALSO LOVE HIS BROTHER. (1 John 4:13-21) Don't dwell on the Past, Live in the Present 4 the Future...PUT YOUR TRUST IN THE LIVING GOD!!! AND KNOW THYSELF!!! Be the CHANGE that u wanna SEE n u will SEE things CHANGE....F**K FEAR!!!! ALL FEAR IS DEATH!!! WE MUST PINPOINT WHAT WE FEAR AND WHY WE FEAR IT AND CONFRONT IT 2 OVERCOME THAT EVIL RATBASTARD!!! FREEDOM OR DEATH!!! NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS!!! TO HELL WITH STRESS!!! JAH BLESS!!! HOLY 1NESS!!! Peter Tosh - Arise Blackman Lift up your heads, O ye gates And be ye lifted up, ye ever-livin' Black people The King of glory shall come in Arise Blackman arise Arise and KNOW thyself Arise Blackman arise Arise and KNOW thyself We've been sittin' in the dirt too long And it seems we don't know when we're right or wrong But help me sing my song Blackman arise Arise Blackman arise Arise and KNOW thyself right now Arise Blackman arise Arise and KNOW thyself For the moon shall turn into blood And the rivers turn into flood And the sun will never shine Blackman arise Arise Blackman arise Arise and KNOW thyself Arise Blackman arise Arise and KNOW thyself Remember we've been down here as slaves And to get a little job you have to trim and shave Your heaven becomes your grave Job Blackman arise Arise Blackman arise Arise and KNOW thyself Arise Blackman arise Arise and KNOW thyself For the time of rights is now And you don't have to ask me how You've got to make a move Blackman arise Arise Blackman arise Arise and KNOW thyself Arise Blackman arise Arise and KNOW thyself Every man on earth is a man And every tub have to stand on its own bottom No matter where you're from Blackman ariseTHE WAY TO PERMANENT FAITH Indeed the hour is coming . . . that you will be scattered . . . —John 16:32 JAH was not rebuking the disciples in this passage. Their faith was real, but it was disordered and unfocused, and was not at work in the important realities of life. The disciples were scattered to their own concerns and they had interests apart from JAH. After we have the perfect relationship with JAH, through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, our faith must be exercised in the realities of everyday life. We will be scattered, not into service but into the emptiness of our lives where we will see ruin and barrenness, to know what internal death to JAH’s blessings means. Are we prepared for this? It is certainly not of our own choosing, but JAH engineers our circumstances to take us there. Until we have been through that experience, our faith is sustained only by feelings and by blessings. But once we get there, no matter where JAH may place us or what inner emptiness we experience, we can praise JAH that all is well. That is what is meant by faith being exercised in the realities of life. ". . . you . . . will leave Me alone." Have we been scattered and have we left JAH alone by not seeing His providential care for us? Do we not see JAH at work in our circumstances? Dark times are allowed and come to us through the sovereignty of JAH. Are we prepared to let JAH do what He wants with us? Are we prepared to be separated from the outward, evident blessings of JAH? Until JAH ALMIGHTY is truly our LORD, we each have goals of our own which we serve. Our faith is real, but it is not yet permanent. And JAH is never in a hurry. If we are willing to wait, we will see JAH pointing out that we have been interested only in His blessings, instead of in JAH Himself. The sense of JAH’s blessings is fundamental ". . . be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" ( John 16:33 ). Unyielding spiritual fortitude is what we need. (MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST)

