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Garce Sans Coeur

About Me

I believe in PEACE, BITCH!.. width="425" height="350" ..I am average. I have a nice rack, green eyes that were once blue, great legs, and skin that offends the sun. I am stubborn. I have strong morals that do not bend, bold philosophies, and a fear of death. I eat more than I need, but cry for the starving. I'm a stickler for loyalty, but talk shit and flirt unconciously. I am in a constant battle with my own vicious duality. I have big dreams, but a lack of aspirations. I have small, straight teeth, a crooked nose, small lips, and occasional dimples. I dislike my hips, my hair, the creases in my skin, the sound of my voice when I speak. I judge people, but fail to live up to my own standards. I sing best when I think no one will hear. I love to dance, but I am not graceful. I pray for peace but enjoy fighting. I draw faces. I write poems. I cry somewhat easily, and hate it. i am a sucker for animals. Suicide fascinates and infuriates me. I pray to a God that I relate to, that i resent, that I understand, that I fear. I am insecure, but feel empowered. I have scars, I have battle wounds inside and out, that I wear proudly. I count calories, but refuse to own a scale. I like the way blood looks. I have a strong sexuality that I protect carefully. I protect and fight for my loved ones with an unmatched ferocity. I do not smoke. i drink on occasion. I am fairly gullible. I have gifts, but know not how to use them. Music moves me to cry, to dance, to sing along. I practice unconcious racism, and hate myself for it. I avoid responsibility, but enjoy leading. I laugh loud and often, but am ususally depressed. I get lonely a lot, but feel unfit for most people. I write piontlessly. I find beauty with ease. I am bound to the mountians. I resist and avoid trends. I an psychologically unstable. The sky humbles me. I giggle when I'm drunk. I am a cynical Idealist. I want to believe, I try to believe, in something bigger. I am a child. I am easily frustrated. I am lazy. I am a slob. I fall lin love easily, and am as easily heartbroken. I hate blending in. I hide myself. i lie to myself. I have maternal instinct, but little patience for children. I see suffering everywhere, and feel powerless to stop it. I smell flowers. I evacuate spiders. i smile at ladybugs. I love the rain. I gaze at the stars. The moon excites me. I am rediculous. I am constantly searching..... width="425" height="350" ..

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by similarminds.com1. Unitarian Universalism (100%) 2. Neo-Pagan (98%) 3. Mahayana Buddhism (96%) 4. Liberal Quakers (93%) 5. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (90%) 6. New Age (89%) 7. Theravada Buddhism (83%) 8. Bahá'í Faith (69%) 9. Hinduism (66%) 10. Jainism (64%) 11. New Thought (62%) 12. Taoism (62%) 13. Reform Judaism (61%) 14. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (58%) 15. Secular Humanism (56%) 16. Orthodox Quaker (54%) 17. Scientology (52%) 18. Sikhism (52%) 19. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (38%) 20. Jehovah's Witness (38%) 21. Orthodox Judaism (38%) 22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (35%) 23. Nontheist (32%) 24. Seventh Day Adventist (29%) 25. Islam (29%) 26. Eastern Orthodox (18%) 27. Roman Catholic (18%)

