Pluto's Impact On The Generations |
Pluto's impact on Generations: Past Present FuturePluto in Gemini: "The hypnotized Generation" Indeed, Pluto is a dramatic planet and its impact on generations is obvious for those blessed with th... Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Sat, 19 May 2007 05:06:00 PST |
Diablo |
At my strongest time
I felt the world was mine
'till his eyes called
& my soul inclined
I became enthralled
& lost my spine
destiny stalled
& fate declined
I saw the devil comi... Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Mon, 14 May 2007 12:40:00 PST |
Moon Groove |
This lil groove
is about our satelite the moon
if it moves the ocean twice a day
how does it move me & you?
well water in our body is over 70% percent
so I hope you can see its relevant
& oh s... Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:48:00 PST |
Let the Star Spit |
When I'm blowed
the flow is kinda delirious
it don't show but I know
my rhymes is serious
cuz at times my kind get outta line
can't believe they hearing this
but I'm so kind wit a fine mind
that I'm h... Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:35:00 PST |
Forgive My Fascination... |
Forgive my frustration,
which led to hesitation,
of a good explanation,
for my strange conversation.
See I have searched
all this earth
looking for a man who knew his worth,
so tooken by a plan
to ma... Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:28:00 PST |
Good Info on Chakras |
Sanscrit name: Muladhara (root)
Location: Base of spine, at the seat of Kundalini
Symbol: A circle surrounded by four lotus petals, with a square inside it.
Central i... Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:34:00 PST |
Pluto In Scorpio Generation Poem |
How to erase,
other's implanted mistakes?
Singing negative things,
that will never take place,
never be my taste,
yet I grind my waist,
move my feet,
& contort my face.
Yes, its such a disgrace... Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 11:39:00 PST |
20 Secrets of Love |
1. When two people meet, the prize always goes to the one with the most self-insight. He will be calmer, more confident, more at ease with the other.
2. Never permit the behavior of other people to te... Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 03:34:00 PST |
3 Keys Of The Human Experience |
There are three essential elements in our growth and development:
-Worship -Self-Awareness -Relationships.
Incorporating these three actions into our daily lives... Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 10:46:00 PST |
It's The Little Things... |
The incredible human body is like a battery. Most humans only take sleeping and eating in account for recharging, but there are more simple little pleasures of life that can get yo... Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 01:03:00 PST |