Hosted by Dr.Sampler (Monty)
Sweetybird started 1996 in Stuttgart / Germany as Mc, one year later she
started to spin records.
She was working for several Soundsystems and clubs before she build her own
sound 1999.
Sweety is Mc and Selectress in one person, Monty is her helping hand and a
true specialist on the sampler!
Sweety was Mc in Mexico (Playa del Carmen), she spin records in Jamaica
(Harbour view / Trench Town / Tresure Beach), and together with Monty they
play all over europe, for example : Switzerland (the homeland of Sweety) /
Germany / Austria / Holland / Slovenia / Italy...
Sweetybird-Sound taken part of the first Swiss Dancehall Clash 2004.
Since 2000 she has here own radio show at radio lora in Zürich /
check it!