My Interests

I'll just list what makes me feel the most alive: MASTURBATION!!! (Now as much fun as that is, and it IS, I'll try to focus on the non-sexually related topics. [booo!] Hey!) Singing, which is the air I breathe, Dancing, what my body was built for, Writing, God it feels good to write. It's like my soul is expanding... Drawing, painting, and as chick-like as it may sound, makeup. But it is not merely something I do to make myself more attractive to the opposite sex, it is a creative outlet that I have researched extensively in both personal and professional arenas. I used to love acting. I still do, actually, but I have always been hard to cast, I'm guessing, due to my amazonian stature. And as of late, I have no idea what career path to follow. Performance is the blood that runs in my veins. I love singing more than anything right now. It's like inhaling the world and exhaling beauty...your lungs just filter out all the negativity and ugliness and pour out pure, glistening emotion. I may come back to acting , but right now I haven't the time. Not to mention I no longer feel the need to be someone else. That used to be a big draw, but now I really like living in this skin, so I'm content to stay. I love poetry. Emily Dickenson is my all time favorite, but Poe holds his own pretty well too. And let us never forget the Immortal Sappho. I seem to be a sucker for tragic-romance poetry. It's just too bittersweetly beautiful to even desribe here, but I do know that when I read it it fills me up like blinding light, and the sadness it creates therein nourishes my heart. I don't know why, it just heals me... I LOVE the works of John William Waterhouse, and one day, mark my words, his "Lady of Shalot" will be framed and hung in my home...even if it is just a print! Another great painter is Matt Johnson. He is AMAZING. If you don't know about him yet, you should. (check him out here .) Not only is he a phenominally talented painter, but he is one of the sweetest, kindest, funniest, most wonderfully wierd individuals I have ever had the fortune of knowing.
In a Past Life...
You Were: An Insane Chief.Where You Lived: Quebec.How You Died: The Plague. Who Were You In a Past Life?

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I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet the following: Intelligent, sharp-witted, kind, open-minded wierdos. I do not get along well with "the normals". nor can I be friends with a person I do not respect, i.e. a person who is stupid. if you cannot enlighten me, make me laugh, or make me think, really, you'd be wasting both my time and your own to even bother trying. If you are true to me, honest with me, make me laugh and get into my heart, I WILL BLEED FOR YOU GLADLY. The only question is: Do you have what it takes?
You are an Enchantress, somewhat an enigma,
you would love to change the world. You hold
strong views and, would love nothing more, to
use your magic to change the world around you.
When in conversation, you listen, take on their
comments, and fantasise how you could improve
things. Quite the idealist, you think you have
all the answers, whether for right or wrong.
You hold your intellect high, and believe you
can change the world! In a relationship, you
need a partner of high intellect.
The world
and you, often seems at odds, with you
frequently seeing things from a different point
of view.
You have a connection with nature,
often stating, that things will take their
natural course. Nevertheless, secretly, you
would like to use nature to your own
Your good points are that you are
intelligent, instigative and thoughtful and
your bad points are, you can be single-minded,
misled and remorseless.
You feel that your
superior knowledge should astound everyone
around you; and you wish for respect from your

Are you a Princess, Enchantress, Faerie, Mermaid or Toad? (with pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla.. width="425" height="350" ..The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Low
Level 2 (Lustful) High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Low
Level 7 (Violent) Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Low
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test


