About Me
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Hi my name is Tamasyn and I'm in my final year of being a teenager. I'm never any good at describing myself so i got some of my friends to describe me in 3 words. (in alphabetical order)
- Funny, Outrageous, Kind
- incredible, understanding and ultimately sexy!!!!!
- quirky, cute, funny
fun, intelligent, superdooper
- Slightly insane, cool :D :P
- Sweet, "Smexi", Cute
- priddy interestinglyquirky amazinglyawesome
- Gorgeous, Wonderful, Awesome
- Witty. Sexy. Coordinated :)
- Flirty, Funny, Woman-Driver
- Freak, Funny, Bizarre
- Lover, Goth, Babe
- Rude, Slash, Pimpin'
- Loud, Friendly, Immature
- crazy sexy biatch
- Tam, crazy, silly
♥ ♥ - Crazy, HAPPY, Luvvvverly
- Quirky, Cool, Bitchin'
- Weird, Pretty, Cool
- Hot-stuff, Splendifero, Sexual
- Funny, Cool, Hot
- Cake Making Genius
- Challenging, Lovely, Freaky
- Loud, Kind, Confident
- amazingly superly you
- Mad, Funny, Cool
- "You're..." "...my..." "...bitch!"
- Ta-Ma-Syn
- Beautiful, Amazing, Tamasyn
- Tall, Dark, Handsome
- i wanna say milf bitch lovely
- Mad, fun and beautiful.
- intelligent , awsome and either mega or quirky
- funny, pirate, pretty
- crazy, loopy, fantastik
- gorgus (howver you spell it) mad.and individual
- A Game Loser
- Mean, Tease, 'mazin
- Fucking, Awesome, (my) Twinnie.
- Chatty, Clever, Impractical
- Amusing, strange and gorgeous ♥
- Thom Sexed Her
- outgoing, crazy and cool
- Enchanting, compelling, resplendent =]
- strong-willed,creative extrovert
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy VII