Partnering with other coporations, individuals, non-profits, church's and organizations in the community. Making a positive social change which lasts a lifetime in the lives of those we touch. "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day but teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime" in essence we break the cycle, we stop the enabling process and let families have ownership in what they do. Stop the generational curse, it's never to late, it starts with you!
Anyone who feels that they would like to be a part of God's work in making a difference in the life of a broken or hurting family one child at a time. You can help make a difference!
Douglas Campbell co-founder and executive director is an accomplised pianist and singer, he has written several songs "Abide in Me" and "Suffer the little Children". He is a music leader for praise worship for Celebrate Recovery in San Marcos, CA and Plays and sings at Celebrate Recovery in Escondido. He plays piano, syths, Organ, Trumpet, and drums.
Currently writting "Pushing the River" will be publishing Spring of 2008. It is a book about walking in faith and living in God's blessings and direction. How to recognize the calling on your life and answer the call.
The Lord Jesus Christ! And missionaries around the world giving up all there comfort and lifestyle to follow the calling of Christ in their life.