My music interests are both vast and simple. I love music. however... My favortes are Tori Amos (I can't help it!). Tori makes music like art. Not like a pretty postcard, but like the old masters-- like fuckin' Da Vinci. She pours stories into pianos and spills out these masterpieces that, much like the Mona Lisa, effect each person differently. And her music has the unique ability to change as people do. One year, I love a song for one reason. 7 years later I hear it and it strikes me completely differently. How many other artists can do that? Or how many other artists in history are there who have even attempted, let alone perfected angry harpsichord? Yeah. None that I can think of! Not to mention that she has stayed brilliant, original, poignant, and relevant for the entire (long) duration of her career. I'm an eternal fan. What Tori Amos Song are you?
You're a thinker, you like do to things on your've been wondering how mcuh freedom of your own do you have, and testing those boundries.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code I'm way into the Distillers. (Brody Dalle is a Goddess!) There is just something exhilarating in hearing her scream. Vocally speaking, I really dig, (I can't help it) Courtney Love. Look, I know she's totally crack-whored out now, but especially in her older stuff, there's a genuine anger and dispairity in her voice that is completely awe-inspiring, and a ton of chick rockers try as they might to emulate her, come accross as posers. She's an original. Tori, in addition to having a spectacularly honest voice and amazing musical genius, is the best story teller I can think of. Brody just plain kicks ass. I listen to Sarah Brightman like a critic. As a singer myself I know what she's doing. She's the vocal equivalent to a wieght lifter, as opposed to Tori, who would be a dancer. Sarah Brightman can hit any note and make it flawless and beautiful, but there's nothing behind it. It's all mechanics for her. Tori, while still vocally an adept athelete, has so much soul and emotion and psychological strength in her voice that she trounces (in my opinion) any show of notes Brightman could hit. I love Billie Holliday. Big fan of anything Dave Grohl touches, including of course the eternal Nirvana. Bjork is so fucking awesome! There is this tangible orgasm of joy in her songs that make it impossible to be unhappy while listening to her. I still have no idea how she does what she does with her voice. Poe who found a way to make mourning your father's death uplifting and beautiful. A Perfect Circle (who provides eloquent politically based commentary on society wiothout being preachy, but rather artsy), Oingo Boingo-- (Danny Elfman defines Underappreciated Genious), Audioslave (Chris Cornell--what a voice!!), Blink 182, Pat Benatar fucking ROCKS, The Cure (How did I live so long without them?!), BT, a SOLID, who sings one of my all-time favorite songs, "Satelite". Sarah Mclachlan. OF Course!!! "Fear" remains an all-time fav. (I sang it for a talent show...and lost...) Garbage, who has made one of the most thouroughly solid albums I've ever owned, "Version 2.0". Korn, (Hell yes I still isten to them!). Jimmy Eat World, Kelly Clarkson (amazing vocals...not so much a writer though!), Nelly Furtado, Duran Duran, CHER!!!, Loreena McKennitt, Enya, Bloc Party (Silent Alarm never ceases to entertain and kick ass), The Dreaming (delicious vocals) ... Incubus is brilliant. And it doesn't hurt that their lead singer is unbelievable fuckable. Wait--did I type that?! Beck is a fucking GENIOUS. I defy you to not find a song that fits you in his vast library. The Beatles, of course. How could I forget? Vast, Puracane, and the amazing Portishead (who I came to know via a comparison to my own voice. [I don't hear it]). Linkin park, which always makes me want to dance. Every now and then some hip hop or "R&B" will come along that will really hit home for me, but rarely. I love Outkast. Just try listening to Bombs over Bahgdad without moving. I dare you! I dig Prodigy, who puts on one hell of a live show. Gorillaz stands alone as brilliant atristry and awe-inspiring intergrity. Keith Caputo, who has one of the most natural, un-distilled voices and original writing styles I've ever been so lucky to be introduced to. Have I mentioned Kent yet? Love them! The Vines are fucking rabid electricity...The Smashing Pumpkins, and Red Hot Chili Peppers (sexiest live shows EVER!). Every Second Counts (proud owner of the sexiest drummer in OC). Tenacious D is fucking Brilliant. Never before had a been so deeply moved by tales of Double-teaming and of Sasquatch... The old Classical music of course: Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Schubert, Strauss, and my favorite, Vivaldi. Janis Joplin...I LOVE HER! Many people find her voice to be too abrasive to be pleasant, and even accuse her of the inability to sing at all. Bull. Shit! As a vocalist, I can personally vouch for her that she could sing the pants off of just about anyone out there today. Yes, through her lifestyle, she did rip her voice to shreds, but what she did with it was like chainsaw sculpture. So much beauty out of so much raw pain...She will forever be the embodiment of Soul. I still dig Alanis. Anyone who can make a song using phrases like "sexy treadmill capitalist" and "If we were their condemnations I'd be joining you" earns high marks in my book. She is one of the most intelligent, honest, enlightened, brave, inventive artists that pop music has ever been privy to claim....And that's just off the top of my head!Singing is my love; it is my life; it is my ecstacy... I cannot live without it.
Bis forBewildering
Ris forRebellious
Eis forEnjoyable
Tis forTricky
Ais forAdaptable
Gis forGlittering
Nis forNaive
Eis forEmotional What Does Your Name Mean?Whoa. That's wierd. This is the first quiz thingy that actually figured me out! And it was all totally random!Brittany After a province in France : nullYour calm manner and maturity belie a fierce determination to be at the top where you can exercise authority and get things done. Although somewhat of a rebel you attract much support through treating others with kindness and friendship. You have a broad scope and are naturally drawn to travel or projects which can expand your knowledge and understanding. Your talents and generosity bring you emotional and material contentment.Finally--a dumb internet thing that gets me!
You Were A Jaguar
A shapeshifter that understands the patterns of chaos.
You are powerful and move without fear in dark places. What Animal Were You In a Past Life?


