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i can make you immortal.... kinda VvvvvV

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (
Hello, i'm Steve and welcome to my little space on the interweb.
This is my personal profile but i've chosen to incorporate my hobby into the page. (part of HobbyFX) is my attempt to offer good looking teeth, fangs and prosthetic makeup to people everywhere that either cant afford or dont need really high quality (hence expensive) special effects makeup.
There are other companies out there that offer similar but why choose me?
Mostly, this is part of my hobby and i do it more for the love of costuming and the satisfaction i get from people enjoying my products.
My 'friends' are from many backgrounds: Goths, LARPers, Cosplay, Costuming, amateur film makers etc. Where films and costumes are concerned, i see a lot of people that put time and money into creating something and then spoil the effect with an obviously cheap set of teeth!
Nearly every other company out there will say
"my product is the best on the market..."
So, my weird way of advertising?... mine isn't the best! i don't try to sell you a vastly overpriced product, i sell something that simply looks great and sits somewhere between cheap generic fangs and expensive perfection!
Check out my NEW website for more information
I am constantly updating the website, go check it regularly!
More to follow soon....
***** IMPORTANT *****
I vet ALL friends requests.
I do read most of the bulletins from friends and, strangely for a business, i wont be having 999999 'friends' on my profile... nobody has THAT many friends!
If your profile is not complete or you dont appear to have any similar interests you need to send me a message or i will likely deny it, or mark as spam if appropriate.
If you post 20 bulletins a day, i will likely delete you and mark as spam if appropriate, dont choke myspace with rubbish!
Bands... i will only add you if i like your music or you have a style that sets you apart from the rest of the sheep out there.
Comments... this for COMMENTS, not an advertising bill board, not for HTML, not for just "thanks for the add" and most definately NOT for comments that are LONG.
If you have a Friends Request from me, it is because i find you or your profile interesting and i want to find out more about you. we will share an interest.

My Interests

fx makeup, costumes, photography, Vampires!, i'm in the TA, model making, surfing (the net), no-budget films, sailing ......

I'd like to meet:

strange, but terry wogan. christopher lee, bill bryson, more gothic friends (esp those that need the dental work)


you name it! i like allsorts.
demo scene, goth, metal, rock, classical, old style r&b, folk, 80's cheese, etc.
except... the 'urgh!list': drum and bass:( new R&B:( Radio1 rubbish:( there's more but its too painful to think of the names!


anything horror, gothic, vampires, sci-fi, chick flicks, etc..

this video is due to obe updated soon


sorry, not something i have anymore... and i dont miss it! prefer to watch online stuff.
Although, i do love the new Dr Who and Torchwood.


bram stokers dracula, clive cussler, isaac asimov, kyle mills, started on a stephen king...
currently Storming Heaven by Kyle Mills. a VERY good read.


my dad, and...

My Blog

calling all potential vampires...

Hi friendsWith Halloween fast approaching this is a little reminder that if you are thinking of some new teeth then please order sooner rather than later.things are starting to pick up and if you leav...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 06:06:00 PST