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Psalm 132 11 The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; He will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Isaiah 7 14 Therefore the LORD Himself shall give you a sign; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Matthew 1 23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a Son, and they shall call His name IMMANUEL, which being interpreted is, GOD with us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luke 1 31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a Son, and shalt call His name YAHUSHUA. 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the LORD GOD shall give unto Him the throne of His father David: 33 And He shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of His Kingdom there shall be no end. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Malachi 4 5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John 1 6 There was a man sent from GOD, whose name was John. 7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. 8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. 9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. 11 He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. 12 But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of GOD, even to them that believe on His name: 13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of GOD. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Matthew 11 13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. 14 And if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah, which was for to come. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Matthew 11 11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 Samuel 23 1 Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the one anointed by the GOD of Jacob, the favorite singer of Israel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Song Of Praise. By Peter Tosh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rastafari is Lords of Lords and Savior He..s the Mighty Mighty One Thunderable, Thunderable One. Rastafari is.... He..s the Omnipotent, Omnipotent One, Magnificent, Super Magnificent One, Rastafari is..... You better worship, worship Him, You better praise, Praise Him. Rastafari is... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John 5 31 If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true. 32 There is another that beareth witness of Me; and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of Me is true. 33 Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto the Truth. 34 But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved. 35 He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light. 36 But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given Me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of Me, that the Father hath sent Me. 37 And the Father Himself, which hath sent Me, hath borne witness of Me. Ye have neither heard His voice at any time, nor seen His shape. 38 And ye have not His Word abiding in you: for whom He hath sent, Him ye believe not. 39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me. 40 And ye will not come to Me, that ye might have life. 41 I receive not honour from men. 42 But I know you, that ye have not the Love of GOD in you. 43 I am come in My Father's Name, and ye receive Me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. 44 How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from GOD only? 45 Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is One that accuseth you, even MOSES, in whom ye trust. 46 For had ye believed MOSES, ye would have believed Me; for He wrote of Me. 47 But if ye believe not His writings, how shall ye believe My words? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremiah 23 5 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Words of Peter Tosh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kibir Amlak Qedamawi Ras Fetari Qedamawi Iyesus Kristos Lebdama Mabrak Isad Tenayistilgn Kings of kings, Lords of lords Conquering lion of the tribe of Judah Elect of God, Mighty God Everliving God, Earth's Rightul Ruler Blessed be the man that walketh not In the counsel of the ungodly Nor standeth in the ways of sinners Nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful For I delight is in the law of the Lord God, Selassie I In His laws do I meditate day and night Therefore I must be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water And bringeth forth fruit in due season I locks also shall not wither And whatsoever I doeth shall prosper The weakheart are not so, oh no! They are like the chaff that the wind driveth away Therefore no weakheart shall stand in the judgemant Nor no sinners in the congregation of the righteous For the Lord God so High That He knoweth the way of the righteous And know that the way of the weakheart Shall crumble, paralyse and burn - JAH RASTAFARI! But He delight in earthquake, brimstone and fiyah To kill, crum... - JAH! MIGHTY GOD! EVERLIVING GOD! And do away with all weakheart Conception to my creation continually And let our righteousness cover this earth As the waters cover the sea Isaiah 11:9 - They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My Holy Mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. He reigns from that Iwa until this Iwa Hailful I, so high and so mighty - JAH RASTAFARI! I am the Earth Rightful RulerJoshua 5 13 And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a Man over against him with His sword drawn in His hand: and Joshua went unto Him, and said unto Him, Art Thou for us, or for our adversaries? 14 And He said, Nay; but as Captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto Him, What saith my Lord unto His servant? 15 And the Captain of the LORD's host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so. Joshua 6 1 Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in. 2 And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour. 3 And ye shall compass the city, all ye men of war, and go round about the city once. Thus shalt thou do six days. 4 And seven priests shall bear before the ark seven trumpets of rams' horns: and the seventh day ye shall compass the city seven times, and the priests shall blow with the trumpets. 5 And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long blast with the ram's horn, and when ye hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and the wall of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall ascend up every man straight before him. 6 And Joshua the son of Nun called the priests, and said unto them, Take up the ark of the covenant, and let seven priests bear seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of the LORD. 7 And he said unto the people, Pass on, and compass the city, and let him that is armed pass .. the ark of the LORD. 8 And it came to pass, when Joshua had spoken unto the people, that the seven priests bearing the seven trumpets of rams' horns passed .. the LORD, and blew with the trumpets: and the ark of the covenant of the LORD followed them. 9 And the armed men went before the priests that blew with the trumpets, and the rereward came after the ark, the priests going on, and blowing with the trumpets. 10 And Joshua had commanded the people, saying, Ye shall not shout, nor make any noise with your voice, neither shall any word proceed out of your mouth, until the day I bid you shout; then shall ye shout. 11 So the ark of the LORD compassed the city, going about it once: and they came into the camp, and lodged in the camp. 12 And Joshua rose early in the morning, and the priests took up the ark of the LORD. 13 And seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of the LORD went on continually, and blew with the trumpets: and the armed men went before them; but the rereward came after the ark of the LORD, the priests going on, and blowing with the trumpets. 14 And the second day they compassed the city once, and returned into the camp: so they did six days. 15 And it came to pass on the seventh day, that they rose early about the dawning of the day, and compassed the city after the same manner seven times: only on that day they compassed the city seven times. 16 And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the LORD hath given you the city. 17 And the city shall be accursed, even it, and all that are therein, to the LORD: only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all that are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers that we sent. 18 And ye, in any wise keep yourselves from the accursed thing, lest ye make yourselves accursed, when ye take of the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it. 19 But all the silver, and gold, and vessels of brass and iron, are consecrated unto the LORD: they shall come into the treasury of the LORD. 20 So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city. 21 And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.A Psalm of King David. After the Slaughter of Goliath. Psalm 151 1 I was small among my brothers, and the youngest in my father’s house; I tended my father’s sheep. 2 My hands made a harp; my fingers fashioned a lyre. 3 And who will tell my Lord? The LORD Himself; it is He who hears. 4 It was He who sent His messenger and took me from my father’s sheep, and anointed me with His anointing oil. 5 My brothers were handsome and tall, but the LORD was not pleased with them. 6 I went out to meet the Philistine, and he cursed me by his idols. 7 But I drew his own sword; I beheaded him, and took away disgrace from the people of Israel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Isaiah 13 1 The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. 2 Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles. 3 I have commanded My sanctified ones, I have also called My mighty ones for Mine anger, even them that rejoice in My Highness. 4 The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the LORD of hosts mustereth the host of the battle. 5 They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the LORD, and the weapons of His indignation, to destroy the whole land. 6 Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. 7 Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt: 8 And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames. 9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and He shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. 10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine. 11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. 12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir. 13 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of His fierce anger. 14 And it shall be as the chased roe, and as a sheep that no man taketh up: they shall every man turn to his own people, and flee every one into his own land. 15 Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. 16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished. 17 Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it. 18 Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eyes shall not spare children. 19 And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. 20 It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there. 21 But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there. 22 And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged. Isaiah 14 21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities. 22 For I will rise up against them, saith the LORD of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the LORD. 23 I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and pools of water: and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the LORD of hosts. 24 The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "for those who do not know who or what Babylon is, it is the system of corruption and oppression of humanity instituted by the powers that be. These Powers are Europe the Mother Whore and the United States the Whore's daughter, and any nation who align or affiliates themselves with these Wicked Empires. The objective of Babylon is to deprive the global masses of their GOD given rights spirutually, mentally, and physically by casting them down into a state of confusion, disillusion, deplorable sinfulness, and outright stupidity, by promoting materialism and vanity ahead of spiritual and intellectual evolution." --JAHWARA MCINTOSH AKA TOSH 1Matthew 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 17:17 Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy Word is truth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Revelation 17 12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. 14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Revelation 18 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. 6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. 7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. 8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALL BLESSINGS AND HONOR AND GLORY AND POWER BE UNTO THE MOST HIGH CREATOR ALMIGHTY JAH FOR EVERMORE. SO BE IT. HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELU KING JAH JAH