What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
Fight Club!
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeI like corny kid movies, especially those from my own childhood. Like Neverending Story, The Brave Little Toaster, Return to OZ, Land Before Time, Secret of Nimh. (Hey, did anyone ever find out what the secret was? N.I.M.H. stood for something...) I LOVE Babe. Something about a singing pig makes me turn all gooshey inside. Huge Monty Python fan. Almost abrasively dry British humor has a huge place in my heart. Anything in which Norma Shearer has played. (I LOVE her!) I dig scary movies, but I can't watch them alone...or they scare me. With other people, I critique the makeup, get a rush from fear, it's awesome. 28 Days later ROCKED. (Apocolypse, zombies, naked Cillian Murphy--what more could one ask for?) I LOVE M. Night Shayamalan's work. he is definitely underated. I like to watch old movies to see why they were big and still are, and for the acting. (See Bette Davis in Of Human Bondage- awesome bitch!) Braveheart, of course, Dancer in The Dark (I wept bitterly at that one..such strength...), True Romance and Punch Drunk Love are the two most truely romantic films I have ever ever seen. See Them! Chick flicks for the most part make me feel like I'm going to get a sex change. the bitches are always so dumb! "I just met the perfect guy, but for some lame reason, I just can't bring myself to be with him! Ugh! My life is, like, totally hard!...Let's go shopping!" Dumb ass bitches. there are a few exceptions: Romy and Michele...that's all I can think of now. things that make me feel emensely, like the hours (especially recently, it paralled my life in an almost scary way), and pretty much anything Tom Hanks does, Man on Fire (AWESOME MOVIE), I love any movie that can take your perception of reality and turn it completely on its head and fuck it in the ass: Fight club, Se7en, The Matrix, Pi, and of course American Beauty.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which Tim Burton character are you?
It doesn't get much cooler than that.

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Gay Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by QuizillaFirst of all, I have not had TV for a year now, and frankly, feel the better for it. When I do/did watch (thank you Gods of TV shows on DVD!!) I have/had a few shows I like. So Let's face it: for the most part, TV sucks balls. BALLS I tell you! The rare and spectacular exceptions are: the Simpsons, South Park, The Daily Show (I SO want to shag Jon Stuart [that's right, I said shag]), Strangers With Candy, which by the way, why the hell isn't that on air anymore?! It's madness i tell you! Late Night with Conan O'Brien, who I would also totally shag, Futurama, Chappele's show used to be solidly entertaining. I got hooked on Lost for quite a while there... I am in love with the tragically cancelled Firefly... OH, and MST3K, of fucking course!! Reality shows make me hate humanity and want to send money to crazy nuclear physicists with illusions of graduer, poor hygiene, and a general death wish in hopes of them creating a bomb that will wipe out the human race. Ohh! and I LOVE Crocodile Hunter! Steve Irwin, as I've said before, and will always say, was the fuckin' MAN!! :( Which Firefly character are you?
"The Ambassador"
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You are Belle. Intellectual and self assured, you
may catch a lot of flack for your disdain for
being like every other girl out there. Love, to
you, must be something very special to capture
your attention, and you are likely to be strong
willed and not easily dominated. All the same,
family (and this includes close friends) mean
the world to you-- you'd walk through fire to
help the ones you love, and you have the
strength and courage to weather any storm.
The ULTIMATE 'Which Disney Princess Are You?' quiz
brought to you by Quizilla


