~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ profile picture

~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~

Las estrellas te aconsejan pero no te obligan. = The stars advise you but they do not force you.

About Me

Más profundo que palabras. Siempre estoy chillin’. Amo este juego llamado “vida” y las lecciones que escogemos, incluyendo todos los carácteres. Solo tenemos que hacer y gastar chavos. Amo mi espíritu emprendedor. Amo la astrología, curamiento natural, & la energía de la mente, básicamente " brujeria". La buena intención es importante. Soy una parte de la cura del mundo, como to’a la gente. No necesita ser un genio pa ver que estamos viviendo en el " matrix" y la única cosa de que necesitamos ser salvados es de la ignorancia. Necesita ser tu propio salvador y educarte. Amo esta edad de la información, donde to’a la informacion viene con un “click”. Me encanta cantar y improvesar, dibujar y pintar, bailar y cantar, y soñar y crear. Me encanta el AMOR, aunque es difícil encontrar.
Deeper than words. I'm always chillin. I love this game called life and the lessons we pick through out it, including all the characters. You just gotta make money and spend money the whole game. I love entrepreneurship. I love astrology, natural healing, & the power of the mind, basically "witchcraft". Good intention is important. I am a part of the healing of the world, as you all. It doesnt take a genius to see we're living in the "matrix" and the only thing people need to be saved from is ignorance. Be your own savior and educate yourself. I love the age of information, where anything is a click away. I love to write and freestyle, sketch and paint, dance and sing, and dream and create. I love LOVE, as hard as it is to come by.

My Interests

Unos nacen con estrellas y otros nacen estrellados.= some are born with stars, others are born a star.

Music Is Necessary

Making My Life
Following the Flow of the Universe CURRENT MOON

Self Expression is a Blessing...

I'd like to meet:

People pushing for the positive.
Save The World - One Click At A Time!

On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!

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Reggaeton, Jazz, Reggae, Classical, Hip-Hop, Bachata, R&B, Healing & Easy Listening, Salsa, and some rock.


The Celestine Prophecy, What the Bleep Do We Know, K-Pax, Enemy Mine, The Little Mermaid & grew up on all disney movies, Yo Soy Boricua, Dame La Mano, Geronimo, Kung Fu Hustle, Fearless, The Illusionist, The Secret, Next, Drunken Master, 40 Year Old Virgin, and many more I can't think of right now...




Alicia Key's Tears for Water, Moon Power 2006, And God Created the Stars, I Know All About You, & Power of the Dragon...all available at www.drturi.com; Blue Star Speaks, Energy Secrets, The Pleaidian Workbook, Dictionary, Thesarus, Healing Crystals, Numerology, The Art Of Shen Ku, and many more...


Anybody living like the gods we are, and being our own heroes of our own destinty. The future is the reincarnation of your thoughts.

My Blog

Pluto's Impact On The Generations

Pluto's impact on Generations: Past  Present  FuturePluto in Gemini: "The hypnotized Generation" Indeed, Pluto is a dramatic planet and its impact on generations is obvious for those blessed with th...
Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Sat, 19 May 2007 05:06:00 PST


At my strongest time I felt the world was mine 'till his eyes called & my soul inclined I became enthralled & lost my spine destiny stalled & fate declined I saw the devil comi...
Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Mon, 14 May 2007 12:40:00 PST

Moon Groove

This lil groove is about our satelite the moon if it moves the ocean twice a day how does it move me & you? well water in our body is over 70% percent so I hope you can see its relevant & oh s...
Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:48:00 PST

Let the Star Spit

When I'm blowed the flow is kinda delirious it don't show but I know my rhymes is serious cuz at times my kind get outta line can't believe they hearing this but I'm so kind wit a fine mind that I'm h...
Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:35:00 PST

Forgive My Fascination...

Forgive my frustration, which led to hesitation, of a good explanation, for my strange conversation. See I have searched all this earth looking for a man who knew his worth, so tooken by a plan to ma...
Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:28:00 PST

Good Info on Chakras

  FIRST OR ROOT CHAKRA Sanscrit name: Muladhara (root) Location: Base of spine, at the seat of Kundalini Symbol: A circle surrounded by four lotus petals, with a square inside it. Central i...
Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:34:00 PST

Pluto In Scorpio Generation Poem

How to erase, other's implanted mistakes? Singing negative things, that will never take place, never be my taste, yet I grind my waist, move my feet, & contort my face. Yes, its such a disgrace...
Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 11:39:00 PST

20 Secrets of Love

1. When two people meet, the prize always goes to the one with the most self-insight. He will be calmer, more confident, more at ease with the other. 2. Never permit the behavior of other people to te...
Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 03:34:00 PST

3 Keys Of The Human Experience

THE KEYS TO BALANCE AND HARMONY .."> There are three essential elements in our growth and development: -Worship -Self-Awareness -Relationships. Incorporating these three actions into our daily lives...
Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 10:46:00 PST

It's The Little Things...

The incredible human body is like a battery. Most humans only take sleeping and eating in account for recharging, but there are more simple little pleasures of life that can get yo...
Posted by ~*La EsTreLLa D'La NuEvA EsCuELa*~ on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 01:03:00 PST