My Blog


Psalm 68 1 Let GOD arise, let HIS enemies be scattered: let them also that hate HIM flee before HIM. 2 As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked pe...
Posted by ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET US FREE on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:45:00 PST


From: Mattanyah Elijah Jedayah THE SO CALLED ANTICHRIST WILL RISE FROM ISLAM!!! In times of old solomon's temple was built out of respect for JAH. When JAH's people was carried away to babylon it was...
Posted by ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET US FREE on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:38:00 PST


From: Mattanyah Elijah Jedayah Thus saith YAHUSHUA. 'I know them that say they are jews but are the synaguage of satan'. Brotha's and sista's we are in the last days. And alot of these lepers are tryi...
Posted by ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET US FREE on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:36:00 PST


Posted by ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET US FREE on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:34:00 PST


From: Somayah Jedayah IN THE TRUE NAME OF THE HOLY FATHER, IN THE TRUE NAME OF THE HOLY SON, BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.THE BEAST IS REVEALEDRevelation 13:16-1816. And he causeth all, both small ...
Posted by ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET US FREE on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:33:00 PST


Posted by ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET US FREE on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:22:00 PST


From: Tosh 1 The Truth, The Way, And The Light!!! I BELIEVE JAH!!! There are three wills all working simultaneously, all self serving, and all working to get their own way. These three wills are the ...
Posted by ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET US FREE on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:20:00 PST


To whom this may concern: From: Tosh 1 What I am about to tell you may come as a shock to some, while others may be familiar with everything that I am about to discuss. The topic I wish to discuss i...
Posted by ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET US FREE on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:09:00 PST


From: Holy Emmanuel I King Selassie JAH Rastafari The temple of the Most High begins with the human body, which houses our life, essence of our existence. Africans are in bondage today because they ap...
Posted by ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET US FREE on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:07:00 PST


From: His Divine Majesty King Haile Selassie I The First We must look, first, to Almighty God, Who has raised man above the animals and endowed him with intelligence and reason. We must put our faith ...
Posted by ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET US FREE on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:06:00 PST