well let's start out with the two magazine publications that I indulge in. They are my favorites, and I think they give no small amount of insight into my own personality. They are Bitch Magazine - a feminist response to pop culture, and Maxim magazine. That way I get the serious, open-minded, world-scope of news, plus an empowering dose of feminism, and then I can turn to Maxin, get my giggles in and indulge in mindless interviews and advice columns (just in case I ever want to talk my girlfriend into anal sex... as it seems to always be the case), and who doesn't like to ogle hot, scantily clad girls? It's the best of both worlds! As for books... Let's see... I used to, in middle school and such, be way into anything RL Stine did. Big fan o' Goosebumps series. Then I got involved with The Vampire Diaries, and therefore almost any Vampire related teen-type book I could get my hands on. I've read (and loved) Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes and Tis', I read this awesome 600 pager called The Nazi Doctors about all the atrocious medical experiments that went down in the concentration camps. That one went overdue from the library so much my mom up and bought it from them for my birthday. Just for kicks I read Uncle Tom's Cabin. It was sooo good! It takes the first half of the book just to learn the language, but it's definitely worth it. I've read the Guide to Getting It on, a very informative book that everyone, straight, gay, experienced slut, virgin, or religious zealot should read. I read Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones, the only book to date that has made me cry. (I heard they're making it a movie, and I have a feeling it's going to suck ass) and I read her autobiography Lucky, which was wholly depressing and did not feel complete at the end for me. I've read this great Barnes and Noble series called the Most Evil Men and Women, and they also have an addition for the ladies called (apty, and ever so creatively) The Most Evil Women. Very fun. All in all though, I thought Count Vlad Dracul's story very endearing and heartwarming. He had a true love and passion for impaling people. He made it a true art form in his own rite, and I admire him for that. I'm trying to get to all the big classics, so I know why they're considered as such. uncle tom for example, awesome book, and lives up to its Classic reputation. I read The Hunchback of Notre Dame recently. SOOOOO sad! Really though, not a lot in there about the Hunchback in particular. It was more a horrible history of humans' ignorance and malice. Disney could not have bastardized that book any more unless a fairy came down at the end and made Quasimodo handsome so he and Esmeralda could go riding off into the sunset together on the back of a white pony. Re-fucking-diculous. I will never forgive them, and just because of that book! Everything I've read by these women ROCKS: Emily Dickenson and Alice Walker. THEY DO NOT DISAPPOINT!! My Left Foot by Christy Brown. Hey, if you EVER feel like your life is hard and you don't think you can hack it, read this and shut the fuck up. The Teachings of The Buddha, The Bagavad Gita. Cardinal Sins, which I bought mistakenly at a thrift store thinking it was Carnal Sins, but instead relating to catholisism, actually turned out to be quite a soap opera sort of way. I also have a small smut collection consisting of an Aqua Erotica book which was totally disapionting, but all the pages are waterproof, so it was nice to read something whilst in the tub, and a Harlequin novel, Hot on Her Tail. The title alone is hilarious, so I had to get it. Yeah, I had blue balls by the end of it. get to the fucking already! (oy) And An Unquiet Mind by Kay Redfield Jameson. If you are or know someone who is manic depressive, it's a very worthwhile read.
You are the Fool card. The Fool fearlessly begins
the journey into the unknown. To do this, he
does not regard the world he knows as firm and
fixed. He has a seemingly reckless disregard
for obstacles. In the Ryder-Waite deck, he is
seen stepping off a cliff with his gaze on the
sky, and a rainbow is there to catch him. In
order to explore and expand, one must disregard
convention and conformity. Those in the throes
of convention look at the unconventional,
non-conformist personality and think What a
fool. They lack the point of view to understand
The Fool's actions. But The Fool has roots in
tradition as one who is closest to the spirit
world. In many tribal cultures, those born with
strange and unusual character traits were held
in awe. Shamans were people who could see
visions and go on journeys that we now label
hallucinations and schizophrenia. Those with
physical differences had experience and
knowledge that the average person could not
understand. The Fool is God. The number of the
card is zero, which when drawn is a perfect
circle. This circle represents both emptiness
and infinity. The Fool is not shackled by
mountains and valleys or by his physical body.
He does not accept the appearance of cliff and
air as being distinct or real. Image from: Mary
Which Tarot Card Are You?
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Your Personality Profile
You are dignified, spiritual, and wise.
Always unsatisfied, you constantly try to better yourself.
You are also a seeker of knowledge and often buried in books.
You tend to be philosophical, looking for the big picture in life.
You dream of inner peace for yourself, your friends, and the world.
A good friend, you always give of yourself first. The World's Shortest Personality Test


Tori Amos, Steve Irwin, Dakota Fanning (kickass mini-actress), Bjork (kickass singer and actress), John Merrick, Joan of Arc, Emily Dickenson, the Dalai Lama, Amy Sedaris, Conan O' Brien, Helen Keller, Kevyn Aucoin. Also, my family who had the strength to raise me up from the peice of shit that I used to be, always believing I'd eventually become me. (and I did.) I admire anyone who has the guts to know me, and believe me, it takes guts. The friends I have are the highest quality individuals on the planet. They are my angels; they are my strength. I really don't know what I'd do without you guys. :) I will gladly follow you into the fire... width="425" height="350" ..
Dr Finklestein

Which character from The Nightmare Before Christmas are you?
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My Blog

Permanent Stairwell

As a few of you know, I have been rocorded.(!) A wonderful and amazingly kind gentleman named Dennis Coleman heard me at karaoke out here and offered to record me.  I declined. I know a...
Posted by ANIMUS on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 02:33:00 PST

Unveiling HER

As a few of you know, I have been driving myself crazy(r) for the last few weeks trying to finish a project. I wanted to unveil Her properly, and last night, I wrote a huge, very eloquent blog do...
Posted by ANIMUS on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 07:43:00 PST


Steve Irwin, iconic animal-activist resposible for the stereotyping of Australians via his catchphrase, "CRIKEY!" has died today. He was only 44. (taken from CAIRNS, Australia - Steve I...
Posted by ANIMUS on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 03:54:00 PST

Death Warrant for a black Scion

This is a death warrant for one particular bitch I encountered on the road Monday, December 27. It was 9:45 am, I was driving on the 133 (Laguna Canyon Road) on my way to work. In front of me was a w...
Posted by ANIMUS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I am supressing the feeling of contempt that is growing in my throat for you. I already decided to care about you; don't make me take that back. You claim I am "Friend" to you, but you do not treat me...
Posted by ANIMUS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

this is a test...

I'm just wondering what would happen if i wrote that I was in a deep dark depression that looked endless and I found a way out. What if I wrote to tell you all goodbye? What if this was my last desper...
Posted by ANIMUS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

fuck it ALL

DUDE, FUCK THIS SITE. I'm so fucking depressed. I shouldn't be, but I am. i had a great night last night, despite being forgotten; had a great day today, and yet i'm so low. All this does is depress ...
Posted by ANIMUS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I'm drowning I'm drowning I'm drowning Clutching desperately at my life raft he begs me to let go, "You can make it, you can swim" and though I believe I can, I am too terrified of what lay lurk...
Posted by ANIMUS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

bad thoughts

I'm a crumpled human being a crumpled girl and I feel as though GOD HIMSELF is trying to exhaust me (of this life)... and I don't know how much longer I can take it. I am Damaged And I am sca...
Posted by ANIMUS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

(no particular subject, just lame "poetry")

Ashamed of constant longing wishing for more when I have it all Waiting for what will not come Can't keep pretending Can't keep holding it in So sad to be so stupid So stupid to be so sa...
Posted by ANIMUS on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST